WZ Big Brother Season 1

Oh, man. The dirt I know about all of you guys... Quick poll, should I pull a Fallout and spew all of my info? JAM, you want drama, right?
Oh, man. The dirt I know about all of you guys... Quick poll, should I pull a Fallout and spew all of my info? JAM, you want drama, right?
Go for it.

When it comes down to voting, I hope we don't have a bitter jury though. May the best, conniving houseguest win! :p
Considering my alliance makes up the entire jury, I can tell you that it won't be particularly bitter. But there's two housemates that are really respected for their games, and two housemates who are just not going to win.
Oh please don't spill the beans on all 4 of us, Blade.

But seriously, go right ahead bro. We know your hands aren't clean either.

This is Big Brother. Don't be a lemon. Be a rosebud.
Considering my alliance makes up the entire jury, I can tell you that it won't be particularly bitter. But there's two housemates that are really respected for their games, and two housemates who are just not going to win.

But what if those 2 are the final 2? Plus I have a feeling all 4 of us have some moves we've made that nobody knows about.
☮ Spidey ✌;4949953 said:
Oh please don't spill the beans on all 4 of us, Blade.

But seriously, go right ahead bro. We know your hands aren't clean either.

This is Big Brother. Don't be a lemon. Be a rosebud.

God, can't I just have a little fun?? -_-
☮ Spidey ✌;4949961 said:
Now I feel bad. Torch this sonovabitch, Blade. We all thieves in this shit.

No, you've ruined it. Now I'm going to be a bitter jury member.


Also, I'm gonna get to work on putting together a Survivor game, methinks. If y'all are interested, anyway.

Also, I'm gonna get to work on putting together a Survivor game, methinks. If y'all are interested, anyway.

Don't know if I'd join due to some hectic things going on right now and that being more time consuming, but I'd love to see another Survivor game going on here.

If you wanna run some ideas past a fellow superfan of Survivor, PM me.
Congratulations to the top 4! You've all had some excellent gameplay to get this far in the game. But let's not waste any time here because I'm very excited to bring you this challenge.

So here's the challenge guys. You will be writing an RP. You'll be doing an RP and telling us why you think you should win this entire game. WHAAAAAT?! *GASP* An RP you say? This is gonna be fun for sure. Or well, I guess you can call it a long promo or whatever. Try not to use all your ammo though because this is what you'll be doing when we reach the final 2. But then again, 2 of you won't make it to the final 2, so go all out if you'd like. I know you all have done RP's before and it won't be any different here. Again, I'll be judging these RPs myself. You can do anything you want in this RP. You can write that your character cuts a promo naked, makes a sock puppet and cuts a promo, anything you want!

However, this is the scene you'll all be working with. You will be inside the Diary Room right in front of a camera where you'll be cutting your promo. That's it. So if I read that you're in any part of the house besides the Diary Room, then that you'll definitely get points taken off for not following instructions. Just entertain me with your RP. There is NO maximum or minimum word limit. You'll be PMing me this RP btw and when I have all 4, I'll be posting it in here for all to see. You are free to write. Be funny, be serious, be goofy, whatever you want just follow the setting I've placed for all of you. As always, you'll have 24 hours or more if needed to complete this challenge.

Remember, there's only 4 of you left! So it pretty much means that if you win HOH, you'll definitely be going to the top 3.
What Happens When Rated R Gets Drunk In The House:

After many, many, many days inside the twisted twist filled Big Brother house, Rated R Enigma walks into the diary room. Rated R sits down in the DR chair and focuses his mind.

So, I've been asked to come in here and say why I deserve to win this game. Which basically means the producers wanna stir up some drama. They wanna stir things up? Let's stir things up!

Rated R grins and leans back in the chair.

Before I discuss why I should win, lets talk about why my fellow remaining houseguests SHOULDN'T win shall we?

Rated R grabs a piece of paper and writes down the names "Milenko, Spidey, M" on it and then circles the first name on the list, Milenko.

Alright Milenko, lets see...why does Milenko NOT deserve to win Big Brother? Milenko has won comps, no doubt about it the guy can win comps but when it comes down to it, what big move did he mastermind? He was part of big moves that took place but he did not mastermind said big moves.

Rated R crosses out the name Milenko then circles the next name on the list, Spidey.

