WZ End Of Year Awards: Women's Wrestler of the Year

Who Is The Best Women's Wrestler Of 2007?

  • Cheerleader Melissa

  • Mickie James

  • Gail Kim

  • Sarah Del Ray

  • Amazing Kong

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No, but it doesn't make them worse either. Everyone has their own criteria.

Jeff Hardy has worked hard to win titles, putting his body on the line, not to mention bouncing back from drug problems. I can still think of dozens of wrestlers I'd vote for over him.
Your right, its doesn't make them worse than the few that actually do a few note worthy things throughout the year, but it certain doesn't make them better. Like I said, this poll was based on the women who have shown outstanding performance the ENTIRE year (not a part of it), the women that were chosen didn't have to worry about improvement, because they already were the very best, and were moving on to accomplish other things like undefeated streaks, title reigns, helping to establish new championships and divisions, these women were the leaders of Womens wrestling this year, which is why they (the 5 women on the poll) were chosen for a chance to win the award of Womens Wrestler of the year.
Beth Phoenix shouldnt be on this list because she takes steriods...what a fucking goulish bitch, i havent been as repulsed by a femal wrestler since, well, Melina

as far as Kong goes, i havent seen her indie stuff, but i know of her rep, but when i first saw her on TNA, it was like the first time i saw Big Van Vader...i was cringing at the shit she was doing to the other women...she gets my vote just because of how legit of a badass she is, and the fact that she stole my attention when i normally could give 2 shits about womens wrestling...
also i havent seen much SHIMMER yet, so i could have a different vote if i had
Beth Phoenix does NOT take steroids, she looks the way that she does due to the intense training that she's had due to all her years in amateur wrestling and power lifting. Its not Beth's fault that most of all the other women employed by WWE are anorexic looking, no talent bitches that are just placed on TV to fill a sexual norm.
^ she also hasn't done anything remarkable the ENTIRE year. She was injured for the first half and now she's in the middle of a title reign thats as bad as Chyna's. Hardly note worthy by any means.
Seriously Gail kim this is a superstar that was given all her talent and credibility from wwe yet tna seems to be taking credit for her most of the tna women are former wwe superstars from Christy Hemme,Jackie Moore,Shelley Martinez,Gail kim even former wwe developmental stars such as Angel Williams(Angelina Love)from Deep South Wrestling(DSW) and ODB from Ohio Valley Wrestling heck theyve even got sharmell.
As for Beth Phoenix being out for most of the year she was actually in ohio valley wrestling competing in ladder matches and gauntlet matches for the ovw womens title and melina should be up there on that list because she is by far the best female heel and would rival most of the men with her microphone skills she is also a great womens wrestler and had a great feud with mickie james which started witha believable catfight which lead to mixed tag matches 3 great singles matches on raw one of which was a falls count anywhere and had a great match at backlash she also provokes great crowd reactions and no one can light up an arena like melina does
It was true Beth was in OVW fighting for the title, but when you (along with Katie Lea) are the two most decorated Champions to hold the belt, the title OVW title suddenly doesn't seem to have as much prestige as the WWE womens title, or the AWA or NWA womens titles at that.

As far as Melina being a great heel, sure she's a great heel, in WWE. But Melina hardly compare's to Lacey, or Amazing Kong, or Cheerleader Melissa as a heel. Cheerleader Melissa is on this list, she's a better wrestler AND a better heel than Melina.
That maybe so but as far as Amazing Kong go's yes she is a great heel and does have actual wrestling talent but if her being in Tna resorts to the female talent being squashed then it was a risk not worth taking TNA want to prove that beautiful women can be sexy but also have genuine talent but by Amazing Kong squashing the female talent they are doing nothing more than proving wwe rightt that females like Kong overshadow and destroy most the credibility of her opponents.
How is Amazing Kong squashing the other women in TNA? The only woman she's feuding with is Gail Kim, and at this point, If Kong squashes another woman along the way, its only to establish Kong's dominance and to build her up as a genuine threat to Gail Kim's title. Kong CAN'T start burying the other girls until she start's her title reign. When she starts to squash the other girls as the champ like Beth is doing now, THEN she'll be burying the other girls in TNA. For now, the TNA womens division is doing just fine, TNA is doing exactly what they should be doing with their women's division.
So everytime Angelina Love,Velvet Sky and Christy Hemme were being maniacally manhandled by Awesome Kong that wasnt Squashing them.
I do enjoy watching Kong wrestle and thought her match with gail kim was great and am enjoying that their is now a second option for female wrestling fans of the wwe but the way i see it now is that Gail Kim is the only Female being made to look as an equal to Awesome Kong and Yes Beth Phoenix may be Squashing females but their females like maria,kelly kellyetc. who dont belong in a wrestling ring for the simple fact that they were hired for their looks and i agree that the Phoenix/james feud could ave been a wrestlemania type match but wwe are more interested in pushing Candice Michelle and Michelle Mc Cool and Torrie wilson.Granted Mc Cool has improved a lot but still doesnt match up.Of all the females to be underutilized victoria is by far the most losing to Michelle Mc Cool,Candice Michelle,Torrie Wilson and others and this is a women in great shape for 36 years of age still a fan favourite and still posesses a lot of talent.
So everytime Angelina Love,Velvet Sky and Christy Hemme were being maniacally manhandled by Awesome Kong that wasnt Squashing them.

