WZCW Discussion Thread

I just notice when people keep asking, things get rushed. When it's rushed, we get disappointed at the results. I agree that when they don't go up at the scheduled time it is reasonable to ask about it, but then again we all have lives and they will get it up when they get it up. I understand why it takes a while for something like that.

Better to bring that up now than to push Creative to give us low quality shows.

Oh, stop it. The reason things are rushed is because people are not doing what they are supposed to do in the time they are given. The quality of work put out has nothing to do with people asking when the show will be posted. Day delays are understandable if they happen every now and then, but if they are happening consistently it is obvious someone isn't pulling their weight on the team. If someone cannot meet the deadlines that have been in place for the last 3-5 years plus on the Creative team they should man-up and do what is best for the fed (see: Shotaro). There are a ton of young eager guys who would love a shot.

I've been on both sides of the glass and I know that the work is very doable in the time given, barring no major emergency. But even for me when I had emergencies, the delays on my part could have been avoided had I done my match in the first 2-3 days after voting. I belive it was Gelgarin who said it best once upon a time. Why add more time in the deadline just for people to procrastinate more?

Please don't chastise joe schmoe for the quality of Creative's work because he simply asked when a delayed show was going up.
I'm thinking of doing it for your next solo match, otherwise it's going to end up with me critiquing synergy as well. Although tbh, I did forget about that.

I wonder when my next solo match is going to be, but I'm very much digging getting into the team RPs with Kermit.
Oh, stop it. The reason things are rushed is because people are not doing what they are supposed to do in the time they are given. The quality of work put out has nothing to do with people asking when the show will be posted. Day delays are understandable if they happen every now and then, but if they are happening consistently it is obvious someone isn't pulling their weight on the team. If someone cannot meet the deadlines that have been in place for the last 3-5 years plus on the Creative team they should man-up and do what is best for the fed (see: Shotaro). There are a ton of young eager guys who would love a shot.

I've been on both sides of the glass and I know that the work is very doable in the time given, barring no major emergency. But even for me when I had emergencies, the delays on my part could have been avoided had I done my match in the first 2-3 days after voting. I belive it was Gelgarin who said it best once upon a time. Why add more time in the deadline just for people to procrastinate more?

Please don't chastise joe schmoe for the quality of Creative's work because he simply asked when a delayed show was going up.

So when does asking when shows will be up make anything better? Come on. Shit gets repetitive, yo. There are loads of things that can be discussed in the fed besides when the next card/show/ppv will be up.

I agreed with you on asking about the show when deadline came and went, but does it really help anything to continue asking about it? What is really achieved? This is supposed to be for fun- not some office work that should be bitched about if the schedule gets pushed back.
Anyone enjoy a cocktail on here?

Thought about creating a WZCW post with superstars giving away their recipes on here for Patty's Day, but unsure how well that would turn out.
So when does asking when shows will be up make anything better? Come on. Shit gets repetitive, yo. There are loads of things that can be discussed in the fed besides when the next card/show/ppv will be up.

I agreed with you on asking about the show when deadline came and went, but does it really help anything to continue asking about it? What is really achieved? This is supposed to be for fun- not some office work that should be bitched about if the schedule gets pushed back.

We are not talking about what it can add, we are talking about the fact you said that people asking when the show goes up somehow damages the quality of Creative's work. You are deviating from the point. I'm simply combating your claim that it is unnecessary for people to ask about the show and that it brings down the quality of Creative's work.

What does it hurt? Honestly? Besides you thinking it gets repetitive, "yo". How hard is it for you to bypass a comment that asks when the show is up and discuss the "loads" of other things? You know, just like others are bypassing our differing of opinions right now. When someone on Creative says "yeah, things should go up tonight if everything goes as planned" and then it is night time and there is no show; why shouldn't people expect the show and be able to ask if it is not present? Let's not forget that we boast a wide range of timezones amongst our members so "tonight" can mean something different to a handful of members. People RP and get excited. Can you blame them for wondering where the show is?

