WZCW Discussion Thread

Барбоса;4795265 said:
I hope this chat of ??? will die down soon as it interfering with the inevitable reveal that ??? is Ty Burna.

If it was Ty then ??? would most of those matches he got bumped out of.
From what I know, there were 5 stables in WZCW: AoC, TSA, The Empire, Crashin Movement and the RWO which I don't know enough about to comment.

The Empire folded far too early, Crashin Movement was cursed with Doug despite the presence of Holmes and Kurtesy, and the TSA were promising, but eventually came to a very sad end.

On the topic of TSA, David Whitman had so much damn potential.
AOC made a fledgeling roster member relevant in the eyes of the fed;

Ty Burna

I would disagree. It made a number of stars.

Steven Kurtesy (or at least solidified his World Title Reign)
Celeste - Brought her back into the spotlight
Black Dragon - Highlighted him as one of the best in the fed.

SHIT - You gained probably the most out of it all. With AOC we were able to make SHIT look like an absolute killer, I always enjoyed writing the robot.

Chris KO - Obviously I wanted him to get the biggest rub off the stable, and though he stumbled a bit, I think he found his stride as the arrogant prick KO truly was.

Alhazred - I became a big fan of his after the AOC, Red Skull is a maniacal genius with his characters, and he was able to excel individually after.

Alex Bowen - I know Phatso had a blast in the AOC, and it brought the brutal heel out of him rather than the fun hardcore loving face.

Barbosa was just icing on the cake. I enjoyed the back and forth, is he going to help Ty or rip his throat out that we had going.
I agree, especially about SHIT since I was on Aftershock at the start of that and have arguably prospered the most in comparison to my starting point. I just thought implying the only reason Ty was relevent was because of the AOC was funny.
I thought I'd give this a spin:


If you folks (particularly Creative) like this, I can look into doing the rest in a similar style.
From what I know, there were 5 stables in WZCW: AoC, TSA, The Empire, Crashin Movement and the RWO which I don't know enough about to comment.

The Empire folded far too early, Crashin Movement was cursed with Doug despite the presence of Holmes and Kurtesy, and the TSA were promising, but eventually came to a very sad end.

On the topic of TSA, David Whitman had so much damn potential.

There was also another stable back in the day involving Chuck Myles and a few other wrestlers.
There was also Dynasty, the first proper WZCW stable.

Rios, Will, the devilspawns and eventually milenko and Ben legend. Titus was also in for a week but not officially.
I'm probably late to the party on this, but what musical stuff you do? Stage plays? Band recitals?

I played around with all of that in High School. Good times.

Musical(or stage play if you will). We're doing Curtains this year, and I'm being Jessica Cranshaw. Making me a drop-dead diva.

Reason #245 why Australia is the most badass county on the planet: A crocodile fought a python for five hours to determine who would get to eat who. The python won in the end.

Meanwhile in America, people fight for 13 seconds to determine who gets to eat the last McRib. There isn't a winner after 13 seconds, the fighters are just out of breath by then and need a sit down.

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