No, because Kong wasn't the champion, whose else is going to do the job to Make her look like a believable force going up against TNA decorated veteran Gail Kim? Anyway you look at it, Christy Hemme is expendable, she is the official jobber of the TNA womens division. And even though Love and Sky were squashed by Kong in their respective matches, both of them are hardly being buried right now, both Love and Sky are getting over with AND getting wins, if anything they are both going over. Same with ODB.

I do enjoy watching Kong wrestle and thought her match with gail kim was great and am enjoying that their is now a second option for female wrestling fans of the wwe but the way i see it now is that Gail Kim is the only Female being made to look as an equal to Awesome Kong and Yes Beth Phoenix may be Squashing females but their females like maria,kelly kellyetc.

Its the opposite, Gail Kim has always been the top female in TNA, ever since she debuted. It is Kong that is being made to look on Gail's level, to do this (since kong is a relatively unknown outside of Mainstream wrestling) TNA booked kong to go over Gail in her debut to SHOW the fans what a potential threat Kong could Be. By having fan favorite Gail Kim win the title, it immediately set the stage for the Gail/ Kong rivalry. A few other women had to be sacrificed (Christy, Love, Sky) in order to further build up kong as a legitimate threat to Gail.

Yes Beth Phoenix may be Squashing females but their females like maria,kelly kellyetc

If I recall correctly, Beth buried Mickie James in the tag match the week before they met at the PPV, and she buried Mickie again at the PPV.
yesbeth phoenix did squash mickie james in the tag team match a few weeks before Armageddon but imo i thought that was to make beth phoenix look dominant goiing into the match which would eventually set her up for a great fall but that was not to be i dont know why mickie was booked in the manner she was but in some way or another all the females to take on beth phoenix since her return to one on one action have all somehow been squashed and mickie james and Candice Michelle were the only females that were given a fighting chance against the "Glamazon" with mickies match at armageddon Being the biggest threat shes had so far and it puzzles me that Mickie James is winning easy victorys right and left but yet she was still slightly squashed at Armageddon and the very next night on raw She was in Control for the entire portion of the 4 on 4 diva tag match that she was in which resulted in victoria cleanly jobbing out to Mickie James and yea angelina love is getting over in TNA so is ODB an i am really impressed but uve got to feel like velvet sky would be nothing without angelina love and that angelina love is carrying her.
uve got to feel like velvet sky would be nothing without angelina love and that angelina love is carrying her.

Talia Madison could get over on her own, she has all the tools. Unless she vacated it, she is still the WEW Champion, WEW is an all women's promotion that combines sex (like WWE) as well as putting the emphasis on wrestling skill (like TNA). Angel Williams and Talia Madison are so alike that they complement each other. The only reason why it would seem like Angel WOULD be carrying Talia would be that Angel seemingly goes all out during her matches, she transforms from a human Barbie doll into a proficient technical wrestler with surprising agility and strength. Angel's also one of the few other new women signed for TNA so far that seems to be untethered as far as performing high risk maneuvers (I haven't seen Talia or ODB perform nearly any high risk maneuvers like they were on the Indy circuit, where Angel competes nearly unchanged from her days in DSW)
Im not denying her talent it is just that angel williams seems to be overshadowing velvet in the ring and yes i know she is a great wrestler but she needs to come into her own more TNA can resume her alliance with Angel but could bring her out on her own as an occasional singles competitor which could then hype a feud with angel which could do nothing more than build both their profiles and as far as the high risk manoevures go yes angel is extremely agile talented and technically sound and talia madison isnt so bad herself its just its TNA that book the matches and they know all the manoevures that she can apply in a match its just that they are not capitalising on them and as far as tna wanting to break out of the supermodel norm that could be their only reason for hiring ex extreme expose member Brooke Adams
Wait Wait Wait! TNA actually hired Brooke Adams? why? They already have enough eye candy as it is.

