WWE vs TNA Thread (Business Strategy, Creative Direction, Head-to-Head Shows, Etc.)

I see Hogan as more of a mouth piece/occasionally works in the ring, and does a lot behind the scenes stuff to actually try and improve the product, but I could be wrong. I think he really wants to stick it to Vince as much as he can. He tried with the reality show with the celebrities wrestling, now he's doing the Hulkamania tour. With Hogan, Bischoff, possibly Flair, and maybe a few more key acquisitions they could make it more interesting. Nash and Hogan are behind the scenes enemies as well as Flair and Nash, so there could be some problems in that area. Maybe he'll jump ship and go back to the WW. I would like to see TNA get better, draw more ratings, and get more buys just to see how arrogantly Vince reacts and what he does. They won't threaten his business like WCW did, but it could really affect Vince's ego, which I think is what Hogan wants along with Eric.
I am going to be honest with everyone here. The proposed new Monday Night TNA show is not meant to go head to head with Raw right away. It is placed in the spot to get viewership of the common WWE fans

Bischoff knows how to build a show. He is doing the same thing that he did with Monday Nitro. Starting the show 1 hour before Raw starts. This is done for a reason. It gives WWE fans a pre Raw show (building an audience). It will start off with a big opening with some good matches to smooth things out. 5 to 10 minutes before Raw begins something big will happen to make you want to watch the main event. Basically after 45 minutes of Raw, you will flip the channel to check out the main event for the TNA show. Then once TNA's show becomes more established in your head, during the over lapping hour you will start flipping from channel to channel to see which match is more entertaining. Then TNA will start doing 3 hour specials... and eventually moving the whole show into the same time slot as RAW, and you will be flipping channel to channel for two hours as the two companies fight for viewers.

If you are old enough to remember the entire 1990s, you will remember that is how WCW started beating the WWF (WWE) in ratings.
I am going to be honest with everyone here. The proposed new Monday Night TNA show is not meant to go head to head with Raw right away. It is placed in the spot to get viewership of the common WWE fans

Bischoff knows how to build a show. He is doing the same thing that he did with Monday Nitro. Starting the show 1 hour before Raw starts. This is done for a reason. It gives WWE fans a pre Raw show (building an audience). It will start off with a big opening with some good matches to smooth things out. 5 to 10 minutes before Raw begins something big will happen to make you want to watch the main event. Basically after 45 minutes of Raw, you will flip the channel to check out the main event for the TNA show. Then once TNA's show becomes more established in your head, during the over lapping hour you will start flipping from channel to channel to see which match is more entertaining. Then TNA will start doing 3 hour specials... and eventually moving the whole show into the same time slot as RAW, and you will be flipping channel to channel for two hours as the two companies fight for viewers.

If you are old enough to remember the entire 1990s, you will remember that is how WCW started beating the WWF (WWE) in ratings.

Bischoff isn't in charge of TNA he is working with them.

That wasn't how WCW won the ratings either. It started with the nWo and they started bringing in the older WWF guys. People were watching to see who was going to show up next. While that was happening that had the mid carders putting on tremendous matches.

TNA doesn't have the funds to compete with Vince on that level but WCW did. They had their own network basically and an endless supply of money. TNA can't just throw a show on and expect to compete. Unlike WCW who was basically able to match or beat anything Vince offered TNA can't. They will have to win fans over with the actual show.
If ANYTHING is done by the WWE, it won't take place for a while. We don't even know if the Monday Night time slot for them is even confirmed yet. It could be just a rumor.

But if TNA answers back with some jabs at the WWE and attempt to try to undercut them like WCW did, we could finally see some solid stories and more creative programming. This doesn't mean we get Attitude Era v 2.0. It may mean we get Vince's A game again and could potentially see the WWE step up and flex it's muscle as the dominate force in wrestling. It's good to have a rivalry of any kind, no matter how far apart the two companies are. I watched Vince McMahon's DVD and one constant that was mentioned by each person that was close to him is that he thrives on competition. If he doesn't have it, he really has no motivation. He'll put it on cruise control and just put out a product that satisfies the sponsors and the family audience. Now, if TNA becomes a dent in the WWE ratings, Vince could turn on that drive that he's always had and be provoked to be innovative again.
I'm a WWE fan through and through and I seldom watch TNA, but I do keep up on it every week and I like this news. WWE needs competition in order to get off it's lazy ass. TNA has some solid wrestlers, and Bischoff knows it and he may not have the checkbook, but he does have the brains and won't hold back at pushing the right people. He'll use what he learned from WCW and help elevate TNA. TNA may never be as big as WWE, but if more people tune in, Vince will notice and he'll put on a better product. Wrestling fans, things are about to look good for everyone.
Bischoff isn't in charge of TNA he is working with them.

