WZCW Discussion Thread

You're tons of story to fill in here!



Beware the four round cycle...................bEwArE..~~~~~~~~~~~~ oooooo~~~~~~~~~~~~~~oohoOoOoOoOoOoooooooo~~~ooOo~



Uh......what have you been smoking and where can I get some?

Uh......what have you been smoking and where can I get some?

I've bEeN sMoKiNg ThE tImE wAsTeD oN a FoUr RoUnD cYcLe~~~~~~~~~ ooooOoooOOooOOooOOo~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ oooo~~~ooo~~`ooo~~ooo



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So I'm super excited for the new Linkin Park album coming out in 2 weeks. "Until It's Gone" is such an awesome song.
So I'm super excited for the new Linkin Park album coming out in 2 weeks. "Until It's Gone" is such an awesome song.

...can you see me?

I literally was singing "One Step Closer," refreshed the main forum, saw that you posted in here so checked it out.

The hell man?
...can you see me?

I literally was singing "One Step Closer," refreshed the main forum, saw that you posted in here so checked it out.

The hell man?

Living Things is a hell of a tough act to follow (in quality anyway, I cannot fathom how that album didn't see a significantly higher amount of success) but I'm quite excited about this new material. A ton of things and changes are going on in real life right now so this album is coming out at the perfect time, the brunt of those changes go into effect that week.

EDIT: It won't effect my RP'ing or forum activity in general. I'm here to stay. :)
I'm pretty far behind on current metal. The only album from this year I've had a chance to listen to in full is Edguy's Space Police. Otherwise, it's pretty much 70's, 80's, 90's and early 00's from my end. What I do know is that Judas Priest and Slayer are releasing a new album this year. Not expecting either to be ground breaking, but it's great to see both bands still going strong, especially the latter with the loss of Jeff.
I listen to everything good. From Queen to Metallica; Lady Gaga to 2Pac... but since we're talking metal, let's go modern on this bitch:


Excellent live band. First time I went inside the mosh pit was with these guys and it was amazing.

If we start talking about metal, I'm going to need my own thread otherwise I'd probably spam this thread.

Trust me. We'll need that 4th cycle.

You mean 4th round? A cycle is everything between one PPV to the next.
Not bad. Not bad at all... however... can't beat a classic


That was actually my friend's band. They started up a few years ago. The guitarist is absolutely sick. Watching them live you're captivated watching him shred when he hits his solos. It's crazy because back in high school he was never that good. I think he sold his soul to get that skill.
That was actually my friend's band. They started up a few years ago. The guitarist is absolutely sick. Watching them live you're captivated watching him shred when he hits his solos. It's crazy because back in high school he was never that good. I think he sold his soul to get that skill.

1991 is a few years ago? Well, I recall Nirvana releasing Nevermind the same year. To me that wasn't that long ago.

Also I see your Venom and I raise you...

That depends on what you consider regular rock.

Not metal?

I vary greatly, I listen to Beatles, Stones, NIN, Soundgarden, Pearl Jam, Muse, Mumford and Sons, Ausioslave, Depeche Mode, Creed, Massive Attack, Cash, She Wants Revenge, etc.

But 90% of the time it's 90s rock or bands like Audioslave.
I remember me, Ech and Spider were debating the top ten metal bands of all time in the podcast chat before, and I think we had a good list. IIRC, it was:

Black Sabbath
Iron Maiden
Judas Priest
And something else I forgot. Motorhead, Motley Crue or Dream Theatre?
Most rock I listen to is classic rock like Def Leppard, Guns & Roses etc.

But the type of music I listen to most is pop-punk.
Most rock I listen to is classic rock like Def Leppard, Guns & Roses etc.

But the type of music I listen to most is pop-punk.

I can only do classic rock for so long before I have to roll back to modern times.

Like, I'll go through a Beatles, Stones and Eagles song then be good to go.

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