WZCW Discussion Thread

What's the word on this, kupo? I'm curious.

It's about ready. I had to do more revision than expected. My RP takes priority though so it will be delayed a few more days. I also had some unexpected events come up this weekend that kept me busier than I thought I'd be, so sorry for the delay, which actually will be good timing as this is essentially my Christmas gift to you guys. Without revealing too much it's like the forum-wide Christmas gifts I've done in previous years with a spin on it geared toward WZCW.
I feel like shit. Not depressed. But just "Jesus Christ, I'm fucked up" type of shit. Barely sleep, barely eat, can't focus, having zero energy, I hate this. I used to be sick, but now its gone, but still feel like shit.

Anyone have any remedies or suggestions? That don't involve sleep. Because this 'Murica and resting is for lazy bastards.
I feel like shit. Not depressed. But just "Jesus Christ, I'm fucked up" type of shit. Barely sleep, barely eat, can't focus, having zero energy, I hate this.

Anyone have any remedies or suggestions? That don't involve sleep. Because this 'Murica and resting is for lazy bastards.

Well if you're having trouble focusing and are lethargic, I can take care of the title for you until you start feeling better.

On a legitimate suggestion, ginseng helps me with the lack of focus, and it's pretty cheap to pick up as well.
I don't think you have the strength to go out on the open waters. There is a high chance of drowning should you go motorboating.
Fuck this, my motivation is down the toilet. Much easier to flush than reach in and try to get it.
Same here. Between work, Christmas/holiday preparations and more work, I don't have any creative juices flowing... and I have already written a shaving RP for this character!

Maybe you could write a shaving RP for SHIT but shaving as in metal shaving, with the chainsaw.
Just a 3000 word RP of them shaving each other, describing each stroke with the razor in extreme detail. Could be a metaphor for something I'm sure. Can't think of anything right now.

Its settled then

I didn't think robots had hair.

There is much and more you and I don't know about robots

SHIT should shave Alhazred with some thingamajig on his person.

Make Milenko smile.

All I am thinking of now is a transsexual robot shaving Alhazred with its thingymajig
Its settled then

There is much and more you and I don't know about robots

All I am thinking of is a transsexual robot shaving Alhazred with its thingymajig

Hmm Alhazred getting shaved by a robot dick...there's something to this. Something about a robot dick razor shaving Alhazred's moustache and soul patch slowly and both of them just sitting there as serious as possible like this is something normal and happens every day and that everyone else does.

I don't even know if we could get to the ball shaving part and still keep it SFW.
Just an update on my current situation.

I just passed the swim test for my career jump to law enforcement. Tomorrow I have to take my agility test and after that? I get to fill out some job applications. Fun stuff all around.

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