Also, I'm so tired of the cliche "this isn't a job blah blah blah". Yeah, I get it. That argument was used in defense of me when I was on the team, and for others on Creative. The fact is that you are right. It is not a job. It takes a lot of work when you join. More so than I think a lot of people realize who never get to see the other side of the curtain. However, when you join the team I don't see anything wrong for people to hold you accountable to the deadlines Creative agrees to have shows posted on. When you accept the Creative job you are supposed to be doing it because you can meet the deadlines and have the drive to help the fed. Something as simple as an inquiry of when the show will be posted is hardly worthy of being so aggressively against.

Tl;dr There is nothing wrong about asking when the show goes up if it is delayed and it has not been answered. There is no reason to randomly say something like "NO ONE ASK WHEN THE SHOW IS GOING UP. CREATIVE HAS LIVES AND YOU GUYS ARE RUINING THE SHOW IF YOU ASK" That's just stupid. The quality of a piece directly reflects the writer's commitment.
Anyone enjoy a cocktail on here?

Thought about creating a WZCW post with superstars giving away their recipes on here for Patty's Day, but unsure how well that would turn out.

My favorite drink in the world is Disaronno + Strawberry Fanta.
We are not talking about what it can add, we are talking about the fact you said that people asking when the show goes up somehow damages the quality of Creative's work. You are deviating from the point. I'm simply combating your claim that it is unnecessary for people to ask about the show and that it brings down the quality of Creative's work.

What does it hurt? Honestly? Besides you thinking it gets repetitive, "yo". How hard is it for you to bypass a comment that asks when the show is up and discuss the "loads" of other things? You know, just like others are bypassing our differing of opinions right now. When someone on Creative says "yeah, things should go up tonight if everything goes as planned" and then it is night time and there is no show; why shouldn't people expect the show and be able to ask if it is not present? Let's not forget that we boast a wide range of timezones amongst our members so "tonight" can mean something different to a handful of members. People RP and get excited. Can you blame them for wondering where the show is?

Also, I'm so tired of the cliche "this isn't a job blah blah blah". Yeah, I get it. That argument was used in defense of me when I was on the team, and for others on Creative. The fact is that you are right. It is not a job. It takes a lot of work when you join. More so than I think a lot of people realize who never get to see the other side of the curtain. However, when you join the team I don't see anything wrong for people to hold you accountable to the deadlines Creative agrees to have shows posted on. When you accept the Creative job you are supposed to be doing it because you can meet the deadlines and have the drive to help the fed. Something as simple as an inquiry of when the show will be posted is hardly worthy of being so aggressively against.

Tl;dr There is nothing wrong about asking when the show goes up if it is delayed and it has not been answered. There is no reason to randomly say something like "NO ONE ASK WHEN THE SHOW IS GOING UP. CREATIVE HAS LIVES AND YOU GUYS ARE RUINING THE SHOW IF YOU ASK" That's just stupid. The quality of a piece directly reflects the writer's commitment.

I say all of this on top of the fact that I have not had a single complaint about a show being delayed. Nor have I asked when a show would be up since I have been back. I just simply don't see anything wrong with people asking about shows when they don't meet deadlines. Just because I don't have a problem with a day delay here or there, it doesn't mean people should not have the right to ask about show postings.
We are not talking about what it can add, we are talking about the fact you said that people asking when the show goes up somehow damages the quality of Creative's work. You are deviating from the point. I'm simply combating your claim that it is unnecessary for people to ask about the show and that it brings down the quality of Creative's work.

What does it hurt? Honestly? Besides you thinking it gets repetitive, "yo". How hard is it for you to bypass a comment that asks when the show is up and discuss the "loads" of other things? You know, just like others are bypassing our differing of opinions right now. When someone on Creative says "yeah, things should go up tonight if everything goes as planned" and then it is night time and there is no show; why shouldn't people expect the show and be able to ask if it is not present? Let's not forget that we boast a wide range of timezones amongst our members so "tonight" can mean something different to a handful of members. People RP and get excited. Can you blame them for wondering where the show is?

