WZ End Of Year Awards: Women's Wrestler of the Year

Who Is The Best Women's Wrestler Of 2007?

  • Cheerleader Melissa

  • Mickie James

  • Gail Kim

  • Sarah Del Ray

  • Amazing Kong

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First wheres Ashley & Michelle McCool!!(lol j/k) I said Kong because she is an animal and definetly has potential not only to dominate the women of TNA but also the men. I would have said Melina tough if she was a option. For the most half of the year Melina was Womens champion and the most over female in the wwe. People loved to boo the "WWE's most dominant diva". She had character wich most Divas dont have, and her in-ring skills are on par with most of the other DIvas. I think Melina deserve to be up there instead of Mickie(and i love mickie) I just believe Melina proved alot more this year then Mickie did and Melina had character where as Mickie really didnt imo anyways?
Gail Kim no doubt. She is pure amazing and she is the one who can prove to just about anyone that females can be great athletes as well, more than just a doll. This was her year and probably the best move TNA made all year was to put the Women's championship on Gail Kim.

On a side note, even though I give her credit for being a good wrestler, I can not stand watching The Amazing Kong. Same reason why I can't stand seeing Big Daddy V. AHHHH!
I went with Kong based on what she has done on the Indies this year in holding three Owmens titles at once. By beating Ms Chif for the NWA Womens Title. also the debut and gimmick in TNA is going to go far.
I say Sarah Del Ray, she has improved tremendously in the ring this year. She's undefeated in SHIMMER up to this point, she even has wins over Amazing Kong and Sarah Stock. Plus she's the the first SHIMMER Champion, as well as being the first Champion to successfully defend the title during an ROH broadcast.
I had to vote for Amazing Kong. She is just a fucking moster and is great for her size, and is stiff as hell.

Her work in the indies this year and her matches with MsChif have proven why she deserves this spot more than the other women.

Her role in TNA right now is going great I think and her rivalry with Gail Kim is just great seeing as how they are both amazing workers.

A close second is Gail Kim because of her work as well and her stuff in TNA and becoming the first ever womens champion of TNA.
Definitely Gail Kim, she was the only womens wrestler that was given the chance to shine this year other than Candice, but Gail is a way better wrestler than Candice.
Where's Beth Pheonix? I see such potential in her, she's already shown a lot of what she can do. She actually gave me faith at one point that Womens wrestling in the WWE was coming back. Ever since Trish Stratus, Lita and Chyna all left, it's gone downhill, and I can barely sit through a match anymore.
When watching Beth Pheonix wrestle, I see she doesn't care only about her hair and boobs. She wants the title with a passion, and that passion shines through her.

I voted for Mickie James, because she's the only person I see giving Pheonix a run for her money. she has a lot of potential, but I fear she's being dragged into the tragic circle which is 'typical diva style wrestling'. I think getting Amazing Kong to the WWE would be amazing, or Mickie James and Beth Pheonix moving to TNA. They would be able to put on some amazing matches together.
Sara Del Ray - I'm not a huge fan of women's wrestling, but the choices here are very good (thanks, Ech). I think Sara Del Ray had a phenomenal year. She has held the SHIMMER title for most of the year and has been a important piece of Sweet & Sour Inc. in ROH.
Seriously, where is Beth Phoenix? Amazing Kong looks like she'll be a huge force, but Beth had a better year by far. Won't vote until she's up there.
Beth Phoenix hasn't done enough in 2007 to deserve to be on this list, Kong spent the first half of the year undefeated in the indy circuit until she was finally defeated by Sara Del Ray, then Kong moves to TNA where shes still undefeated. Kong also held (still does) the AWA and the NWA Womens titles simultaneously while on the indy circuit as well as winning the Chickfight 10 tournament.

So why don't you go ahead and vote for one of the 5 women that are up their because all 5 of those women had a better year and are more deserving then Beth Phoenix
I don't fault myself for not following the indy circuit. I don't have time to follow wrestling that ardently. I'm only going off of what I've been able to see, and while Kong looks incredibly impressive, and I'm sure will be #1 for a long time coming, I just don't think she's the right choice.
Maybe, Maybe not, but based on what I've seen from Kong this year based on both TNA and the indy circuit, she deserves the award much more than Phoenix does, as do both Sara Del Ray and Gail Kim.
She was injured for most of the year, the she comes back only to start a lackluster feud with Candice and start a lackluster title reign where she defends mainly only in squashes, as her good feuds are so rushed that they just turn to crap as the big PPV matches seemed so half assed.

