WZCW Kingdom Come IV LD

Well, I'm going to feign interest. What has people been doing to pass the time?

American dad and amily guy on TiVo. Also watching tons of voice actors read through star wars using their most famous characters (Twilight Sparkle was Han solo in the cantina while Billy West voiced Greedo) t was pretty goddamn funny actually
Yeah, she is not a fan either, she can't suspend disbelief for it at all, even watching good workers if she sees the faintest amount of daylight between two guys she can't not call it.

She likes "That flippy one" (Evan Bourne - she couldn't be bothered to learn his name) and she finds Vickie Guerro hilarious. Everything else she hates.

I hear ya. I've tried to explain it, but she's still caught up on "but...it's fake!".

I'm close to giving up on winning her over on it. Is it worth losing my sanity? I mean, really?
I used to have my partner sleep downstairs on the sofa when I wanted to stay up to watch TNA.

We're not together any more.
I hear ya. I've tried to explain it, but she's still caught up on "but...it's fake!".

I'm close to giving up on winning her over on it. Is it worth losing my sanity? I mean, really?

I have long since given up, she cares about my guy in WZCW though, but ony because it's a hobby and not just something I watch. It's traded off though by her total lack of interest in videogames that aren't minecraft. (I like it too but it's all she will play - she does like watching me play the Portal games though)
I have long since given up, she cares about my guy in WZCW though, but ony because it's a hobby and not just something I watch. It's traded off though by her total lack of interest in videogames that aren't minecraft. (I like it too but it's all she will play - she does like watching me play the Portal games though)

I watched my mate play the Portal games. I liked playing them but I have to say (especially with 2) that it is just as much fun, if not more, to watch someone play it. Not even sure why. Probably mainly Wheatly. Oh, and Cave Johnson. Pesky lemons...
I watched my mate play the Portal games. I liked playing them but I have to say (especially with 2) that it is just as much fun, if not more, to watch someone play it. Not even sure why. Probably mainly Wheatly. Oh, and Cave Johnson. Pesky lemons...

Easily two of the best games ever made, difficult but not impossible, totally hilarious and enough going on that you want to spend more time being totally confused by it. Easily my GOTY last year and there were some amazing games last year
I'd have to know who's writing what before I started hazarding guesses as to what will be stealing the show.
Well the gang's all there. I wonder what all of the characters I signed in for have. In common. Well, I don't but some of you guys might.
I wanna say my match, isn't it the only "Normal match", besides Burna/Kurtesy, even though that's gonna be a huge clusterfuck?

I have read the almost entirety of the card and you guys are going to have so much fun trying to pick the best match.

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