That wasn't how WCW won the ratings either. It started with the nWo and they started bringing in the older WWF guys. People were watching to see who was going to show up next. While that was happening that had the mid carders putting on tremendous matches.

TNA doesn't have the funds to compete with Vince on that level but WCW did. They had their own network basically and an endless supply of money. TNA can't just throw a show on and expect to compete. Unlike WCW who was basically able to match or beat anything Vince offered TNA can't. They will have to win fans over with the actual show.

Bischoff was brought in to take them to the next level. They will give him the power he needs to do so. Now if you understood my post, You would understand that the NWO gimmick was a part of the getting people to turn back for the end of the show. Too see who made the jump... But yeah it did get stale because it was the only thing they did for a few years.
TNA has made the mistake of getting Vince McMahon's attention.

I don't think McMahon has ever been worried about TNA. He's not pumped that ECW beat Impact last week, he's bugged by the fact that Raw got beat by NFL, BAseball playoffs, College Football, Monk, White Collar, Jeff Dunham, Suite Life on Deck, Penguins of MAdagascar, NCIS and Spongebob. Maybe he's made peace with losing to the NFL and baseball playoffs, but the rest didn't used to happen. Monk and White Collar sell a lot more Lexuses than Raw does, and the Disney/Nickelodeon stuff is pretty good at moving kids merchandise. He couldn't care less what a second-rate promotion does at a second-rate theme park in Orlando. As he said to Turner long ago, he's not in the rasslin' business, he's in the entertainment business.


But if TNA and Spike TV want to challenge him on Monday Nights, then they become a remote threat to the entire empire. If Hogan's TNA gets momentum, (I don't see it happening but if it does) the result could be the destruction of both companies in their current forms. If Impact and Raw both settle in around the 2.0-2.2 mark, then both federations and both networks could be in a situation where they are losing money but can't stop spending without getting crushed by the other. When corporate winds shift, losing money for a 2.0 rating with a bad image isn't a good place to be.

So, being Vince McMahon, he will start trying to cut TNA off at the knees before they become a real threat. TNA with a Monday night timeslot has entered Vince McMahon's priority list. Destroying TNA will be McMahon's first response, rather than smarkening up the product for us. Any improvements will be side effects of moves made to cripple TNA.

Step One: Address the issue of the toll the schedule takes on veteran main eventers. Make a policy that former world champions above an age cutoff (35?) have the option to work half as many dates for, say, 2/3 the pay.

Step Two: Put the word out that the company is at war with TNA, and that grudges will be held from this point forward. If you "Cross the Line", you are not at all assured of coming back. No one on the roster is indispensable, so if you take a TNA offer and it doesn't work out, you're not looking at ECW--you're looking at ROH and New Japan. WWE is essentially claiming right of first refusal for main eventers.

Step Three: Talent raid focused on the key players in TNA, guys the company is or should be built around. Styles and Morgan are locked up, but Angle may be a free agent right now. Samoa Joe's contract expires next year or the year after. I think that Awesome Kong is on a year-to-year deal, but I don't really know. Those three are ones it would hurt TNA the most to lose, so make a serious run at bringing them into WWE as main event stars. Angle, Samoa Joe and Awesome Kong should be recruited and offered serious money and a place in the world title pictures. (For Kong, rebuild the women's division around her, maybe unify the two titles) Either they leave TNA and strengthen WWE or TNA's payroll takes a serious leap.

STep Four: Not so much a talent raid as a strategy to bleed TNA financially. Anyone on the TNA roster who is not making WWE roster money, offer them a one-year deal making WWE roster money. Not a developmental deal, even if they do spend the year stuck in FCW. The same money Seamus or Yoshi Tatsu or Santino or Jesse is getting.

Step Five: Counterprogramming at 8pm on Mondays. Eliminate or at least reduce the advantage that TNA would get by being the only wrestling show on from 8-9. Either expand Raw (difficult), move Superstars or whip up a studio "pregame" show. The "pregame show" would look like an NFL pregame show, with three or four commentators (either road agents on the payroll or retired guys who would come back cheap) showing and discussing clips from Raw, Smackdown, ECW and Superstars and going over and discussing the expected lineup for Raw and maybe the others as well.

