WZCW Question Thread

Downward Spiral

I'm Not From Your Country
Have any questions you need to ask? Such as, when is the first show coming up, when do you need to start RPing, or just general questions about anything in WZCW, or E-Feds in general.
I'm going to take an estimate and say next wednesday. We'll start letting you RP on thursday of this week, and the deadline for RP's should be sunday night. We'll write the shows monday-wednesday, and hopefully have it posted by Wednesday night.
if we only have 2 titles, it wont work out to well, it would kind of suck if you were a new guy who was to heavy to challenge for the lightweight, but were way better than any of the lightweights, but suck against the heavyweights.
if we only have 2 titles, it wont work out to well, it would kind of suck if you were a new guy who was to heavy to challenge for the lightweight, but were way better than any of the lightweights, but suck against the heavyweights.

Well I would say that the belts wont be on weight divisions for the wrestlers. All will be determined by how well someone roleplays. So the better roleplayers (for example Shocky, Downward, X & Big Ace to name a few) will be the ones fighting over the main title, as it should be. The guys down a step or two, like myself, will most likely be involved in the mid card title regardless of how big or small you are. As this will represent the better performers at the top of the pyramid with the guys in mid card looking too push towards the top. As you roleplays improve, if you are in midcard, I would guess that you will recieve a push into the main event frame.
So the better roleplayers (for example Shocky, Downward, X & Big Ace to name a few) will be the ones fighting over the main title, as it should be. The guys down a step or two, like myself, will most likely be involved in the mid card.

This is the part where you're wrong wot. I'm not going for the Main Title and neither is DC or Spiral. We, as staff, don't want to even think about contending for the Title. My mission is to get over as many people as possible before I really start giving some great promos. You all will most likely start off in the Main Event, and I'll be working with a babyface mid-carder to get him over, and to help him learn. I might also be training some guys on the side to be great heels to feud with a guy like DC one day. Anyway, as long as you cut a good promo, you'll probably start off in the Main Event. Once again I will guarentee you this now, DC, Spiral, AJ, and myself, will NOT be even thinking of contending for the Title within the first 6 months.

Can we change moves and finishers as our wrestler developed?

You have to let us know before you do it. PM a Staff Member if you want to do it. If he approves, then sure.

And to answer Sincade and Enforcer-

No. We won't be split in divisions unless we have 10 light-heavyweights and 10 heavyweights for each to compete in their own. I'm not really into that because I think everyone should have a fair shot at the Title if they're one of the top RP'ers.
Will there be Factions?

if by factions, you mean tag teams i assume, i think there will be a tag team division, but once we have more wrestlers, like me and ozzman14's characters kind of mold together because we were "former ROH tag team champions" in short, maybe later after we are more established.
To have a tag team division, we need at least 3 or 4 tag teams. But we'd only have these tag teams is we had sufficient enough singles wrestlers. So for now, the focus is going to be on the singles titles, and bringing in a tag team title will only come in when we are ready and established enough to hold one.

You can make those on your own, during your roleplay's. But everyone in the group has to agree to it.
how does this stuff work, and how do you get in, can you explain the rules, how you get in, and how you get on the card
hey, speaking of new wrestlers, has ,my character been accepted, i made chages to him so the whole Kenny thing isnt in copyright infringment with WWE
Ozzman, I moved your post in here because this is where you ask questions. And I'll have to field this one to our talent relations guy, Wotdoiput.
oooops, sorry about that i didnt see this thread, anyway, about the tag team thing earlier in this thread, I guess Gus and i could re-unite, but not as the lunatics, as DXtreme, (D-Generation Xtreme) or if that isnt accepted b/c its kind of like DX mixed with Team Extreme, you could call us, The Minions of Extreme (or Darkness) wich do you like better?
Ok Ozzman I have looked over your application, just a few things I have questions with and a couple Id like you to change.

I personally think being from Parts Unknown doesnt really fit in with your whole gimmick, so if you could think on that that would be great. Also with your finishers it would be great if you could think up some orginal names, ok to use the stunner... but your not Stone Cold. Also would it be possible for you to thhink of another finisher other than a Super Kick?? Seems rather popular with everyone thats all.

Now for your tag reunion thats great. I would personally say no to DXtreme (for the reasons u mentioned) I would say no Minions of Extreme as well for the Team Extreme part, and to me the Minions of Darkness doesnt fit in with either yours or Gus's gimmicks.

Also if yu 2 do tag up and have some double team moves, for example a finisher let myself or one of the others know. :)
alright, just say im from Reno, Nevada. Switch my finishers to, The Twist of Fate, call it JLT (just like that) and the shooting star press, as far as the tag team name goes, i cant think of anything, but Gus said he had an idea, so ill let him post that, as far as double teaming, i guess The Hardys double leg drop thing, Gus would to the reality check (the Jeff Hardy Leg drop) and i'd do the Matt Hardy leg drop. and the X mark, which is we both hit a superkick. and the move we call the insane combo, Gus goes for a school boy, but the opponent isnt falling, i run in and hit either a clothesline or superkick or dropkick, and then they fall into the schoolboy. I know thats a lot, but Gus and i team together in our real bakcyard fed, and those are our double teams.
Hey, our friends said that they want to join, and they want to be a faction here in WZCW, as far as my and Kennys team name, call us, The Dream Team, or The Supreme Ones, whichever one Kenny likes better.
I like The Supreme ones myself, i think it works for our gimmicks, great choice Gus, also, Gus, how did you get Joe and Jerry to join, PM me, so that we dont spam this thread up anymore than we aleady did.

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