WWE's Spring Cleaning

Curt Hawkins is another big name. He's just not managed to fit in after Zack became the big star of the group. Besides, he has absolutely no charisma and they'd probably be better off "pushing" Tyler Reks out of the two of them, as he seems to be better on the mic, at selling and overall in-ring.

What an epic fail, Curt Hawkins has no charisma? Ryder wishes he had Hawkins' charisma and mic skills.
Whether you like it or not, he's not going anywhere. He has been in the WWE since 2006, they're keeping him for a reason.
I have a feeling he and Reks are going to become Tag Team Champions this year. And I can see him as the IC/US champion in 2013.

This is Ted DiBiase/Cody Rhodes all over again... Everybody, including myself thought Ted was the star of the team... We all know what happened after the Legacy broke up.

Zack Ryder is a flash in the pan, he's just terrible. His ''popularity'' seems to have dropped, nobody cares about him anymore and that's exactly what I predicted a few months ago. Ryder dug his own grave with his ZTLIS crap.

Hawkins > Ryder
Alex Riley-He could have been a huge star but thing just have been crashing to earth for him. It just time for the WWE to move on and maybe he can find his feeting back again

Curt Hawkins-Still around??

JTG-Without crime times he will not be anything great

Tyler Reks-Was a good bad guy but feel back to nothing

Bellas-One can only hope

Drew McIntyre-WWE Try with him and has shown that he will never be a top star

Heath Slater-Why is he still around??

Jinder Mahal- He stink

Johnny Curtis-Going nowhere

Tyson Kidd-Nothing going for him

Kaitlyn-Won NXT but has done nothing

Darren Young-Why do he still have a job???

Derrick Bateman-Been in the farms for some time

Byron Saxton-Same

Conor O'Brian-Been in the farms for a long time snd look like he going no where

Eli Cottonwood-Is he ever still around

Hornswoggle-With the WWE moving away form the kid style of wrestling there not a lot for him anymore
Isnt JTG being rumored to be in the Marine 3...he may just be safe...but he should leave...or just re-invent himself.

Evan Bourne and Trent baretta just need to go though.Bourne is out of strikes and he has a career ending injury...Trent is on the Superstars roster nuff said.

Yoshi tatsu...would of thought he would had atleast 1 title,huge let down

Big Zeke...once he lost the title he hasnt done anything ethier..
Jinder Mahal...um no moves,cant speak,just bland good bye sir
Tyler Reks is on NXT not FCW,not Superstars,last scene picking Heath Slater up after Flo-Rida mushed him.
Haven't done one of these in quite some time... fun shit.

Release, Permanent Jobber Status or Send Down

Evan Bourne - Release - I'd cut him. He is way too much trouble for what he's worth. He does a nice flip... then what? I have never seen him tell a story in the ring, or make anything outside of that flip even somewhat interesting. Some guys are meant for TNA.

Curt Hawkins - Perm. Jobber Status - Not sure why anyone thinks this guy has a future. However, he isn't awful, and takes bumps pretty well. A good jobber, nothing more.

JTG - Perm. Jobber Status - Without Shad, he's nothing. Not saying Shad was better, but they're a tag team. Outside of that, he's a jobber. An entertaining jobber, but no one buys him as a legitimate threat. Maybe, one day, they could. Doesn't look promising.

Mason Ryan - Send Down - I'll be honest here - I have no idea where Mason Ryan is. Maybe he's already in the minors. If so, perfect, that's where he belongs. He has a body, so cutting him doesn't seem likely, but he's awful. About as bad as a muscular guy can be. Give him another year or two, teach him how to work. If that doesn't work, ship him out. He won't be missed.

Heath Slater - Release - This is purely subjective. I can't think of another wrestler I hate more than this guy. He's just awful, in every sense of the term. Can't talk, not a great wrestler, no charisma, sounds scripted - just terrible. Minors? If I didn't hate him so much, I'd suggest that. But I do, so can him, quick.

Jinder Mahal - Send Down - Has potential, but hasn't shown much. Not a great worker, but you can see there's something there. I'd give him some more time, bring him back, and have him do nothing related to Khali. Please.

Matt Striker - Release - Another purely subjective choice. Basically, I'm terrified he's going to end up on Smackdown again, and that's scary. Worst color guy I've heard in a long, long time, and personally, I can't stomach his presence.

