WZCW Discussion Thread

Not sure, I'm not sure I have any ideas left for Hyada to do.

It's a character I really like but nothing sounds good for him.

Another run at the tag division sounds decent right now. Work with a new guy and hash out ideas.

I remember you telling me how you enjoyed tag teaming in the fed.
Not sure, I'm not sure I have any ideas left for Hyada to do.

It's a character I really like but nothing sounds good for him.

You ever see The Beach with Leo Dicaprio? He goes crazy and thinks he's in a video game at one point in the movie and offs some dudes.

Heel gimmick baby. Goes crazy, thinks he's in a video game and everyone around him is an enemy or NPC in it.
You ever see The Beach with Leo Dicaprio? He goes crazy and thinks he's in a video game at one point in the movie and offs some dudes.

Heel gimmick baby. Goes crazy, thinks he's in a video game and everyone around him is an enemy or NPC in it.

That's potentially a little similar to Theron. If he did other genres that aren't the same style as FF, Dragon Quest, Lord of the Rings, etc.... It should be fine. If he did this and focused on Beat Em Up, Shooters, or games with sci-fi environments it could be really interesting.
That's potentially a little similar to Theron. If he did other genres that aren't the same style as FF, Dragon Quest, Lord of the Rings, etc.... It should be fine. If he did this and focused on Beat Em Up, Shooters, or games with sci-fi environments it could be really interesting.

Literally thought of this after I posted it.

I was leaning more towards Beat em up/fighting game.
Finally, my RP is up. Hopefully, it's good.

So, Theron in a Beat 'em up? How about Theron in a cyberpunk setting? In any case, I'll be in for the ride!
Sorry about the no show this week guys. My heart's just not in WZCW anymore.

It's been fun while it lasted, but this is for sure the last you'll ever see of Derek in WZCW, and me too.


When I put this up, I was going through a lot of personal issues that I don't want to get into at this time. Long story short, some stuff happened that made me kind of an asshole and I needed to fix them before they got too out of hand.

I want to come back to WZCW, but only if you guys will let me come back. I won't be a nuisance, and I won't be a dick like I was before. I don't want to bother with an application unless I know you guys will have me back. If not, I understand.
For what its worth, I have no problem with you coming back. I'll send it into the back and discuss it.
So, the Badges and The Power Rankings have been updated. Apologies for the delay in getting the Power Rankings up for y'all. FalK and I had agreed on the list a couple of weeks ago but neither of found the time to get it up, with All Stars and other things.

Anyways, enjoy.
When you've read meltdown the Archive of Episode 2 of our Dungeons and Dragons clusterfuck is about to go live I've embedded it below for when it's ready!


If you missed episode 1 check out the playlist by clicking...

Not working...

If you give it 10 minutes - it's still processing but I'm about to go to bed.

I tried to export it from twitch TWICE. Luckily I keep a Local Archive of that sort of thing. Incidentally I have quite a few episodes of the old podcast if anyone is interested in being able to see them.

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