The absolute last thing Vince is going to do is make the product better. He thinks it is already better, and he thinks he knows better than anyone else. The last time he listened to anyone else's ideas is when the company was on path to go out of business. Everything that you hate, he's doing it because he thinks it's good business.
Well I like it because Bischoff is extremely competitive and TNA possibly broadcasting head-to-head with WWE on Monday nights will definitely force the WWE to make changes and improvements to their product. I don't really think the WWE sees TNA as legitimate competition, but these TNA changes really force the WWE to acknowledge them. No matter how much you like the WWE, you have to admit, the WWE product overall is really stale right now.

Story at the link reports that TNA & Spike are discussing an additional TNA show for Mondays, not moving Impact.

This adds a Step 6 to Vince's plan to cripple TNA.

Step 1. Lighter veteran schedules, reducing the incentive for main-eventers to jump to TNA.
Step 2. Declare that main-eventers who jump to TNA will have a difficult time returning.
Step 3. Raid key TNA talent--Angle, Samoa Joe, Awesome Kong.
Step 4. Increase the price of all TNA talent to WWE roster minimum levels.
Step 5. Counterprogram in the 8 pm Monday timeslot.

Step 6. Counterprogram in the Thursday night timeslot. Move Smackdown to Thursday when the MyNetwork TV contract expires. Possibly go to WGN and use Superstars for the 8pm Monday slot.
Ok so we all know that competition causes change and innovation. The attitude era was spawned in large part as a response to the threat of WCW. That, and wrestling changed with the times, as nothing can stay the same forever. The WWE has a somewhat notorious history among the IWC for not letting performers compete at their full wrestling ability and also not properly pushing the best athletes, IE Evan Bourne. My question in this thread is, could that change in the near future, specifically with a threat of TNA possibly emerging in the coming years?

Now let’s say hypothetically that Hogan and other big things poppin in TNA causes TNA to get in WWE’s ass anywhere from 1-5 years or so. If that happens, regardless of who is champion, as we all know, when viewers tune in to TNA, they will see….well….Total Non-Stop Action. They will see the best athletes in the business putting on great matches for the entire card, pretty much what they are doing now. I mean even the bigger wrestlers in TNA have a much wider moveset than WWE wrestlers are allowed. So if TNA becomes a competition for the WWE, will they force WWE to put on more action packed, wider move-set matches to stay ahead of the curve? It wouldn’t be the first time WWE took something from the competition, put their own style in it, and made it a success. For example WWE took the nWo concept, created DX with their own WWE flavor, and called it their own. Now in TNA’s case, their big selling point is the wrestling, not a stable like the nWo…so will WWE take from that and put their own spin on it?

And just in general, will the WWE adapt to that style within the next decade? Personally, I think if WWE were to have more action packed, move-filled matches it will need to be because TNA is giving them a run for their money, or at least something that resembles it. But it’s an interesting question that I find difficult to answer. I mean, picture the year 2012. WWE is getting a 3.5 in the ratings on Raw and TNA is getting a 2.4. People are starting to notice the action on TNA. Does the WWE change their philosophy of size, charisma, and in ring psychology and turn into more of a TNA atmosphere that emphasizes athleticism and general in ring credibility?

So what are your thoughts? Will TNA or CAN TNA cause a change in WWE’s in ring style matches within the next few years?
I think one of the biggest reasons why Vince has yet to acknowledge tna is the fact that he probably wants a little competition. This may be what the WWE needs to put out a better product on at least 1 of the 4 shows they have. I for one have grown sick and tired of CENA, DX, BATISTA AND RANDY ORTON, as well as the same feuds going on for 6 months in a row. I hope Vince sees this as a way to move in a different direction or at least throw a curve ball every now and then.
For TNA to force any change in WWE, they'd have to be filling arenas, and pulling in decent TV ratings. Until that happens, there's no reason to feel pressured to change. And, once they do (if they do) start changing, then it shows that TNA is a viable competitor.

