WZCW Discussion Thread

A couple of great shows this week guys, especially heading into the PPV.

Really happy that Winters and I managed to pick up the win over Stormrage and Tastic. Sets The Elite up rather nicely for the PPV..
Woah, dude. Let's get somethin' straight here, jack. You pinned and only beat Mikey Stormrage, brother. You never beat Matt Tastic, dude. The one and only cockfighting master of WZCW, brother.
So M debuts at this PPV in the battle royal, woohoo. M is both excited and terrified. Only 37% of the terrified-ness is because he is drunk (it's 5am here and his girlfriend is passed out in a McDonald's)

M has to wait 2 hours until he can get on a train home. To combat the ensuring boredom M will endure, M has devised a multiple choice question to hopefully reduce this boredom in some capacity:
If you were in M's shoes right now, would you;
A) stay at Mcdonalds and hope they don't kick you out.
B) go on a stroll with the passed out girlfriend to sober her up a bit so she doesn't explode on the morning train home.
C) catch a taxi and hope she doesn't explode on the hour long taxi ride back to her house.
Other suggestions are also welcomed.
I'm in the melbourne central business district (AKA the main city bit) so there's McDonald's everywhere here, only stupid thing is that clubs here will usually kick you out at 3am on Thursday nights and trains don't run until around 7:30am so you have 4.5 hours of nothing which sucks if you're looking after drunk people :( schnitzel roll thingy at McDonalds was actually good though so I'm happy haha :D

EDIT: dat drunk grammar....
I'm think about doing another Sailor Moon type mini game for AON feedback and the next round. Only this one will be allot simpler. Anyone game?

Sailor Moon? I don't know nearly as much about the show as you do but count me in!
Remind me to do things for you because love and stuff &#9829;&#9825;

Those things are better suited to happen to your girlfriend.

Just don't try the donkey punch. No good comes of that when she's drunk
So M debuts at this PPV in the battle royal, woohoo. M is both excited and terrified. Only 37% of the terrified-ness is because he is drunk (it's 5am here and his girlfriend is passed out in a McDonald's)

M has to wait 2 hours until he can get on a train home. To combat the ensuring boredom M will endure, M has devised a multiple choice question to hopefully reduce this boredom in some capacity:
If you were in M's shoes right now, would you;
A) stay at Mcdonalds and hope they don't kick you out.
B) go on a stroll with the passed out girlfriend to sober her up a bit so she doesn't explode on the morning train home.
C) catch a taxi and hope she doesn't explode on the hour long taxi ride back to her house.
Other suggestions are also welcomed.

I am too. You better live up to the hype. As for a suggestion, be a man and carry her home bridal style. It's only an hour long walk.
What did Ken say when Chun-Li asked to borrow his car?

I am too. You better live up to the hype. As for a suggestion, be a man and carry her home bridal style. It's only an hour long walk.

I took her to the station like that if that counts for anything :p

As for living up to hype; why would you hype me?? I'm just a letter for gods sake ;_;
Although, if you liked the sample RP for the character, then I guess you can look forward to more of the same except longer and loosely related to the plot/matches. Enjoy~? :D

Falk/Haiku: she does make me punch her in the stomach sometimes, she insists it's to help her get abs but I don't know.... :p

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