WZ Big Brother Season 1

I happen to be from Australia. I have no concept of what is considered "north" in Americaland. Could you please clear that up a little for me? I would be ever so grateful :)
I happen to be from Australia. I have no concept of what is considered "north" in Americaland. Could you please clear that up a little for me? I would be ever so grateful :)

Think of the states. Texas, New Mexico, etc are southern while New York, Maine, etc are north.

You're my comp, but you're my buddy comp.
For the whole thing.

1. No titles changed hands.
2. There was a gimmick match (triple threats are not considered a gimmick match for the sake of this)
3. There was an interpromotional match.
4. It was held in the north.

Summerslam 2007 had no titles change hands, was held in New Jersey (that better be north), and had a gimmick match which was an interpromotional divas battle royal.

M sits in a corner crossing his fingers and starts rocking back and forth due to the suspense of the situation.
Holy shit you guys take forever to find out answers to things.

No offense to you, M. You're cool in my book. But this game took a fuckton longer than it ever should have. There should have been a set time limit or something I think.
☮ Spidey ✌;4947903 said:
Holy shit you guys take forever to find out answers to things.

No offense to you, M. You're cool in my book. But this game took a fuckton longer than it ever should have. There should have been a set time limit or something I think.

Yeah there were a couple of giant gaps - I posted my bid of four just before stepping in the doors at uni and answered the question once I got home and saw what it was for more than a sneaky glance in a lecture.

Final two didn't take that long though compared to the one round in the group of three where one question lasted something like 2-3 days haha
First of all, thanks to KB for running the HOH Challenge. That was a lot of fun to see despite how long it took, but that's fine. So yeah, thanks to KB. So now, here are the nominees: Spidey and Milenko. I'll also be posting the Veto Challenge in this same post, here's how it'll go.

This Veto Challenge will test your creativity. What I want you all to do is make a signature or simply preview post an advertisement about the big brother game. You can either make it your sig or like I said, preview your post and screenshot your image. However, here's the challenge. You can only use letters, the formatting tools, and the smilies available on the forums to make your image. So basically you're all advertising the game of big brother. So pretend it's something you'd enter in a commercial contest or something. Take a look at what's in my sig. I expect you all to do something like this.

To repeat, you can put the image in your signature or take a screenshot of your image, your choice. If you use put it on your sig, leave it on your sig until the Veto Challenge is over so that other people can see your image. I guess the point of this challenge is to advertise the big brother game. I think we can say with full confidence that this game has been a success. So there will definitely be a season 2. So hopefully with other people seeing your images, they'd want to join in for season 2. As always, you have 24 hours to turn in your image. Please tell me if you're going to screenshot your image or put it on your signature.

Just remember that in your signature, it pretty much only allows 200 characters so it's gotta be short and sweet but it's very do-able. I will judge who has the best image/advertising based on creativity and that's pretty much it. Good luck! You've all come very far in this game, it'd be a shame to go home now.

Rated R Enigma

Also, KB's game took 20 pages to finally complete. Wow.
Time to pick up the veto...isn't there a big advantage to previewing post? Since you can basically make it as long as you want.
Time to pick up the veto...isn't there a big advantage to previewing post? Since you can basically make it as long as you want.
This is true. Thanks for pointing that out. The new rule is to just preview your post then since you can make it as long as you want. Sorry about that guys. Go go go! :p
Why haven't we rose up against Big Brother yet?

Has nobody else read 1984???

Can't you people see that Jam is Satan?

Why is there never enough Chardonnay in this fucking house?????

Spidey spideys spideyingly cuz fuck you.
You guys know about the Diary Room in the Big Brother house right? Well I remember saying a while back that you guys can PM me with stuff that you want to say to the houseguests. Just remember that this stuff is usually to cause drama and stuff. Not saying who it's from though. This Diary Room entry can be from one person or from different houseguests. If you want to stir up some drama yourself, simply PM me your thoughts and tell me that it's for the Diary Room. Thanks! Have fun reading.

- KB putting up Fallout has to be the greatest bonehead move in the game thus far.

- Thriller should've played a safer game. He came in as a target since Day 1.

- Why hasn't hyourinmaru been voted out yet on common principle?

- M is either the greatest floater in the game, or the worst alliance member ever.

- KB has killed my love for wrestling.

- Spidey has done what exactly in this game?

- Blade & Thriller's alliance has been the most obvious alliance in BB history.

- A11 is such a pawn.

- Rated R Enigma is a favorite to win because he might legitimately go to your house and stab you repeatedly if you voted him out of anything related to Big Brother.

- nightmare doesn't know when to leave. He's like a 40 year old in a Letterman jacket stalking his old high school.

- TLC had the best strategy in the game ever. Not showing up is something we all should've done.

- Dynamite prematurely blew up in this game and that's a shame.

- Fallout threw the world under the bus. It was glorious and bitchy all at once. Exactly how Big Brother should be.
I know i said i'd sit out and just watch, but I'd really love to know where this idea of me being a pawn comes from. When Blade first approached me about another alliance i decided to help out as why would I sit back and let an alliance dominate the game. Both M and Blade if their being honest can admit that i started trying to make moves once fallout turned the game on its head. If it wasnt for Jammy jam and thriller fucking the alliance up, we would've been the top 4.
I've done tons. Fuck you whoever fucking posted it you insignificunt little fuck.

EDIT: drunk. but still fuck you
I'd really love people to put there names to that, not because i wanna know who said I'm a pawn or whatever, but rather because I think it would make some of the comments way more entertaining
I know i said i'd sit out and just watch, but I'd really love to know where this idea of me being a pawn comes from. When Blade first approached me about another alliance i decided to help out as why would I sit back and let an alliance dominate the game. Both M and Blade if their being honest can admit that i started trying to make moves once fallout turned the game on its head. If it wasnt for Jammy jam and thriller fucking the alliance up, we would've been the top 4.

You sure on that one? Thriller had me in that alliance too. But he probably didn't tell you that because he didn't tell me you or M were in it. Plus there's no way to know how the comps would've turned out with different people playing.
Looks like this is a hit. Here are more stuff that I've received from people ;)
M is playing probably the worst game I've ever seen. He's a massive floater and doesn't deserve to win this game.

Rated R Enigma is insane when it comes to his love of Big Brother. But just being a fan of the show isn't going to get him a win. He better start winning things.

When KB and Fallout had duel HOH, all I could picture was them asking who wants to see their HOH room and Spidey sitting there thinking to himself "NOBODY! In fact we'd all rather hang ourselves!"

Spidey being the mastermind of his alliance really surprised me. I thought he was a pawn who got pulled in by Dynamite. That said that alliance was way too big and was doomed to fail from Day 1.

Milenko has done nothing but be a follower in this game. The only person he should be able to win against is M and that's only because Milenko isn't a floater.

KB seems to think the only reason he went out so early is because he's so smart. That is part of it but he's so untrustworthy that I would never try to work with him.

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