I'd like to say that all of this will be soon, but I can't lie. It's still a while off.
It'll take a serious charge from TNA to provoke the WWE. We're talking having a significant "IMPACT" (Pun sort of intended) on the WWE's viewership before Vince will bring his A game. But it CAN be done. If it's done smartly. I'd love to see Hulk, Russo, and Bischoff learn from their mistakes and make TNA a successful promotion that can give a great alternative to the WWE. And right now's the time to do it. The WWE's hit it's biggest slide since 1996, before the Austin era. So if TNA can pull together some interesting stories, some solid talent, and PPV buyrates, then the WWE would start putting their foot to the gas pedal. Until then, it'll be PG business as usual for Vince and the WWE.
I've quietly wanted Hogan to surface in TNA for this very reason, competition=far better product. That's why the people opposing this just do not make sense to me. Without Hogan, TNA never had a prayer of accomplishing this; now at least there's a chance. And the winners will be the fans.
6 Months????? Where have u been? Trips/Orton/Batista have been going on since evolution and that was what 6 years ago???

I think one of the biggest reasons why Vince has yet to acknowledge tna is the fact that he probably wants a little competition. This may be what the WWE needs to put out a better product on at least 1 of the 4 shows they have. I for one have grown sick and tired of CENA, DX, BATISTA AND RANDY ORTON, as well as the same feuds going on for 6 months in a row. I hope Vince sees this as a way to move in a different direction or at least throw a curve ball every now and then.
I don't think Vince McMahon would change his plans if a meteor hit him.

While I will agree with you, CK, that TNA's wrestlers have a wider moveset and generally have the ability to put on more exciting matches than most of WWE's wrestlers, that does not mean they always do so. The last few PPV's from TNA have been pretty bland to be honest, while the WWE's PPV's have been pretty good.

In addition to that, I would argue that for the majority of wrestling fans, a wide moveset doesn't matter. They want to see good plots, in ring story telling, and a couple impressive spots. While ring psychology and general match content don't go entirely unnoticed, I believe they play second fiddle to the formerly mentioned aspects for the majority of fans. For that reason, guys like Cena, HHH, Taker, Batista, Rey, Edge, and Orton will continue to be pushed to the moon, because they tell stories, pull off the spots, and you know that they sell merchandise like there's no tomorrow. If TNA creative and their wrestlers can out do the WWE in the showmanship department, they might stand a chance at one day being able to affect the WWE's program slightly, but they have a long way to go first.
The WWE has a somewhat notorious history among the IWC for not letting performers compete at their full wrestling ability and also not properly pushing the best athletes, IE Evan Bourne

Or stopping injuries from occurring as the result of dangerous moves. They also have a notorious history of not pushing wrestlers who aren't only over for the fact that they do a shooting star press. Ahem.

If that happens, regardless of who is champion, as we all know, when viewers tune in to TNA, they will see….well….Total Non-Stop Action

As we all know, when people tune into WWE they see, Wrestling Entertainment that is boradcasted all around the world. When they tune into ROH they see wrestlers performing in a Ring, bound by a code of honour. When they tune into "The Hills", they see vapid bitches arguing.

They will see the best athletes in the business putting on great matches for the entire card, pretty much what they are doing now. I mean even the bigger wrestlers in TNA have a much wider moveset than WWE wrestlers are allowed.

The bolded is very debateable. As for the italicized, whoopity-doo. Being able to do crazy moves doesn't instantly make you a success. Otherwise Petey Williams would still be employed.

So if TNA becomes a competition for the WWE, will they force WWE to put on more action packed, wider move-set matches to stay ahead of the curve?

So basically you're saying, if people tuned into TNA, then it would immediately become number 1 because they are already so much better than WWE? Just because they have more moves? That doesnt make sense, I'm afraid to say. Lets go topical. The biggest wrestler ever, Hulk Hogan, who TNA just signed. Has he ever had an action packed, wide in variety move set? No. And yet he is God in wrestling. What about all those indy guys doing 450 splashes and double moonsaults? Where are they?

It wouldn’t be the first time WWE took something from the competition, put their own style in it, and made it a success. For example WWE took the nWo concept, created DX with their own WWE flavor, and called it their own. Now in TNA’s case, their big selling point is the wrestling, not a stable like the nWo…so will WWE take from that and put their own spin on it?

Put their own spin on guys wrestling? Well, you could say TNA took WWE's idea of doing that. Oh no wait, you couldn't. Wrestling is wrestling. 5 moves can be just as effective as 1000. Case in point, The WWE Champion vs The TNA Champion. John Cena is doing just fine and dandy.

And just in general, will the WWE adapt to that style within the next decade? Personally, I think if WWE were to have more action packed, move-filled matches it will need to be because TNA is giving them a run for their money, or at least something that resembles it. But it’s an interesting question that I find difficult to answer.