Sin Cara - Release - They're probably paying him a lot more money than anyone else I've listed, and apparently he's a world class worker. I haven't seen much, but I'm not sure how much of that is actually his fault. Either way, he's boring, always injured, etc. Send him home.

Yoshi Tatsu - Perm. Jobber Status - He's already a jobber, but he has a bit of a cult following. Not sure why, but he does. I hope they keep him around, just so his fans can cry each time he's squashed. Fun stuff.


Ted DiBiase - Ton of potential here. Already knows how to work a match better than 50% of this roster, but hasn't caught fire. I loved Legacy, and thought he and Cody were fantastic. Cody has moved on and done some stellar shit, but Ted hasn't. I have a feeling he's on the bubble, but I hope they don't pull the trigger.

Trent Barreta - I thought breaking up The Dudebusters was a great thing for Barreta. He would finally be able to showcase just how awesomely talented he is. I was wrong. He's fantastic, a great all-around worker. However, the roster is pretty deep, and he hasn't been given a proper chance. I hope they keep him around as a jobber, let him learn a few things, and give him a push. He's better than Drew McIntyre, Big Zeke, and most other mid-card guys, and I hope someone notices that soon.
Ok lets kick off this list of releases shall we:

Jinder Mahal -I could see him being big at one point, however now I've come to terms with reality and this guy is a joke.

Heath Slater - What does this guy even do, I despise this guy as a wrestler and I feel he definitely needs to go.

Evan Bourne - Yes I love this guy, and he is reasonable, but he gets into far too much trouble outside the ring, I mean he didn't learn his lesson the first time and does it again? Really?

Alex Riley - When was the last time we heard from him seriously? When he was feuding with the Miz, which was quite some time ago, think he needs to go .

Eziekial Jackson (I can't spell lol)- This guy sure was the IC champ, however with the other big guys in the WWE , I just don't feel he has a spot anymore.

Thank you for listening to The Deadly Viper's Release List.
Well, WM28 is in the rearview mirror and if history repeats itself like it has every year....it is almost time for roster cuts. The WWE's annual tradition of trimming the fat and handing out a lot of of "future endeavors". So with that in mind who do you guys (and gals) think will get the boot this time around.

If I had to make a prediction it would be:
Ezekiel Jackson
Jinder Mahal
Yoshi Tatsu
Tyler Reks

I am sure there will be others including those from FCW being let out of thier development contracts but the names above are the ones that stand out to me.

Note to the Mods: I wasnt sure where to post this thread so if it needs moved go right ahead.

I have to agree that most of these guys besides Yoshi Tatsu will be on their way out of the WWE. Tatsu while he does mostly sit on the sidelines or when used its not for a meaningful story line he does have the skill to put on a good match when they need him. The rest of the guys really don't stick out at me as someone the WWE needs to have around. Not really the fault of these talents as i believe to an extent they are just poorly used and could be better then they are if given the chance or if they just went out their and proved that they wanted it. Sad thats the way it goes but its business.
This is a great thread, I'm enjoying seeing everyone's opinions on the undercard. I replied earlier about who should get cut, this time I'm doing something different:


Darren Young
- I'll admit I'm biased, I watched him in the indies at ECWA shows in Delaware, he's a great wrestler with a good physique. His mic work is average but I know he could sink his teeth into a serious heel persona. I want to see him succeed in WWE, even though he has failed to impress the audience so far.

Alex Riley - I like his look, his mic work and his attitude. He seems to be happy to be in the ring, that means a lot especially when you're jobbing. I think Riley could grow into a major babyface for WWE.

Kaitlyn - Firstly, she's hot. If I were in WWE I'd be trying to date her. Her physique is awesome, I love female wrestlers who have some build. I think Kaitlyn could end up a huge babyface Diva in a few years time.

Tyson Kidd
- Kidd's a total package who will only get better with time. I'd love to see him take a gimmick and run with it, like Brodus Clay has. I think Kidd and Gabrierl will be a great tag team if they get the chance to show off.
WWE is, in my opinion, missing a great opportunity when it comes to releasing the wrestlers that need to go. I think they should do all releases live on the Draft episode of Raw. It would also be a great way to re-energize the Draft, and to get fans behind some of the characters that are staying. Line up all the jobbers and scrubs, and guys on the verge of getting cut, and have the fans cheer for the ones they want to stay. Those that don't garner enough of a reaction get cut. Live on Raw. By John Laurinitis. How perfect and entertaining would that be?

