WZCW Discussion Thread

A D&D counterpart of him in heel form would fit in nicely as one of the leaders of the Shar cult given what I read about the gimmick on the roster page, if we ever end up having a match. ;)
Is there any way to get caught up quickly on the fed? Like some sort of a recap write up someone did for the past year or something to that effect. Feel like I'm learning a new language trying to get acclimated again.
The next set of episodes are major blow off's and lead in's to the PPV. You should be able to be up to date after reading it.
Wait! It's Meltdown 100 this week?! Well done WZCW! Happy centennial.
We're the longest running bi-weekly (ish) episodic made up program in fake professional wrestling history.
Is there any way to get caught up quickly on the fed? Like some sort of a recap write up someone did for the past year or something to that effect. Feel like I'm learning a new language trying to get acclimated again.

We've got a podcast now. If you got the time and internet, I suggest checking them out. It can give you a pretty good recap.
Cardboard robots are taken seriously here

I feel that needs to be said as quickly as possible
Is there any way to get caught up quickly on the fed? Like some sort of a recap write up someone did for the past year or something to that effect. Feel like I'm learning a new language trying to get acclimated again.

Oh, it's this guy. Didn't I eliminate you in the Lethal Lottery? Good times.
I'm liking the character too. I think you can get away with the Punk rep too, as short haired Punk is being used by James Howard, and I don't think long haired Punk is being used, unless the Steamboat Ricky clause comes up.

Masked Punk is also OK.

Whaa? I liked his original rep better.
At least the return promo packages are easily manageable.
Барбоса;4766409 said:
No, no, no. They should not be taken seriously at all. They are a joke.

A massive joke that should be underestimated and ridiculed at any and every opportunity.

Jeez, Miko. Don't throw away my our your greatest ally in climbing the rankings!

Haha, I mean, cardboard robots wrestling, you couldn't make this SHIT (;)) up.

Some subtle wordplay up there, for those that missed it.
Was anyone else aware of the fact that Galactus has a daughter named Galacta? She's my new favorite Marvel character.
Hey guys,

Doubt anyone remembers me as it's been a few years since I posted on the site but I'm hoping I can apply and rejoin the E-Fed, had a lot of shit going on in my life when I came back last time and then my place burnt down and I wasn't really too concerned about roleplaying at the time. If it's an issue, let me know but I'd like to rejoin and give this another go.

Man I loved reading Winters' RPs. Them RPs just pure awesome sauce with a slice of groovy coolness for me. I'll even admit that I took Chris's name and put it into Bull's [real name] minus the s at the end.
Looking through old Applications, I have to wonder what the name of the Orphanage some of these wrestlers came from is called and why so many decided to pursue a career in the ring from there.

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