WWE's Spring Cleaning

WWE needs to release:

Hornswoggle: No wrestling skill and in my opinion over played.
The Great Khali: Worse wrestling skill and he can't talk.
Darren Young: Adds nothing to the company.
Mason Ryan: Other then looking like Batista, does nothing and he wrestles worse then Cena.
JTG: NXT needs to be gone and thats the only show he can get on.
Jinder Mahal: Character is bland and he can't draw heat.

Thats only some of the people I can think of that I would like to see get released.
Good question so here we go!,
JTG- i didn't think he had any talent anyway and the fact that he's all but gone proves my point.
The Diva's- they are just eye candy , bad eye candy at that!! even the good ones are made to look bad!
Hornswoggle-kids love him but does nothing for ratings
Primo-would do better in TNA.
A-Train-go back to japan.
well the usual suspects seem to be living on NXT, so unless they do cancel NXT (long overdue) most of them will be safe.

My views are based on wrestlers who appear on Raw/Smackdown/SuperStars:

Jindar Mahal: People don't care about him, they barely can be bothered to boo him sometimes.

Ezekiel Jackson: He would have been huge in the 80's (no pun intended), but its not the 80s so whats the point?

Drew MacIntyre: *yawn*

Evan Bourne: and obvious one - he'd needed a drastic overhaul to be given a chance again..

Michael Mcgillicutty: he was never gonna match up to his dad, but he doesn't even match up to Dwayne Gill

Mason Ryan: unless they plan for him to one day form a tag team with batista, theres no point having him around

Trent Baretta: He seems like he's the 3rd (less talented) member of Generation Me
People who will stay:

Tyler Rex & Curt Hawkins -I really do hope that Tyler Reks & Curt Hawkins stay, as a tag team they're probably my favourite in a very bad bunch & cutting them out now will be terrible news for the division, I think they have the best tag gimmick and are probably the best 2 on the mic as well. They've been fired on the latest NXT & I hope this leads to them being signed to Raw/Smackdown along with the other tag team Titus O'Neil & Darren Young who are now on the Smackdown roster as opposed to them being actually fired

Titus O'Neil & Darren young have just been promoted to Smackdown so as far as I'm concerned they're both totally safe

Hornswaggle warms up the crowd, it may not = ratings OR get people at home going but the live crowds do like a little comic relief, he has revived a dead crowd quite a few times which is vital in some of the less God awful crowds in some states of the united states where they will only pop for the gimmicky things. So he's safe

Tyson Kidd - I personally think the WWE are warming to him & will put him in a more prime posistion, possibly in tag team wrestling, later on in the year. He's also one of the only 'jobbers' that ever seems to put up a fight as well, they're protecting him to a degree here,

Heath Slater - I think he will be a somebody in a year or so's time, the crowd are actually warming to Heath Slater & so am I, I used to hate the guy but his last few segments & matches have totally won him over on me & others as it would seem.

Mason Ryan - He's currently in the same dilemma as Ezikiel Jackson (see below) but is still new to the company (relatively speaking) & as a result I can see him hanging on with one last year to show his stuff. If he shows slight improvement or success I see him staying for another year after that but if he shows nothing then he will be gone next year.

Alex Riley - He's got the right look, he's going to be given quite a few chances as far as I'm concerned. He does have potential, he is still very new and is relatively over with the crowd.

Drew McIntyre - I just simply do not see this whole McIntyre thing going nowhere at all, if he wasn't in this situation of a losing streak and simply had the odd bit of tv time on Smackdown where he occasionally jobbed out without this story arc being focused on and brought up time & time again then for certain he would be but with this story I'm sure he isn't.

People who will likely get axed:

Evan Bourne - As far as I'm concerned the kid is a goner! He has broken the wellness twice, in quick succesion, whilst being pushed in the WWE's effort to breath some life into the tag division. This move made led to the tag division dying just as quickly as it seemed to be revived as they had to scrap all plans as a result. He also has a serious injury, sorry I just can't see him possibly surviving + he's simply not THAT over.

Yoshi Tatsu - The kids love, I enjoy him, but I cannot see any direction he's going to go... the only development he's had in the past 2 years was that gimmick change which was over almost as quickly as it started. I just don't think the WWE have anything for him and have given up any hope of making him a regular on the roster.

Ezikiel Jackson - Ever since the return of Matt Bloom as Lord Tensai & the reintroduction of Skip Sheffield as Rybak along with Kane, Big Show, The Great Khali, Brodus Clay & Mark Henry the WWE have enough big guys to have a decent split of monster heels of big friendly giants to have a small party, so why keep a hold of a guy that's been with the company so long yet constantly failed to amount to anything despite a couple of decent pushes? The WWE has put faith in this guy a couple of times now, especially last year, and he never delivers and never seems to up his game. Hell he's not even a regular on NXT or Superstars

Justin Gabriel - He's my surprise release of the year, though I can see him taking the spot monkey role of Evan Bourne in some PPV matches, I just can see him being released... he is always being pushed only not to get a mention at all or even an apperance for weeks upon weeks upon weeks. I sort of think the WWE have given up on the guy after the push he got after he left the Corre went absolutely no where, I don't think we even got a PPV match out of him despite being billed as this underdog up and coming blue chipper.

Trent Barreta - He can pull out a couple of good matches on Superstars and do high spots to get the crowd warm but I personally think the WWE have no faith left in this guy. I don't recall this guy picking up many wins at all even on Superstars where he seems to be the jobbers jobber. I personally think we are going to see a lot of the high flyers relocated to the tg team division and those who don't will be let go, this guy is going to get let go.

Bella Twins - Pretty much certainty they're out of the company

Kaitlyn - I have a feeling that she's going to go, she appears on Smackdown & gets overshadowed by AJ after she started a feud with her that was forgotten about the very next week. Now she's jobbing out on NXT & whilst she did get a light reaction at the show I attended to in London I just don't see her going anywhere. She MIGHT survive for another year.

JTG - Unless the WWE are keeping him to simply be a jobber then I see him being released. The company needs jobbers and JTG is one of the biggest jobbers the is in the company as that's all he seems to do, no matter the show, however I don't think the crowd even care for him on jobber terms... in fact I'd say he's the least over jobber in the company.
JTG- Since Cryme Tyme's split he's just floated around as an occasional jobber. Use his salary to help pay the other bills haha

Evan Bourne- He's uber talented and very few will say differently but you can't fail multiple drug test and expect to keep a job... Unless your Randy Orton haha

Ezekial Jackson- For a while I wanted so badly to see a relevant push for Zeke however now with the flood of big men coming in I forsee Zeke getting the boot

The Uso's- Or at least one of them.. Since their tag title runs they've provided little to nothing to the overall product. With tag teams already valued as little as they are I can see them going.

Alex Riley- Since his feud with Miz ended he's done nothing I can remember other than being the first person to job to Tensai... If not released then at least FCW bound

Other random FCW talent- The WWE is always cycling upcoming talent in and out of the promoton

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