WZCW Discussion Thread

Since he is the topic of discussion... I'll talk a little about Krypto.

To me... the main problem is he does not have the voice of his character. The only person to really compare him to is S.H.I.T. (since they are both playing guys pretending to be other things). S.H.I.T.'s dislogue comes off as a robot. No one reading would mistake that he is Showtime or Matt Tastic or Saboteur. When I read Krypto's RP, aside from the occassional mention of a home planet to save the gimmick, I could've put anyone's name there beside his dialogue and it could've worked. Rather than being a new comer to a strange world, he seems to have already been here for years and already knows enough to get by.

Did they speak perfect english in his home planet? Because unless they did, no one would be able to come to Earth and have such a good grip on the language (not counting the missing words and commas, which was an error on the writer, not done for the character) I don't mind that he can speak clearly to his robot (he could be talking his made up Alien language to him and it's translated perfectly to us) but an Alien should be like an adult child, curious, short responses, asking lots of questions, and misinterrpruting, not mistaking for something he may know. I mean instead of mistaking Arashi or Ashanti, I would've had him asking what an Arashi is, and then have Sabs and Sax try to describe him and have Krypto misinterprut everything, leading to face palms.
I'm a fan of Krypto. I think the pairing of him and SaboSax is perfect and could help him out a great deal. I honestly can see him making a splash for the elite x title
I don't know but it's good to have your incite man. And I hate to say what I think of a character especially when I'm against them in the week in question. I really love the concept of Krypto though and I think the character could be amazing at some point.
Definitely agree with the sentiment expressed in this thread, especially Showtime's. I love the concept of the character - Obviously I have a soft spot for botchy alien gimmicks - but he really needs a solid voice and a consistent idea that hammers in the gimmick without making it too annoying. It's a delicate balance to achieve, but nothing a bit of work and effort can do. I have high hopes for Krypto.
It is not silly! :disappointed:

Well, I guess it's good to have because it covers up your even sillier face.


I said the guy could potentially become a main-event player with a new character. I just think it'll be hard for him to shed the "B-movie" connotation that is tagged with his character, for me at least.

I don't think Dynamite has what it takes to main event unless he makes some serious improvements to his writing ability. I also don't think he has to shed the B-Movie connotation to make his way up the card. S.H.I.T. nearly won the WZCW Championship last PPV, and Saboteur was the one to snap Ty Burna's undefeated streak. You can have a weird character and do big things with them.
I can see where Kermit is coming from. If you look at the top of the card, most of those guys are pretty serious characters. A good number also have some sort of mental issue as well but thats beside the point. Most of the comedy/goofy/weird characters are no higher than the midcard.

Until a goofy character wins the world title it will be hard to disprove Kermit's assumption, coming close doesn't cut it.
Well we'll see who's laughing when Action Saxton and Saboteur are trading the world title between each other while still holding the tag belts and going on ridiculous training adventures.
They don't sell any WZCW belts in stores, because WZCW belts are fake.


Well I'm glad to know many respected people here at least care enough to publicly comment on my character and hope that he can do better. I liked Kermit's feedback and felt it was spot on. There was a lot of other stuff said that I didn't fully read that I want to respond to but that can wait, just want to say Doc's RP was pretty great. It had me laughing through the whole thing.
It's potentially a very fun character, I'm not a fan of how its written and I've told Dynamite that. Saying that, I think you two can help him plus I think having to accomodate Krypto gave something fresh to yours and Docs RPs this week.

Yeah I know when I see Numbers rep I've lost that round.

Since he is the topic of discussion... I'll talk a little about Krypto.

To me... the main problem is he does not have the voice of his character. The only person to really compare him to is S.H.I.T. (since they are both playing guys pretending to be other things). S.H.I.T.'s dislogue comes off as a robot. No one reading would mistake that he is Showtime or Matt Tastic or Saboteur. When I read Krypto's RP, aside from the occassional mention of a home planet to save the gimmick, I could've put anyone's name there beside his dialogue and it could've worked. Rather than being a new comer to a strange world, he seems to have already been here for years and already knows enough to get by.

Did they speak perfect english in his home planet? Because unless they did, no one would be able to come to Earth and have such a good grip on the language (not counting the missing words and commas, which was an error on the writer, not done for the character) I don't mind that he can speak clearly to his robot (he could be talking his made up Alien language to him and it's translated perfectly to us) but an Alien should be like an adult child, curious, short responses, asking lots of questions, and misinterrpruting, not mistaking for something he may know. I mean instead of mistaking Arashi or Ashanti, I would've had him asking what an Arashi is, and then have Sabs and Sax try to describe him and have Krypto misinterprut everything, leading to face palms.

To sum up my response here Krypto was never meant to be a character that went on very long, at least not as long as Sabo/Saxton. Without going into any real detail I had planned to reveal Krypto's origins at Redemption had I made it into the Mayhem Scramble but that didn't happen so I had to rethink what I wanted to do, so that's pretty much why I never went into too many specifics on some of the things you say here. I just didn't think I'd be using him as long as I am now. The only reason I came up with the idea for Krypto was because I was sick of doing a serious character in Joe West and after being in a terrible tag team with Darren Bull I just wanted to attempt something that even if people didn't like I'd at least enjoy doing it. Oh and yes, S.H.I.T was a some what inspiration to the Krypto idea. I know to most it doesn't seem like much coming from me but I really enjoy Miko as an RP'r.

I can see where Kermit is coming from. If you look at the top of the card, most of those guys are pretty serious characters. A good number also have some sort of mental issue as well but thats beside the point. Most of the comedy/goofy/weird characters are no higher than the midcard.

Until a goofy character wins the world title it will be hard to disprove Kermit's assumption, coming close doesn't cut it.

I have faith that either Doc or JGlass will be the first to do it.

I would love it if he could prove me wrong, but I don't see him as anything other than a mayhem and potentially tag team title challenger with that character.

Maybe you can have him in your corner at Kingdom Come 28 when I make you tap out? :shrug:

You don't have the defend your opinion or feedback. We need more feedback like that, ever since JGlass made the State of WZCW thread it really made me think about things more seriously in WZCW....but then I stopped because I realized this isn't real and it's just the internet....and even if, no when I prove you wrong it's not like I'm getting paid for any of this. It's really not a big deal if I do or not.

The egos here are rather large.....

I agree to an extent, I really enjoy WZCW but in the end if people I'll most likely never meet in real life don't like something I put on the internet for fun it really doesn't affect me one bit.
Dynamite, i fucking love krypto. He's seriously one of my favorite guys here, I just think that you need to sharpen up your RP skills a little more. Like I said earlier, i think you being paired up with SaboSax is gonna definatley help you out in the long run

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