Or they could do something like have matches between these lower-card guys. Winner gets their name put into the draft, loser gets future endeavored. Again, on live TV by John Laurinitis. Johnny could even be involved in fixing the outcomes of the matches to help further his character.

Anyways, those are just two scenarios I could think of. Using the draft to do roster cuts would be one of the most anticipated and entertaining Raws of the year.

To answer the original question, I would cut the following people:

Evan Bourne - lowers the IQ of everybody he touches.
Curt Hawkins - Jobber. Miz can do that role.
Heath Slater - Jobber. Miz can do that role too.
Tyler Reks - Who?
Ezekiel Jackson - Useless now that Ryback has debuted.
Rey Mysterio - Can't stay relevant when you're injured 13 months out of the year.
Justin Gabriel - His hair looks so lame.

Last but not least, Little Jimmy. Just to see how R-Truth will react. Or at least have Little Jimmy drafted to Smackdown or something.....that would be comedy.
Last but not least, Little Jimmy. Just to see how R-Truth will react. Or at least have Little Jimmy drafted to Smackdown or something.....that would be comedy.

You know, THAT WOULD BE FUNNY AS HELL!!!! Dont even put a pic of what they think Little Jimmy looks like. Just have a Smackdown logo with "Little Jimmy" under it. I see Truth's reaction to that could be priceless.
Ezekiel Jackson I have never liked his in ring work, or anything about his persona. I know he adds international flavour coming from Guyana, but you already have African representation in the more dynamic and marketable Kofi Kingston and Justin Gabriel.

Zeke doesn't even have that. Guyana is in South America.
WWE is, in my opinion, missing a great opportunity when it comes to releasing the wrestlers that need to go. I think they should do all releases live on the Draft episode of Raw. It would also be a great way to re-energize the Draft, and to get fans behind some of the characters that are staying. Line up all the jobbers and scrubs, and guys on the verge of getting cut, and have the fans cheer for the ones they want to stay. Those that don't garner enough of a reaction get cut. Live on Raw. By John Laurinitis. How perfect and entertaining would that be?

Or they could do something like have matches between these lower-card guys. Winner gets their name put into the draft, loser gets future endeavored. Again, on live TV by John Laurinitis. Johnny could even be involved in fixing the outcomes of the matches to help further his character.

Anyways, those are just two scenarios I could think of. Using the draft to do roster cuts would be one of the most anticipated and entertaining Raws of the year.

I'm not sure how those scenarios would play out. Those scenarios seem to be more humiliating than necessary. Sending a guy out to slaughter in such a public way may crush their morale to the point where they wouldn't even want to continue wrestling at all.

Your second scenario would basically be throwing salt in the wound of the fired wrestler(s) after the fact (since the match endings are predetermined, the losers have already been decided), just to put on a spectacle for the fans. Plus you run the risk that the competitors will try to legit hurt each other out of desperation or frustration.
Tatsu while he does mostly sit on the sidelines or when used its not for a meaningful story line he does have the skill to put on a good match when they need him.

I think that statement applies to just about everyone on the roster, no? Of the lower card wrestlers, I can't think of any that are hopeless in the ring. The only ones who can be termed bad wrestlers are the novelty acts like Great Khali, who isn't a lower-card wrestler and is kept around for reasons other than his wrestling ability.

The thing is, last year's expected Spring Cleaning never happened, did it? I don't remember a mass exodus after Wrestlemania last year; in fact, the roster stayed pretty much intact through 2011, save for a few isolated releases along the way.

But if there is a cleaning, who stays and who goes? Every year, we see tons of posts speculating and predicting different performers released for a series of different reasons. We see no future for some guys while predicting a great future for others.

Personally, I have no guesses. Some of the performers they've let go or retained in the past seemed to have no rhyme or reason in the decision.

For me, just keep McIntyre and I'll be happy.:rolleyes:
They should of made it more interesting. Had the people they're going to release as the people that was on Team long at Wrestlemania, and then over the course of the next month or so, have Laurinitis push them to the brink resulting in them "quitting" at least then it would be known that they wasn't coming back. It would also give Laurinitis way more heat.

Who should go?