Although Lord Sidious would be having a field day with the ROH-izing of the product, i'll try and sum it up pretty quick. Action packed, move filled matches do not directly equate to ratings or success. They just don't. Look at some great old matches, take your pick really. Anything from the Golden Age of Wrestling or The New Generation. Bret Hart never did "flashy moves, just generic wrestling, yet he had some truly great matches. Hulk Hogan took a Leg Drop and made it sell out arenas.

I mean, picture the year 2012. WWE is getting a 3.5 in the ratings on Raw and TNA is getting a 2.4. People are starting to notice the action on TNA. Does the WWE change their philosophy of size, charisma, and in ring psychology and turn into more of a TNA atmosphere that emphasizes athleticism and general in ring credibility?

This is pure guess work on your part. I could say, picture the year 2012, pink elephants from the subways now rule the street, and they pull a 5.0 rating. IF TNA is pulling those ratings, you can guarantee it won't be solely because of their "flashy moves", and you can bet WWE won't rely on copying "more moved filled matches" in order to win the audience over.

So what are your thoughts? Will TNA or CAN TNA cause a change in WWE’s in ring style matches within the next few years?

I doubt it. They would have to beat WWE in ratings for oh I dont know....84 weeks in a row to do that.
Simple answer to the question is YES. Nobody thought WCW had a chance, and what happened? WCW kick WWF at the time, ass for 80+ weeks in a row, but doing so created the best time to be a wrestling fan, the memories.

TNA need a new creative direction and they need to make bold moves, higher risk maybe. Bischoff and Hogan is the bold move. TNA already have the cancer that killed WCW, Vince Russo, but TNA now have what have kept WCW afloat for so long Eric Bischoff, and in his own right Hogan. However TNA has to move to Monday nights. I use to be a WCW/WWF channel flipper. Just Channel flipping can increase the ratings for TNA and force WWE to take it up a notch.
No. Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff won't alter TNA dramatically. Yes, fans will see Hogans face and will probably check it out, and he is a great aquisition for TNA to put on a poster, but at the end of the day, I remember what I first thought as a mark when I found TNA on some random channel.

When you turn on WWE, you see a huge arena filled with fans, in a different place each week, With massive TV screens, pyro, when you turn on TNA, you see a dingy hall with worse produced entrance music and I think that it will be a turn off to a lot of channel clicking fans (especially the younger ones).
I agree to an extent, but thats why its called growth. TNA was never bigger than it is now, and TNA is not bigger than WCW even at WCW dying days. Its the process and direction shift that is going to be interesting. Im not saying Hogan and Bischoff is gonna make a big television impact, but Bischoff is a master mind behind the scenes. Anyone who watched WCW knows that. TNA has to grow to that point with big arenas and massive crowds, but you have to crawl before you walk and TNA is crawling.
I don't think Vince McMahon would change his plans if a meteor hit him.


The notion that the WWE would be 'forced' to change its style is highly unlikely. Vince, for years, has been put up with wrestlers safety factor crap since the WWE got exposed in the early 90s with the steroid controversy and Owen Hart's death later on didn't make it any better.

The limited movesets help keep the wrestlers safe and the WWE as a whole just won't change that. As a matter of fact, they CAN'T change it. They're getting too much scrutiny and crap from the government.

Though I think the reason why you say TNA's wrestlers 'emphasizes athleticism' more than WWE's wrestlers, for the most is that they are simply better wrestlers.
I agree to an extent, but thats why its called growth. TNA was never bigger than it is now, and TNA is not bigger than WCW even at WCW dying days. Its the process and direction shift that is going to be interesting. Im not saying Hogan and Bischoff is gonna make a big television impact, but Bischoff is a master mind behind the scenes. Anyone who watched WCW knows that. TNA has to grow to that point with big arenas and massive crowds, but you have to crawl before you walk and TNA is crawling.

I'll agree with you, but I think that one of the major problems is you DO have to crawl before you walk and TNA are too busy trying to run. Everything they do seems to be with WWE in mind, their attitude is almost "We do this, we're nearer to them". Obviously you have to try and be a competitor in the business, but I can't help thinking if they maybe went about growing and nurturing their talent and product in a more patient way they could achieve more longevity.
This topic has been discussed a number of times before and the answer is always the same. TNA is going to have to grow exponentially beyond what it is right now to force the WWE to do anything.

Since TNA announced that they've signed Hulk Hogan, I believe that many people have suddenly jumped the gun and suddenly declared that TNA is now major competition for the WWE. TNA only becomes real competition if they start selling lots of tickets in big arenas, generate much higher ratings then they are now and bring in more buys for their ppvs.