Now Spidey, he's played a good game, he's made big moves happen and survived the mass killing of the huge alliance he had at the start of the game. Except he doesn't win comps. One veto he won by complete luck too. I've only one two comps but I EARNED both those victories. Just like I intend to EARN a few more victories before it's all said and done.

Rated R crosses out Spidey from the list then moves onto the last person left to cover, M.

Oh M, this one is easy for me to say why you don't deserve to win this game. You may have won plenty of comps and nobody can take that away from you, but you have had no stragetic game of your own. You had what looked like an unstoppable alliance with A11, Thriller and Blade but where are they now? Sitting in the jury house that's where. The alliance was much too obvious and last week you got blindsided by the last of that sinking ship going down. You had the chance to turn on them completly for two weeks in a row and two weeks in a row your hand had to be forced. Loyalty is important in this game but knowing the right time to make a move is more important.

Rated R now throws the piece of paper on the ground and leans forward, chugging some rum from the bottle of Captain Morgan he brought in there with him. Upon closer inspection it's now obvious the bottle is more than half empty.

Now I know you're sitting there thinking, "well why do you deserve to win?" and I'll tell you why. I deserve to win because I had both sides of the house thinking I was with them for awhile and when the time was right, I turned on the biggest threats to win the game in Thriller and Blade. Now that they are on the jury I'd say that mission was accomplished. Going into the house I was a lone wolf until Thriller approached me about an alliance and I agreed, knowing all along I was never intending to let him get to the end of the game because I knew he was someone I couldn't beat! I've had my alliances, I've won a couple comps and now I'm gonna finish strong and ensure that when it comes time for the final 2, if i'm sitting there that there will be no doubt in anybodies mind that the winner of this game should be Rated R Enigma!

Rated R stands up, and chugs down the last of his bottle of Captain Morgan before yelling out "LETS PARTY YOU BUNCH OF ASSHOLES!" as he walks out of the Diary Room and heads for the liquor cabinet as the cameras decide it's best to stop following Rated R Enigma.

I still <3 you guys. Just trying to win HOH here.
Word of caution: I drank a lot upon writing this. You get the real muthfucka, Jam.

Spidey humbly stumbles into the seat, clears his throat, and addresses the camera.

Spidey: Good evening Big Brother. You've done your best to try and get ol' Spidey to play dirty, didn't you? Make promises I couldn't keep and rat out my alliance just like they do in the real game. But boy did I flip that shit over and urinate on it, eh?

There are several reasons why I should win the game. But I don't really have to tell you producers anything, now do I? Instead, enjoy this carefully rendered picture of The Pickle God and my favorite real BB player, "Evel" Dick:


Pickle Dick. Giggity.​

Spidey attempts to relax, but with the camera on him he adjusts his collar and continues.

Spidey: I suppose I gotta give the people what they want. Alright. The fact of the matter is I've played this game the exact opposite of what the real players do. I was honest the entire time and kept with my alliance, The Apostles. Never did I become a turncoat in this bloody war. As I'm sure you're all aware by now, a player or two did do just that in my own alliance and at least one of them is gone now.

Maybe to some I seemed like the kinda guy that relied on his group to keep him safe. I understand that sentiment, I do. But there are key moves I made throughout the game that proves I am at least a player who knows how to dance the nominee dance.

With the 3 or so times I was nominated, twice I pulled myself right off by winning the Veto.

Spidey hesitates, about to say something that may make someone furious.

Milenko told A11 that it was he who became the Mystery MVP and put A11 on the block. He wasn't. I was the one who won the daily post game and put A11 up.

I never thought it would pay off. I was nominated and sure that I would be going home. But Veto came around and I managed to escape once again.

A11, if you're reading this, it wasn't because I held any ill will towards you. I thought you were hilarious in this game. But it was a bold strategic move that I made that I never thought would come to fruition. You're gone because of sheer dumb luck.

Spidey scratches his chin.

Because of me, a legend was born. The Almighty Pickle God will be remembered once this nazi ass game is over. You hear me, Jam??? Ya evil fucker. I turned your Have-Not Room into a damn Shrine Room. Not only did I invent a deity for Big Brother, but I even changed the decor. You can't really get more boss than that.

I'm on one. It's like I drank nothing but Gummy Beary Juice throughout this thing.

Spidey laughs and shakes his head.

Never won HoH, never got to use Veto on anyone in the house but me. I haven't held any real power throughout this entire game, yet here I am. Maybe there is a Pickle God...