Not sure to be honest, there are a few not getting used that often, but that could be changing.
They should just line up all the potential released superstars, let Cena put them on the receiving end of an AA and see who takes it the worst, and keep them so that Cena can do it every day he sees necessary for the next year.
WWE is, in my opinion, missing a great opportunity when it comes to releasing the wrestlers that need to go. I think they should do all releases live on the Draft episode of Raw. It would also be a great way to re-energize the Draft, and to get fans behind some of the characters that are staying. Line up all the jobbers and scrubs, and guys on the verge of getting cut, and have the fans cheer for the ones they want to stay. Those that don't garner enough of a reaction get cut. Live on Raw. By John Laurinitis. How perfect and entertaining would that be?

Or they could do something like have matches between these lower-card guys. Winner gets their name put into the draft, loser gets future endeavored. Again, on live TV by John Laurinitis. Johnny could even be involved in fixing the outcomes of the matches to help further his character.

Anyways, those are just two scenarios I could think of. Using the draft to do roster cuts would be one of the most anticipated and entertaining Raws of the year.

To answer the original question, I would cut the following people:

Evan Bourne - lowers the IQ of everybody he touches.
Curt Hawkins - Jobber. Miz can do that role.
Heath Slater - Jobber. Miz can do that role too.
Tyler Reks - Who?
Ezekiel Jackson - Useless now that Ryback has debuted.
Rey Mysterio - Can't stay relevant when you're injured 13 months out of the year.
Justin Gabriel - His hair looks so lame.

Last but not least, Little Jimmy. Just to see how R-Truth will react. Or at least have Little Jimmy drafted to Smackdown or something.....that would be comedy.

That would be absolutely reprehensible. Firing someone (for real) on live TV in front of your whole audience?

Forget "putting on good TV" here, you're talking about people's actual jobs here.

Also, you know there's these magical things called barbers? Instead of firing Justin Gabriel for not liking his hair, send him to get a new haircut.
I want these guys cut no question-
The Great Khali: No wrestling skill, no mic skills nothing at all
Zack Ryder: This is most likely never going to happen but I really don't like him. His character is very cheesy and awkward, only some mic skills and nothing special ring skill wise

Guys like JTG and Heath Slater have a good chance of being released but I'd rather have either of them instead of Zack Ryder. They are both better then Ryder in the ring.
Obvious Choices:

JTG - Nothing but a thug without Shad

Heath Slater - No one want's to see redneck Clay Aiken and Wendy's son in the ring

Hunico - They already have their mexican market covered with Primo, epico, sin cara, del rio, and Mysterio

Jack Swagger - Sorry, just don't see the point of him

Jinder Mahal - Khali is terrible, but they need an indian

Trent Barreta - .....who?

Honestly; All NXT wrestlers minus Reks and Hawkins

Guys who need to step up or get a shot:

Alex Riley - Had massive steam coming off Miz feud, should have made a US Title Run

Evan Bourne - Need's somethin soon, huge potential, but needs more of a push

Mason Ryan - I get that he's the next Batista, but hurry it up already...

Reks, Hawkins, McIntyre, Jackson, Dibiase, Kidd, and Tatsu - Same as Bourne

Needs to Retire:

Mysterio - Too many injuries, and he's had his time

Big Show - He's been around long enough and hasnt established himself as an Icon like Undertaker

Mark Henry - Getting stale, had a nice last year. Time to go.

Agree? Disagree?
That would be absolutely reprehensible. Firing someone (for real) on live TV in front of your whole audience?

Forget "putting on good TV" here, you're talking about people's actual jobs here.

Also, you know there's these magical things called barbers? Instead of firing Justin Gabriel for not liking his hair, send him to get a new haircut.

Donald Trump made a living doing that exact same thing, and people ate it up. What is so bad about televising the firing of people on television? If anything, it'll be a positive because it will motivate all the remaining talent to improve, lest they suffer the same fate. Which will lead to a better product all around. I guarantee you wouldn't see superstars mailing in three quarters of their matches like they do now if they knew that it would get them future endeavored in front of the live audience.

