WZCW Discussion Thread

Yeah, I thought I remembered it being announced and then I heard a bit of the podcast where they were predicting who it would be. I went back to look at Aftershock and it had been removed.

Thank you Kermit, you proved I wasn't crazy!
Well both RP's are up.

Not enough time or effort as I would have liked for both, but I think both turned out fine all things considered.
Well this is something I haven't said in a long while, my RP is up!

I had a good time doing this one, as mentioned on the podcast, it wasn't necessarily easy when Big Dave has a history that I haven't been directly involved with when he was GM, so it was an interesting challenge on top of facing Ty.
Ah, it feels so good to RP out in the open again. This round starts the formation of a brand new team, but will an evil dancing monkey break the pair up before they even get off the ground? You'll just have to read to find out.
Good thing Miko asked for that extension. Here's a lesson for you, kids. Don't compulsively delete. And don't compulsively empty your recycle bin. It's to keep you from deleting important stuff. Like your damn RP.
That sucks man. I know how it feels to have a computer fail on me when I'm doing something important.

But in other news, the RP's these round have been of a really good standard from nearly all angles. I've got to admit, some matches are going to very, very close to call.
Sad thing is my rp is done and actually it'd be the time that most of creative would be waking up on a Saturday. Shame really.
I liked how JAM and I had a video game theme in our first RP, and then Shotaro came back with how he wished nothing had changed and he was playing video games with Stormrage still. The contrast was perfect, likely unintentional but I felt it was a nice touch to the whole group of RPs for that match.
Y'know, sometimes I'm super confident in my writing ability.

And other times, I'm super depressed because I know I'll never write anything as good as Evil by Interpol.

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