Now, TNA signing Hogan is a big thing for them, nobody can pretend otherwise. But it's not some automatic guarantee that TNA is going to be breathing down the WWE's throat anytime soon. We don't know what role Hogan is ultimately going to have in TNA for one thing. Another factor going about is TNA's supposed show on Monday nights. According to reports on the net, neither Spike or TNA have any solid plans on putting a show on Mondays to go up against Raw. Apparently, they're only rumors at this time. Supposedly, TNA's production schedule is currently set to run through April 2010. If a show were to develop on Mondays, I'd say it would still be a good 4 or 5 months off. And, to be honest, I look for the bloom to be off the Hogan rose before that time. I might be wrong about it, but it's just the feeling I have for now.

So overall, the answer to the topic is not right now. TNA is going to have to get much bigger and the company is hoping that Hogan can really get the ball rolling in a big way.
I really hope TNA does so the WWE and the WWE marks on these boards will have to eat a big meal of crow.

TNA hasn't become huge competition yet, but they will it's a matter of time in my opinion.

People can bash Russo and Ferrera all they want but don't bash the man who BEAT the WWE and VKM in the Monday night wars for some two years Bischoff did it once and can do it again.

Granted he doesn't have Turners funds but he has the guy that helped him launch a two year beatdown of the E Hulk Hogan.

It's wrong to say that TNA is instantly a huge threat to the WWE but it's completely hypocritical and even more wrong to say it can't happen in the near future.
To simply answer the this thread's question the subject -- "Absolutely NOT."

Here's why --

It's natural to compare what happened in the (then) WWF back in the 90's when they forced to change their product to a certain extent in the so-called "Monday Night Wars."

But that was then and this is now and it's an entirely new game and unless something drastically changes (and it looks doubtful at this point), WWE is going to keep on doing what they're doing and TNA is not going to have ANY influence on WWE anytime soon.

If you look back into the 90's, there were a few key factors that simply do not exist today which is why the WWE ain't gonna change.

As fans were growing tired of Hulk Hogan and the other steroid monkeys fumbling around WWF rings without their feet leaving the canvas, NWA/WCW was building its cruiserweight division. Then Bischoff did something really cool and that to establish relationships with promotions outside North America -- mainly Japan and Mexico. Suddenly, if you tuned in to WCW, you were seeing guys flying around the ring, doing topes, jumping from the top rope into the crowds, etc. And WCW/AAA's "When Worlds Collide" PPV exposed the North American audience to a whole new style of wrestling that was new and exciting to see at the time. WCW cashed in on that and ran with it.

Meanwhile, there was another little promotion doing it's part to expose fans to another kind of new style of wrestling in North America -- HARDCORE. Yep, there was ECW with it's fast paced, bloody, tables, ladders, barbedwire matches that fans who never saw blood in the blue WWF rings, suddenly became intrigued with the "coolness" that ECW brought. But, ECW was smart as well, they, too, also focused on the high flying action of cruiserweights -- something that was greatly lacking in the WWF.

So, WWF HAD to change to meet the demand that was foisted on them by not one, but, two promotions at the time. Two promotions that each brought something NEW to the North American audience (high flying cruiserweights/hardcore style of wrestling). Naturally other factors boded well for each promotion as time went on -- WCW ran with the NWO and ECW was taking off with "Extreme" and sex-driven storylines.

Today that simply doesn't exist.

To be frank, TNA hasn't really brought anything new to the table. Sure they have that gimmick with that red X dangling over the ring, but Vince isn't going to steal that... he has no reason to. And the 6-sided ring thing is looked at as nothing more as a joke in the business. People don't tune in to TNA television just to watch a 6-sided ring. It's just a gimmick and nothing other than a gimmick. Nothing that Vince would want either.

But, TNA has really been busy just being WWE-lite so far. They copy ideas from the past and just using former WWE talent.

"Global Impact 2" was a bust. Instead of bringing anything new from Japan, they treated it as nothing but, "Hey! The TNA guys are in Japan!"

And please don't list off your favorite wrestlers from the talent roster insisting that their development is going to make any difference. It's not. Vince isn't going to change anything in WWE because of Beer Money. It ain't going to happen. He may sign them, but, that's not going to to anything with the overall product.

So, again, no, TNA is NOT going to influence any change in the WWE anytime soon. Sorry.

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