Nah. If there was one he would have sent a lady to play this game with us. We've all been imagining M in a dress for quite a while now. That may be why he has stayed safe. That or he struck a deal with Thriller's alliance AND The Apostles.

Whoops. Carolans is taking over. Blade would know how that is. I miss that bloke even if I wasn't in his clique.

Hell now that I think about it the Pickle God may be real. Milenko made it this far, hasn't he?

Spidey slaps his knee and takes another sip irl.

I'm just messin' with ya Milenko. You and I are cool even after this thing is over. Hell everybody that played in the Big Brother House is cool in my books. I don't hold animosity as some might from this. If I'm gone in a few days than I know I gave it my best and I won't blow up like a few have already.

Pretty sure that makes me a killjoy, but hey that's just how I do things when I'm inebriated.

Oh and it's Carolans, Chardonnay, Sangria, and a White Russian here and there. I'm lit, but as you can see I can still spell pretty well. I'm an English major so I'd be pissed if I didn't grammar nazi my shit.

Now that I think on it Blade may think Carolans is a pussy drink. It is but it's still mighty tasty so fuck you.

Spidey thinks Spidey has rambled on long enough.

To sum it all up, the reason why I should win is because:

1. I have gorgeous hazel eyes in reality.

2. I created a God. A GOD, people.

3. I played it clean. Who else in the house can really say that?

4. I drink. A lot.

5. I won't talk shit about the other players in this RP because I feel I can play a better game than that.

6. I have gorgeous hazel eyes in reality.

7. There is a possibility that I haven't pissed off the entire Jury at one point.

There ya go. Magic #7. And oh yeah I don't do hashtag bullshit in reality. That's another reason I suppose. 8 reasons why I should win this game, let alone Head of Household. May the best RP win.

Spidey nods his head in respect to the players still in the game, goes to stand, and falls on his ass. The booze take over as he mutters something about burning the house down.

Fades to white like in those dry and melodramatic Ramparte RPs.
The Chronicles of M

Season 1 Extra 1:

"Dear Diary Room"


So this is where I sit?

You know who's speaking, who else would speak in a magenta colour? M's in the diary room as you'd expect him to be if you've read the title. He's sitting cross-legged on the giant red recliner that's usually the focal point of the diary room (or at least it is in my version of Big Brother). His legs and arms are hugging a pillow and he's resting his head on it too.

Yeah that's good, go on give us your speech, we've been waiting for at least some sort of reasoning behind what you're doing in this game for ages now.

Jam's in blue text. Just roll with it. He's Big Brother in this game so he's gonna ask M a bunch of questions like the TV version's format dictates. Or maybe not. I haven't decided yet. Guess you'll have to read and find out.

I guess I'll start from the beginning then...

M tenses his eyebrows and strokes a metaphorical beard as he attempts to remember what exactly his game plan was.

Well I didn't really have much of a clue what this was all about at the start, to be perfectly honest I didn't really want to join the game but I'm here now so what are you gonna do?

M tumbles back off the chair whilst hugging the pillow. The pillow, while soft, cannot protect the head area of the body very well, and in this case that fact was proven again as M lands square on his head.

You didn't want to join up? If that's the case then why are you playing the game?

M lays there on the floor, pillow still in his grasp as he makes his response.

Well I was worried that there wouldn't be the desired amount of people and you'd asked me to join on skype and I like talking to you, so I thought "May as well have an extra topic to chat about"

M rolls around a bit, the grasp on the pillow not getting any looser.

So it's safe to say you didn't really have a plan to win this thing yeah?

Oh no I had a plan... Keyword "had" though... No idea what I'm gonna do now since Mr Buttybox has left the building...

M rolls over onto his back and covers his face with the pillow he's snuggling up to.

Well what was the other plan you had then? You know you're not making a good argument about winning here, going on about having no real plan here in the part where it counts.

Weeeeelllll the plan changes every round you know, but there core idea was there most of the time. I'm a relative unknown here in the forums, so I was starting the game off thinking that I'd either be eliminated from the get go or used as a tool to get some other guys to the finals. Naturally I couldn't let myself be the guy just there as an elevation device, so I figured I may as well have some fun with the people there before the proverbial sword dropped and ended my run.

M kicks himself up with such force that it brings himself flying off the ground and back into the recliner, all whilst still clutching the pillow so dearly.