Also, I'm so tired of the cliche "this isn't a job blah blah blah". Yeah, I get it. That argument was used in defense of me when I was on the team, and for others on Creative. The fact is that you are right. It is not a job. It takes a lot of work when you join. More so than I think a lot of people realize who never get to see the other side of the curtain. However, when you join the team I don't see anything wrong for people to hold you accountable to the deadlines Creative agrees to have shows posted on. When you accept the Creative job you are supposed to be doing it because you can meet the deadlines and have the drive to help the fed. Something as simple as an inquiry of when the show will be posted is hardly worthy of being so aggressively against.

Tl;dr There is nothing wrong about asking when the show goes up if it is delayed and it has not been answered. There is no reason to randomly say something like "NO ONE ASK WHEN THE SHOW IS GOING UP. CREATIVE HAS LIVES AND YOU GUYS ARE RUINING THE SHOW IF YOU ASK" That's just stupid. The quality of a piece directly reflects the writer's commitment.

It wasn't that serious of a suggestion.

People complain on here a lot. I try to shed light that it doesn't help in any way to complain, and you give me an essay on why I shouldn't complain about the people that complain. I already agreed with you about questioning when the schedule doesn't keep to the time. I don't see how you can call that deviating when I have mentioned that three times now. But we can always agree to disagree.

And I was calling attention to how many times it gets brought up. Asking when shows will be up has become it's own cliché here. Maybe we could chill out a bit on it and not take roleplaying so seriously. Or maybe I'm just a "go with the flow" kind of guy.

Just throwing out an opinion. Don't think it will change anything in any way.
I say all of this on top of the fact that I have not had a single complaint about a show being delayed. Nor have I asked when a show would be up since I have been back. I just simply don't see anything wrong with people asking about shows when they don't meet deadlines. Just because I don't have a problem with a day delay here or there, it doesn't mean people should not have the right to ask about show postings.

And that's all cool. You have your thoughts on it, and I have my own.
It wasn't that serious of a suggestion.

People complain on here a lot. I try to shed light that it doesn't help in any way to complain, and you give me an essay on why I shouldn't complain about the people that complain.

I don't see anywhere how you were "shedding light" on "complaining" in your original post that I responded to as being unnecessary for the moment in time in which you posted. It either came out of no where or was a response to Husky (a new member who is probably unaware of the week break after PPVs asked when the cards would be up and if he would be on the show).

Spidey said:
And please for the love of the gods let's not annoy the fuck out of Creative on when the shows will be up.

Wouldn't you rather have a well written show and wait or a halfassed quick one? I mean really.

It seems more like just a random rant (or you being a dick to Husky) more than anything. Since when does asking when the show would go up constitute as "complaining"?

And I was calling attention to how many times it gets brought up.

I understand that, but again it was so out of place, and it made you look like a dick towards Husky because he simply asked when the card would be up. Unless it was no way connected to him, which makes your post even more random and stupid.

Maybe we could chill out a bit on it and not take roleplaying so seriously.

Another one of those cop-out arguments that annoy me, and that I have seen way too many times. "You think people should be able to ask when the shows are going to be posted if they are delayed? You take this too seriously and need to chill out." If you knew anything about me you would know I'm one of the more chill guys in the fed. At least from what I have been told by others. I just think it is dumb for you to jump on Husky, or anyone in general, for asking when the show will be up if it is delayed.

Just throwing out an opinion. Don't think it will change anything in any way.

You could have presented your opinion in a different manner. Telling people not to annoy the "fuck" out of creative with show deadline inquiries is a lot different than saying something like this: "I wish guys would not ask so much about the show getting posted. That's just my opinion though."

And that's all cool. You have your thoughts on it, and I have my own.