And also, seeing as Gabriel's idiotic hair is, literally, his entire gimmick, his stupid hair is the reason I said he needs to go. Take that nonsense to TNA or somebody's garage or a high school gym or something.
Hopefully now guys like Seth Rollins and The Kings of Wrestling can be brought up, but if anyone thinks Hawkins and Reks and Heath Slater, Hornswoggle and Khali will get cut, will sadly you're gonna be mistaken. Besides, Hornswoggle will be the new Leprachaun in the rebbot and Khali is a major draw in India.....not happening folks.>>True
I hope they don't release Alex Riley. He's majorly over, and one of the few lowcarders that gets featured on the house shows.
First and foremost, JTG will be released. Has done nothing (as numerous people have already stated) since Cryme Tyme split. Offers nothing in return either. To be honest, I can't even remember a time when I saw him on TV.

As he has two Wellness Policy strikes already to his name, and a possible career-ending injury, Evan Bourne will most likely be the biggest name to depart. Bourne's release may actually do him some good. If his injury heals well enough for him to return, a move to TNA might help him. WWE doesn't "do" Cruiserweights.

I can see some Divas going, such as the Bella twins and Alicia Fox. None of them have done much, and the Bella's gimmick wore off pretty fast. Alicia has a couple of farfetched wins over Natalya at the pinnacle of the "Divas of Doom" run, which seems to be the most relevant thing I have seen her do, bar her Divas title run.

One poster mentioned Layla earlier. Layla has been injured with a torn ACL and MCL in her knee, and was quite over as a face before she had to take time off. I can't see her being released.

Others such as Trent Barretta, Heath Slater and the least likely to succeed in FCW will be let go, but I wouldn't be at all surprised if Alex Riley is FE'd after his massive failure to capitalize on his momentum after Capitol Punishment, and subsequent felony charges (a DUI, I believe).
As far as guys id like to see released here are some of mine

Great Kahli: This guy brings nothing to the table. He isnt good in the ring He can't move he just needs to go already

Jinder Mahal: What exactly is this guys purpose again. He was with Kahli now he isnt and he does absolutley nothing has no direction cut em.

Mason Ryan: He just hasnt panned out.. He was brought in was around for a little bit got hurt. Then he came back was on TV for a couple weeks and taken off TV again. Yea he is big a muscle Bound but with Ryback not back and the fact he is a Billion times better at being what they wanted Ryan to be. Ryan should either be Released or sent back to FCW.

The Miz: I know this probably will get flak from alot of people but I see nothing from the Miz. What does the Miz bring that some of these other younger guys can't. Miz isn't entertaining he is annoying and he whines. I dont lkie Ziggler but he is head and shoulders better than Miz. My opinion Bye bye Miz.
I think probable candidates are :

1. JTG
2. A~Ri
3. Yoshi tatsu
4. Hinder mahal

And I think there could be a couple of more prominent superstars going too such as

1. Swagger
2. Mark Henry
3. Bourne

I hope this opens te door to ryback ambrose and Seth Rollins hopefully..
Who should be released.

Evan Bourne, personally i think he was looking to get released anyway, he sells great but he took the piss with the violations, his injury also, he won't be back anytime soon.

Ezekiel Jackson, he's can't talk, his ring work is poor. What else does he offer? He has to be released.

JTG, never seen only on NXT his tyme is up.

Great Khali, he won't get released but i hope to god he does, he is the worst guy on the roster, an abomination.

Darren Young, Percy Watson, Titus O'Neil, i would rather watch anyone else wrestle a plate of pasta than see these guys in the ring, just woeful.

Hornswoggle, won't get released but i hope he does he's painful to watch as a comedic act, but this Leprechaun role, will keep him in WWE.

Mason Ryan, Greener than The Hulk who over doses on eating asparagus turning his piss a different colour. He looks like an utter beast but everything else he needs, he doesn't have and never will.

Curt Hawkins & Tyler Reks, I don't mind these guys too much they can wrestle but they haven't really been on tv Hawkins has been with the E for so long yet nothing. Plus they did that Midcard Mafia, that should get them released anyway, so utter shit.

Guys who people think should be released but shouldn't.

Heath Slater, sometimes you need lower card guys for superstars or squashes, he sells well, and sometimes you just need these type of guys.

Alex Riley, been irrelevant for nearly a year, his DUI has gotten him in the shit, but he is respectable on the mic, decent in ring, has a decent look, keep him, he did well to make Tensai look good, sells well and he's a guy who could easily be Midcard, some people used to even think Main Event when he had his stint with The Miz.

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