It all began when the first challenge came out. A word puzzle was the best thing that could have ever happened to the plan. I think I did the challenge for around 4-5 hours before quitting thinking that it probably wasn't worth the effort. Turns out I was right, apparently not many people tried hard in that challenge and I won with a lazy 550 words even though 2000 or so would have been possible. "Congratulations M you're not getting eliminated in the first round!".... Is what most people thought I was thinking, but in reality it was much more than that. Suddenly there's a ton of PMs in my inbox detailing how Blade, Thriller and some unnamed guys had started an alliance and apparently Spidey's got his own group too?? Why was I not involved in the making of these alliances? I'm a smart kid, a REALLY smart kid...

M scratches his head a little with a perplexed expression on his face before continuing.

Well then I thought to myself "hey, instead of being used by the alliance that wanted me to join them - Blade's group - let's just pretend that I'm some sort of middle man who's got ties to everyone and just tear apart the game like that?" And the plan went into full swing. I went into a bit of a sneaky mode there, whittling away both both sides for a while, but there was always the next problem: If it comes down to 2 of one alliance and me, I'm getting the boot. So naturally the reasonable course of action was to get rid of Thriller and pretend it's an accident so me and Blade could live happily ever after as the final two... We were the smartest guys left, most intellect related contests we'd dominate and best of all half the jury would vote against him since he made a bunch of rivalries along the way...

M sighs as he tilts his head to the side and continues...

When I nominated Thriller, I made up some bull about how Milenko's veto advantage would screw us - i.e. the remaining Blade trio - over since he had the veto advantage and would win the veto easily, forcing me to put Blade or Thriller up anyways and it worked as far as I can tell. Even after Thriller got taken out Blade wanted a final two spot with me, but what he failed to realise is that I could have just nominated Spidey and Milenko, and replaced Milenko with Rated R therefore saving Thriller. R didn't have a veto advantage, Thriller equaled the top score on the veto challenge and so that stuff I told Blade about them teaming up to beat us was complete bs...

That plan even worked the other way around, if Thriller won the challenge and got himself off the block leaving Spidey likely gone I could just nominate him and Milenko the next time without appearing to have turned on Rated R's final two agreement or the Blade trio, they'd understand that I'd had an agreement with R over the final three or four plus I'd have the tiebreaking vote anyway and I'm relatively certain I could word it in a way that at least gets Blade to say OK.

M relinquishes the pillow, launching it upwards into the air and letting it fall onto his head.

Buuuuuuuuut that's all I really had planned. Didn't expect the signature challenge and it cost me a bunch so right now I think I'll just have to win every contest...

Well then it's a shame about this one then hahaha... Why do think you deserve to win this game?

M gathers the pillow back into his all encompassing grasp as he replies to the question that made up the entire point of this challenge.

Well no one's had nearly the impact on the game that I have, I split the game in half when I nominated Thriller and Spidey, AND I did it all whilst appearing to be under the radar! I won 3 HOH challenges and nobody batted an eye... I made this game interesting and that at least deserves some sort of recognition. I said I wasn't going to be used and if anything I used the others - thanks for the wrestling trivia help Blade btw, love ya man and I actually mean that, Kenny's an asshole I hope he dies haha - so the others shouldn't be looking at who's been loyal or who's in their alliance, they should be looking at the guy who made the whole thing worth paying attention to. The status quo of just eliminating people based on their alliance is boring. Chaos is fair, and chaos is entertaining as all hell so vote chaos - vote M 2014 big brother champion and maybe president later I don't know I haven't decided yet.

M clutches the pillow with such force that it turns him into a ball and he begins to slowly roll out of the diary room.

Oh Um thank you for your time M.... That guy's a wacko....
No entry from Milenko.....
And the winner of the HOH challenge is.....
M! Very interesting speech there. I almost went with Spidey's drunk RP but I think M should take it here. All the points he brought up were very interesting to read. If I played this game, I definitely wouldn't have had the same strategy as him but I can't fault him for his "strategy" because look where he is, he's almost to the end. Being able to improvise is definitely something that needs to be done in this game and you've done it well here M.
So there it is fellas. Mr. HOH, please send me your nominees as soon as you can so we can get to the Veto Challenge. Congratulations on making it to the top 3. Also, if any of you have anymore "Diary Room thoughts" then please PM those to me. It can be from anyone in this game, eliminated or not.
Hyourinmaru finally wakes up & realizes he missed the HoH competition...again.

Sorry guys I literally fell asleep last night with my phone in my hand

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