Now compare that to Amazing Kong or Sara Del Ray, both whom were wrestling around the clock all year, against deserving opponents. Both Women defeated several highly decorated and accomplished competitors throughout the year to get where they are today. Beth was just in the right place at the right time fighting against an undeserving Champion.

Beth Phoenix doesn't deserve to be on this list, not this year.
AGREED! Plus she is really beautiful. She could kick my butt any time!

Just because she could kick your ass doesn't mean she deserves to be on the list, unless you can actually name me a valid reason as to why Beth Phoenix deserves this award over the other girls.
Melina Perez.

Of the choices there, Gail Kim has shown the most improvement.
Melina Perez.

Of the choices there, Gail Kim has shown the most improvement.

I don't why people constantly throw out names like Melina and Beth and Christy, I'm mean really? what the fuck have these women done all year to justify them getting this award? Gail Kim - justifiable, Candice- justifiable, Amazing Kong - Justifiable, Mickie James - justifiable. If you guys don't follow the Indy circuit, it's not your fault, but don't complain when their names appear on the list instead of your favorite diva, because I can guarantee you that they've done more and are more deserving of this award than any other WWE/ TNA name that isn't already on the list above.
I don't why people constantly throw out names like Melina and Beth and Christy, I'm mean really? what the fuck have these women done all year to justify them getting this award? Gail Kim - justifiable, Candice- justifiable, Amazing Kong - Justifiable, Mickie James - justifiable. If you guys don't follow the Indy circuit, it's not your fault, but don't complain when their names appear on the list instead of your favorite diva, because I can guarantee you that they've done more and are more deserving of this award than any other WWE/ TNA name that isn't already on the list above.

Melina, for the first few years of her WWE career, was awful. Over the last year and half she's turned into a credible combatant. For that she would get my vote. Candice is rubbish, Beth is being used badly, Amazing Kong does nothing of real note, Mickie is excellent but she hasn't shown any improvement. And yes I do follow the indies, but I genuinely believe Melina deserves the award more than any of the names on the list.
The only credible thing that Melina has done all year was her feud with Micke over the title which ended when MELINA FUCKED UP AND INJURED MICKIE, her feud with Candice was Shit. I give Candice props only because she managed to manipulate WWE into transforming her from a reject to a star in less than a year.

Amazing Kong does nothing of real note? so holding the AWA and NWA Womens championships at the same time is not noteworthy? Amazing Kong winning the Chickfight 10 Torunament is not Note worthy? Amazing Kong being undefeated the entire YEAR until she has defeated in singles competition recently by Sara Del Ray isn't note worthy? Amazing Kong switching to TNA and actually pinning Gail Kim in her debut no less isn't note worthy? Amazing Kong still being undefeated in TNA isn't note worthy?

By my count, I'd say that Amazing Kong deserves this award a 1000 times more than Melina does
I meant in in-ring terms: Amazing Kong bores the shit out of me, but then I come from a real combat background. Nothing loses you a real fight like power moves.
So... Amazing Kong vs Cheerleader Melissa was a boring match, how about Amazing Kong vs Mschif, I haven't seen the Amazing Kong vs Sara Del Ray match yet, but I heard it was phenomenal

But, this award is based on overall accomplishments for the year not how a woman performs, hell if it where based on in ring excitement and performance, none of the WWE divas would have made the List, as well as half of the TNA divas.
I haven't seen much of Amazing Kong in the indies this year; my appraisal of her was based on TNA. I know I've enjoyed matches involving her in the past but hell, I've enjoyed matches involving Dalip Singh, that doesn't mean I'm going to vote for Khali. I agree that no TNA or WWE women should really be on there, but they are, so I voted for Gail Kim... as for Melina, I stand by the statement that she's improved more in the last year and a half than many people do in three or four years. I personally base it on performance and development rather than accomplishment; I don't think either is 'right' or 'wrong', just differing opinions.
Improvement is hardly a reason to be nominated for wrestler of the year, both Christy Hemme and Michelle McCool have improved tremendously this year, but does that make them better than the women who have worked hard this year to win titles, and keep undefeated streaks alive, and to put their bodies on the line to deliver the best matches they could on a regular basis? Personally I think its cheap to even be nominated for an award like this just because of improvement, if the award was based on improvement, then I'd have to put practically all the WWE and TNA and Indy women in the running because mostly all of them have improved this year.
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