That's fine, but don't be a dick about it to new people or people in general if they are just excited about when a show will be posted. Also, please don't use lame fallback arguments like "you wrote an essay so you take this way too seriously."
Kermit, who's your favorite comic hero?

Man, I'm not sure if I have a favorite. If I were pressed I would probably say Nightwing. Actually, I've always had a soft spot for side characters in general. I am pleasantly thrilled with how they portrayed Aqualad in Young Justice.
I don't see anywhere how you were "shedding light" on "complaining" in your original post that I responded to as being unnecessary for the moment in time in which you posted. It either came out of no where or was a response to Husky (a new member who is probably unaware of the week break after PPVs asked when the cards would be up and if he would be on the show).

It had nothing to do with Husky, at all. I brought it up because Harthan mentioned the board being up by tomorrow. Pretty relevant.

It seems more like just a random rant (or you being a dick to Husky) more than anything. Since when does asking when the show would go up constitute as "complaining"?

When it becomes repetitive.

I understand that, but again. It was so out of place and it made you look like a dick towards Husky because he simply asked when the card would be up. Unless it was no way connected to him, which makes your post even more random and stupid.

Since my first post was talking about the shows and not the cards, I don't see how you jumped to that conclusion.

Another one of those cop-out arguments that annoy me, and that I have seen way too many times. "You think people should be able to ask when the shows are going to be posted if they are delayed? You take this too seriously and need to chill out." If you knew anything about me you would know I'm one of the more chill guys in the fed. At least from what I have been told by others. I just think it is dumb for you to jump on Husky, or anyone in general, for asking when the show will be up if it is delayed.

Again with Husky? Dude, look back at my post if you need to. I was only talking about people whining about the shows and how when they finally come, they complain about the quality.

It doesn't help in any way to keep asking about it. If it does, please give me an example.

You could have presented your opinion in a different manner. Telling people not to annoy the "fuck" out of creative with show deadline inquiries is a lot different than saying something like this: "I wish guys would not ask so much about the show getting posted. That's just my opinion though."

I'm sure it is annoying to them when they get told it every cycle. My usage of vocabulary doesn't really matter when I'm saying the exact same thing as your example.

That's fine, but don't be a dick about it to new people or people in general if they are just excited about when a show will be posted. Also, please don't use lame fallback arguments like "you wrote an essay so you take this way too seriously."

I wasn't being a dick to anyone. I merely said it's counter-productive to rag Creative's case about the shows. If Creative had another day to work on Unscripted, it wouldn't have been met with so much shit for it's main event.

Are Creative being lazy at points? Sure. Should we ask about deadlines being exceeded? Why not? But when you see the same posts being made day by day, it can be frustrating I'm sure on their part.

Barbosa even mentioned that it's counter-productive. And no; nowhere in my replies to you did I say you take this seriously because of your essay. But this is all a bit drawn out for an opinion, really. Obviously we aren't going to agree on this. Just don't start saying I was bitching about Husky or you when I clearly wasn't.
I think both of you need to settle down a bit. There's no need for the discussion at hand to get as heated as it has, or tensions to flare up. Chill out guys, this all spawned from a harmless question.
Hey DarkSideEric, would you recommend your drink to a White Russian kinda guy?

I would recommend my drink to anyone who likes alcohol + soda mixes.

It's really good. Diaronno (amaretto) goes really well in Coke, Pepsi, Cherry Coke, Dr Pepper, Strawberry Fanta, Root Beer and Cream Soda.
Yeah, that was more than it ever should've been. I apologize if I sounded a bit heated, Kermit.

We will always have ATV. No matter the differences, we bared witness to that.
Man, I'm not sure if I have a favorite. If I were pressed I would probably say Nightwing. Actually, I've always had a soft spot for side characters in general. I am pleasantly thrilled with how they portrayed Aqualad in Young Justice.

One character I've loved ever since I first saw him (he was in a fight with Sabertooth) was Archangel.

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