WZCW Discussion Thread

I went a little out there in comparison to my normal approach when writing RPs, but I like it. This was a weird week for me, so why not follow it with a weird (and very fun to write) RP?


Spidey said:
♫Do you wanna see a cave, Ram?
Or in the dark you stay?
All Or Nothing is over now
No wondering how
Those two goofs seized the dayyyy

We still have one another
Cerberus Knocks
And now we're really pissed offfffff

Do you wanna see a cave, Ram?
Then we will focus on a game plannn♫

Kermit, please tell me Krillin doesn't teach at the Hero Academy.

I don't want to learn his special move:

And mine is up. It was a bit tough writing not knowing who my opponent was, so I just had fun with it. Enjoy reading it, guys! :)
Will need a soft extension tonight. Shouldn't need more than hour. It's mostly done, just need to write the ending and format it. Can't do that until Clayton goes to bed, and he usually stays up later than me and he's such a computer hog. Sigh, when will they make a baby nyquill?
Will need a soft extension tonight. Shouldn't need more than hour. It's mostly done, just need to write the ending and format it. Can't do that until Clayton goes to bed, and he usually stays up later than me and he's such a computer hog. Sigh, when will they make a baby nyquill?

Children's Benadryl is your friend.
RP done.

Once all the RP's are in and the thread is closed, I shall make my annual "Predict your own Roulette card" thread so we can generate some fun before creative take their sweet ass time to get those damn shows up. Bloody, incompetent overlords. If I was ever overlord, I would totally not delay the shows ever even if the reasons were totally legitimate... if only that opportunity was ever extended to me...
Really disappointed but I don't think I'm going to get an RP done. I love to Roulette Rounds so much but it was a super shitty week at work and I'm way too tired to write anything. Sorry guys.
Really disappointed but I don't think I'm going to get an RP done. I love to Roulette Rounds so much but it was a super shitty week at work and I'm way too tired to write anything. Sorry guys.

Dunno if it's achievable but there'll still be a soft extension till like 3 or so.
That was a long ass wait to post that RP up. I had it done on Wednesday but I didn't want to give anyone an advantage in reading mine first.
I'd just write Blade flinging potatoes at everyone while shouting "fella!" and stopping for the occasional pint. Before throwing the pint.
Two words: Felt Epic

Managed a shout out to everyone who RP'd (Young J twice cause we're coming for those titles), everyone on creative (suck up vote :)), and anyone else I felt like. Ty, you are the inspiration to so many great RP's. Thanks for bringing Burna back.

Victoria Day Sunday is also a day my in-law purchases a mad time ton of fireworks and organizes a 6-7 set show for us to do that evening. Will be fun times.

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