WZCW Kingdom Come IV LD

The show was so good that when I came, I spread it on toast and consumed it so I could experience the greatness again. What I'm trying to say is it was the pinnacle of human happiness. Knowing it's all downhill from here, I may well slit my wrists later. Goodbye, cruel world and WZCW Universe.
We're supposed to read those things? Here I thought we were just playing roulette with our votes.

Roulette? I assumed you guys just ignored all facts and voted for the guy you liked best. That's the WZ way, as evidenced by the tournaments.
The show was so good that when I came, I spread it on toast and consumed it so I could experience the greatness again. What I'm trying to say is it was the pinnacle of human happiness. Knowing it's all downhill from here, I may well slit my wrists later. Goodbye, cruel world and WZCW Universe.

I doubt it'll go down in quality. This isn't WWE.
Celeste Crimson? Day 1.

The triple threat at the Lottery would have been my first title match of any sort. I haven't had many opportunities in the past for title shots because I haven't really wanted them. I was placed in the Eurasian Title tourney in 2009, and I still managed to beat Rush in the first round with an RP that basically said "fuck the title, fuck everyone in this tournament, and fuck this company if I make it past the first round."

Nowadays I wouldn't mind having a shot at the Elite X or Eurasian titles as I'm probably like 3rd or 4th in line for the WZCW title.
Finally got round to having a proper read of Kingdom Come last night. First of all, thank you to every single member of creative for the obvious time and creative effort you put into each of your matches. Each one felt like a main event and they were a pleasure to be able to read. I'd definitely join in with people calling it the best event in WZCW; it was flawless. It had humour in Saxton/Saboteur (which was fucking hilarious on every awesome level), amazing levels of brutality (KFAD, Mayhem title were both incredible, but Holmes/Dave took it to another level with what I consider to be the best match I've ever read), a drama-filled match with everything on the line in AoC vs WZCW, an insane yet intriguing triple threat match, and a superb main event that twisted and turned from the very get-go.

Obviously I enjoyed my match. Showtime did a superb job to the point where words cannot do it justice. Thoroughly enjoyed it to the point that I wouldn't have minded losing the belt to Scumm having had such a great match. That said, I didn't think I was going to win, and am a bit shocked. Scumm did a great job on his RP and would have deserved to win many matches with it, and I am genuinely surprised he didn't walk away with the victory. It was a pleasure, good sir.

So yeah, congrats to all the competitors on stellar RP's, and all the creative members for putting together the single best show that could have been possible. It's been an absolute pleasure to be a part of such a fantastic event.

Nowadays I wouldn't mind having a shot at the Elite X or Eurasian titles as I'm probably like 3rd or 4th in line for the WZCW title.

As much as I'd get my ass kicked, I'd love the chance to face you :)
Obviously I enjoyed my match. Showtime did a superb job to the point where words cannot do it justice. Thoroughly enjoyed it to the point that I wouldn't have minded losing the belt to Scumm having had such a great match. That said, I didn't think I was going to win, and am a bit shocked. Scumm did a great job on his RP and would have deserved to win many matches with it, and I am genuinely surprised he didn't walk away with the victory. It was a pleasure, good sir.
Mate, as you said, it was a pleasure to face you. I hope it happens again in the future, under higher circumstances ;)

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