WZCW Discussion Thread

Hmm Alhazred getting shaved by a robot dick...there's something to this. Something about a robot dick razor shaving Alhazred's moustache and soul patch slowly and both of them just sitting there as serious as possible like this is something normal and happens every day and that everyone else does.

I don't even know if we could get to the ball shaving part and still keep it SFW.

Paraphrased... "SHIT ran its tool down Alhazred's course stubble, stroke after stroke it repeated the action until the task was done and it was spent."

I dunno, looks clean enough to me, sort of artistic and a metaphor for life and wrestling or something.
Shite RP by me there, the downside of having 24 hours notice about an interview.
Wrote my Makarov RP a few days ago and I'm still happy with it. I had the idea for the Constantine RP yesterday as I try to take him in a completely "dickish" heel direction. I didn't have a lot of time to get it all done tonight but I'm happy with what I got out there. Short, sweet and to the point.
I had way too much fun writing that RP. It's ludicrous, and Thriller's elegANT was perfect for the role I put him in.
Awesome. Managed to get back home in time to finish off my RP without needing that soft extension I requested.

Now... time to finish off my Christmas shopping. Eve loves to shop.
Didn't we fuck up James King? You can talk about that I guess.

S.H.I.T never really liked its other stable mates... even Alhazred was debatable, I suppose it could be angry on his behalf but S.H.I.T doesn't exactly do empathy either.

Actually, that lack of any real driving force is probably why I always need associates
Got my first two amiibos today. A Link and a Peach. Link is going to be Theron. Peach may end up being Kirilah but I have not made up my mind yet. I might get one for each Misfit, if I go that route then I'll have to wait for a Rosalina one for Kaleesta and a Bowser for Sheshmish. Keifasar and Kayrentia would both fall under "to be determined". I dunno if I'd actually use that many amiibos, 6 is a bit much.

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