

I used to be a big deal
There have been some moderate changes to the staff after a few developments over the last couple of days.

Big Ace and DC are officially out of Creative Control. AJ is taking a lesser role, limited to making graphics.

The official make-up of the staff is as follows:

Prax - Head Booker -
Any issues with a booking or general questions come to me.

Downward Spiral - Head Writer - Second in command - Any questions/requests you have in terms of an actual match writing, submitting a promo to a show (details on that to follow soon), and general questions when I'm not around, contact DS.

Wotdoiput - Head of Talent Relation -
Anything to do with the roster/applications, talk to Wot.
AJ - Only if you need a sig or a graphic, but I'm sure he'd be kind enough to help you out with something else on occasion :D

Also, Echelon will be joining the Staff and writing matches. Details on his role on the staff to come.

Just PM any of us if you have a question. You can see at the bottom of the main page of the forums if we're online. Considering Wot and DS are in Australia, and I'm on the East Coast it'd be rare one of us isn't.

Details on these recent events and what this means for WZCW, as well as several more changes that will occur will be posted in due time.
The show is being posted tomorrow, as it always has been planned for. There is still one more match to write though, so that will need to be done, but everything should be done by the time I get on tomorrow.
Coming tomorrow also you'll be getting a Roleplaying Guide. Most of you obviously know what you're doing but I wanted to clear a few things up about roleplaying and what the expectations are.

Also, we want to encourage submitting roleplays to us to post on the shows, like in ring promos and stuff.

And discouraging posting in an arena in front of the crowd otherwise, being original, etc.

Details on that will be posted tomorrow.
well when i said "today" its cause it was after midnight where I am lol. But ok lol glad to hear everything is still on schedule

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