And I think your getting ahead of yourself with the Angel vs Talia storyline. A womens division in a Men's promotion really only has room for 1 major storyline and 1 or two minor storylines. Talia vs Angel isn't a main event storyline, and I really don't want to see another petty women's storyline over a guy or a finisher or some other superficial bullshit that no one really cares about.
I am not saying that it would be a big draw our made for ppvs but if their looking to push females towards the knockout title then having them get involved in situations with the champ or the no.1 contender and i dont know why TNA hired Brooke Adams as u said thay have enough eye candy already as it is and i dont know her official myspace but she has all the details up on it
If TNA is looking to push female towards the title, (even though its not the only way, but its probably the most commonly used way) they would just give said female the Amazing kong treatment, meaning, that wrestler would win several singles matches against the other girls, establish herself as a legitimate threat to the Champion, until she gets a shot at the gold. The problem is that TNA womens division is so small (same can be said for WWE's) that the women that get sacrificed in order to make the woman receiving the push look good, these women look 'buried' when really, their not. The division is too small for every woman that gets squashed to actually become buried. So far since the new womens division started in TNA the only woman to consistently be jobbed and buried is Christy Hemme.
First wheres Ashley & Michelle McCool!!(lol j/k) I said Kong because she is an animal and definetly has potential not only to dominate the women of TNA but also the men. I would have said Melina tough if she was a option. For the most half of the year Melina was Womens champion and the most over female in the wwe. People loved to boo the "WWE's most dominant diva". She had character wich most Divas dont have, and her in-ring skills are on par with most of the other DIvas. I think Melina deserve to be up there instead of Mickie(and i love mickie) I just believe Melina proved alot more this year then Mickie did and Melina had character where as Mickie really didnt imo anyways?

I agree completely! How come melina aint up there? mickie only had a title run for 2 months durin 2007 then melina had the belt till June. Not very fair really.
I was torn between Sara Del Ray and Cheerleader Melissa but i went with Del Ray as Women's Wrestler of the Year. Del Ray is a terrific wrestler in SHIMMER and won the companies title in 2007. Melissa is in that same category as Del Ray, great wrestler, can wrestle any style, great talent. This choice are pretty good and of Kim, Kong, Mickie, Del Ray, and Melissa, they should be replaced. I've read about why Beth Phoenix, Melina, or Candice Michelle aren't on here. Simply put...they aren't better then what was put on here. Phoenix been injured half the year and her current gimmick is gettin over. Melina was very inconsistent with her work...damn near killed Mickie on that botch. Candice had a really good early 2007 but her serious injury def hurt her being in this category. If there was a Most Improved Womens Wrestler...Candice would be 1 in there but Best Womens Wrestling not there. Kinda sucks that many people don't know about Del Ray, Melissa, or even Awesome Kong because they are in there Indies and got no exposure outside of DVDs or Youtube videos.
Candice Michelle is no were near deserving to even be consifered for that honour and i am really astonished at how quickly she has improved and she has impressed me a lot its just the fact that she isnt really that talented she managed to put on only 2 good matches in her title reign both when she was being carried by Beth Phoenix at Unforgiven and at No Mercy she also put in a strong showing in the match were she got injured but the fact remains she was not ready for a title reign or a star push which she received she did nothing to deserve her push and she herself knows that she wasnt reay and that she was rushed out their to quickly and her lack of experience is which caused her downfall and her injury and the wwe are trying to do the same to Candice as they did Trish Stratus as she to was given a title reign at the start of her career and went on to defend in terrible encounters.
My point as when these supermodels or divas start to show a lot or a little improvement wwe will throw them into the deep end when their just not ready and it already looks like their going to do the same with Kelly Kelly
Well the thing about Candice Michelle is BECAUSE she improved so fast and so quickly, she does deserve a spot on the poll (can't believe I just said that) for this year. I would find it difficult just to nominate Candice and to place o the same poll as Kong or Del Ray, but the truth is no one can ignore Candice's improvement rate for this this year. And granted Candice's improvement rate was about the same as Christy Hemme's this year, the major difference between the 2 women is that Candice (may god help us) could become the new face of the WWE womens division, while Christy is the new official jobber of the TNA womens division.
I agree she has improved quicker than a lot of people and as u said so has christy hemme but Christy has always been slightly talented ever since she won the raw diva search with a number of great matches against melina,trish stratus,victoria as for candice though she has been in the wwe for more than 3 tears and is only started to show good development in the last year or and candice may be pushed into being the next Trish Stratus but imo most fans wont except her

but where's BETH PHOENIX?

she was on in the discussion. who the hell's this cheerleader?

That "Cheerleader" is the best womens wrestler in the United States, much better than anyone currently wrestling in WWE or TNA, I suggest you look up some of her matches.
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