WZCW Discussion Thread

Nah, he'd probably get hired as a full time executioner. Pick your poison: electric chair, legal injection, firing squad, or Consecrated Banishment.

No need for explanation, just get a black T-shirt with 'Consecrated Banishment' red sharpied across the chest. Pardoned in no time.
Ty Burna as a lawyer is a great All Stars gimmick, do it Ace Attorney style.

Thus it is written...


Consecreted Banishment.

It's too good of a gimmick. WWE creative spies will be on here stealing it for sure. Next thing we know we'll see the damn Undertaker in a suit and tie trying to trial people.
Spider Meng said:
When did Tastic become an anime fan? Like seriously.

Damn. Were the days of Matt as the "Super Saiyan of Pro Wrestling" that far back? Appreciate the feedback. All of it. Except KB's. 'Cause he says I ripped off the intro video. But apparently, I can't rep you guys.
I know there is a lot of talk about there not being enough foundation under each match going in (I have been saying it since mid-cycle), but Kingdom Come was pretty solid. I have some criticisms, but the good far out-weighed the bad in my opinion.

Great job, Creative. Thanks for putting in the work.
Thanks Kermit.

The problem we had this year was that there were so many moving pieces up until the last moment. It was difficult but we'll make sure we remedy it for next year.

Also, a lot of updates are going to come your way guys. Look out for them, they're game-changers!
Also, I'd like to personally that k everyone for their show feedback. Whilst I'm sure some people are disappointed, I completely respect your points of view.

Personally, I'm going to take your feedback on board and try to deliver more for all of you guys if and when that's possible. So thanks again, fellas.
I may have been a bit more critical than I wanted to be. Overall I still enjoyed it and am for sure looking forward to Redemption.

I think it's Redemption that's next anyways.
So the new Dragon Age game looks AMAZING. I got the collector's edition guide and I've been flipping through it. What sucks is I won't be able to actually play it until friday.


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