WWE Vengeance 2011: Aftermath & Discussion

Match of the Night

  • Dolph Ziggler and Jack Swagger vs Air Boom

  • Dolph Ziggler vs Zack Ryder

  • Beth Phoenix vs Eve Torres

  • Sheamus vs Christian

  • Triple H and C.M. Punk vs The Miz and R-Truth

  • Randy Orton vs Cody Rhodes

  • Mark Henry vs The Big Show

  • Alberto Del Rio vs John Cena

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I don't care about it all. It really only happens nowadays when pertaining to the Royal Rumble and can be fine if done correctly. I maybe would have like to have seen the U.S. Title match later down in the card but it was fine for what it was. I don't think you'll see it that often in non-Royal Rumble PPV's except in special cases due to storylines.
WWE Vengeance 2011

Dolph Ziggler & Jack Swagger/With Vickie Guerrero VS Kofi Kingston & Evan Bourne- WWE Tag Team Championships

Another excellent match from both teams. This match did feature a good amount of back and forth action, both teams worked well together, and there was a nice amount of excitement. Also, Swagger’s counter on Bourne’s Shooting Star Press was a nice touch here, and this was a crucial moment in this match. Bourne was isolated in the opposing team’s corner, and he had to endure a lot of punishment and cheap shots, as he struggled to make the tag to Kofi. Swagger’s counter gave his team the upper hand for a while, and this spot did look very painful. Air Boom continues to impress me, because Bourne and Kofi can always provide plenty of excitement, they’re a fun team, the crowds love them, and these two really do work well together as a team. Match Rating- 8/10

Dolph Ziggler VS Zack Ryder- US Championship

I thought this was a decent enough match. Zack managed to get in a good amount of offense here, and Ziggler was still trying to recover from the tag team match. Swagger and Vickie played their parts as supporters of Dolph, and you had to expect some sort of involvement from these two, especially after the ref decided to send Air Boom to the back. Quality wise, this match felt like something you could watch on Raw, and at times, I couldn’t get into this. I actually thought WWE would pull the trigger on Ryder here, but Zack’s chance at becoming US Champion will have to wait. The crowd was firmly behind Ryder during this match, and Zack’s popularity has risen over the past couple of months. I think he’ll wear the strap somewhere down the line. It’s just going to take some time. Match Rating- 5/10

Beth Phoenix VS Eve- Divas Championship

I wasn’t too excited about this match at first, because Eve as the challenger did feel kind of random, but I was pleasantly surprised by this. This match did feature some solid back and forth action, and Eve’s counter out of Beth’s Glam Slam did look very impressive. Beth tried to be the big bully in this match, as she held Eve in a leg scissors submission, but Eve fought back. I enjoyed this moment, because Eve showed a lot of anger, as she pummeled Beth with a series of punches. This match was a nice surprise for me, and I actually thought Eve had a chance of winning the title sometimes. Eve as the challenger might have felt kind of odd here, but at least a new challenger gives everyone a break from the Kelly Kelly/Beth feud, because I couldn’t stand to see another match between these two. Match Rating -5/10

Christian VS Sheamus

Christian and Sheamus delivered another excellent match here. This match featured some very good back and forth action, there were some impressive counters here, and this match did have a nice steady pace. Sheamus continues to build momentum as a face, and he should see some time in the World Heavyweight Championship picture soon enough. Sheamus continues to deliver good matches, and he does have the support of the live crowds, and he could be a fresh face in the hunt for gold. Match Rating- 7/10

The Miz & R-Truth VS Triple H & CM Punk

I thought this was a decent enough tag team match. Punk and HHH worked well together, and they were pretty dominant in this match. Seeing Punk and HHH team together did feel pretty surprising, and seeing these two work so well together without any bumps in the road did shock me at times, because I thought a HHH heel turn was a realistic possibility here. I did enjoy this match at times, but this one did have its dull and boring moments. Also, Nash’s return and attack on HHH doesn’t excite me too much. I wasn’t a fan of their feud in 2003, and their Hell In A Cell match was dreadful. It looks like these two will have a match against each other in the near future, but I have zero interest in this personal feud between two former best friends. Match Rating- 5/10

Randy Orton VS Cody Rhodes

I actually thought Rhodes would sneak away with a victory here, because the distractions from the baggers did cause some close calls. Overall, I thought this was a very entertaining contest, there was some nice back and forth action throughout this match, and this match did feature some impressive counters. The build for this feud was excellent, and you could always feel the bitterness between these former Legacy members. Rhodes and Orton do have a lot of history together, and I would love to see these two feud over a world title someday. Orton has been in the main event picture for years now, and his popularity has skyrocketed. Cody has really come into his own with the darker version of his heel character, and he could see some time in the World Heavyweight Championship picture in the future. Match Rating- 7/10

Mark Henry VS Big Show- World Heavyweight Championship

Mark Henry’s World Heavyweight Championship reign has been fun to watch, and this match was very enjoyable. This match was very physical, and both men did dish out a good amount of punishment here. Also, this match was pretty competitive, because both men really did throw everything they had at each other. I never truly believed Show had a chance here, but seeing him kick out of the World’s Strongest Slam did feel surprising. There were a lot of near falls towards the end of this match, and the close calls did provide some nice suspense. There were a few amazing moments in this match, but nothing can top Henry’s superplex. It was a speechless moment, when Henry hit the superplex on Show, and the destruction of the ring made everything feel a lot more shocking. This fierce battle of the giants was a lot of fun, and I would love to see another match between these two. Match Rating- 8/10

John Cena VS Alberto Del Rio/With Ricardo Rodriguez- Last Man Standing Match- WWE Championship

Ricardo’s constant involvement in this match did annoy me times, but Del Rio’s personal ring announcer/lackey didn’t ruin this one for me. Cena and Del Rio beat the hell out of each other here, and this was a very brutal match. Both men threw everything they had at each other, and this match really did feel like a long and grueling fight most of the time. Also, I actually liked the idea of keeping the destroyed ring here. Del Rio and Cena used the broken ring to their advantage. At times, the destroyed ring became a weapon, and the broken ring did provide some painful spots. Del Rio retained, and he had some help from Miz and R-Truth here. I enjoyed the ending of this match, because both men can move on to something different. Cena will want revenge on Truth and Miz, because they cost him the title, and Del Rio can move on to a new challenger. Everything will change for a while. Cena will remain and big star, and Del Rio can have a chance at a more lengthy title reign this time around. Match Rating- 8/10

Overall Show Rating 7/10- I didn’t expect too much from this show. In fact, I really wasn’t looking forward to Vengeance 2011, but this show did surprise me. Both world title matches were very entertaining, and the bulk of the under-card was pretty solid. Although, I was disappointed by the Miz & Truth VS Punk & HHH tag team match. I expected more from that match, but it was pretty underwhelming most of the time. Overall, I thought Venagnace was a solid show, and Survivor Series at MSG should be one hell of a pay per view.

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