WWE Night of Champions 2011: Aftermath & Discussion

I am a HUGE Punk fan and I don't feel he got buried at all last night. HHH winning still makes no sense as what does he gain from it? But people saying he was buried is ridicules.

Punk could have gained more winning but they put on one hell of a show. Probably the reason why it ended NOC.
The only thing that got buried last night was the direction of the storyline. Punk looked fine. Getting pinned after five finishers should not make anyone look weak.

But the future of the angle does look weak, and they had better cut some damn good promos tonight to make up for last night's travesty.
Correct. As a previous poster stated, THREE Pedigrees, R Truths finish and a Jack Knife Powerbomb. Not a burial.

I agree, this wasnt a burial. Taking certain aspects into account this was a good way to put Punk over. As has been mentioned before, it took 3 pedigree's, truth's finish AND a jackknife from Nash to take out Punk. That to me seems like their proving Punk's resiliency, much like Taker/HBK at mania, kicking out after a 2 count after one finisher is usually a crowd pleaser but 5 is on a new level.

However, the ending still didnt sit well with me. Cant quite put a finger on why the hell Truth would break up the pinfall when Punk was about to win makes no sense at all! Also struggling to think of a reason to keep Punk in this picture without totally complicating the situation again. I felt this was down to overbooking. Too much going on at one time left the ending abit up in the air. Where do we go from this?

As always i guess we just wait and see what Raw brings us.
Cena winnning title:

1. It means Del Rio gets rematch, hence, letting the Cena-DelRio storyline to continue. If Del Rio would have won, Cena would have to get back to the line for another title shot.

2. At the next PPV, the Rock will interfere and cost Cena to lose the title to Del Rio. This will light the fire between the Rock-Cena feud. Hence, beginning their long feud that will continue from the survivor series PPV to Wrestlemania.

HHH-Punk match:

It appears some-things did not go smoothly as planned.

For instance, when Punk attempted to pin HHH, his legs were way passed the ropes. It may have been a spur of the moment - improvisation - by R-Truth to pull Punk off of HHH because Punk was passed the ropes.

It doesn't make sense why R-Truth would interfere with Punk's pin on HHH when that was what they wanted - for HHH to lose! Unless of course, they wanted to setup a mini-feud with Punk and R-Truth on RAW.

Johnny Ace was also very stiff in his performance. His timing seemed off in every thing he did from getting down to the ring, getting the second ref to come out, and then texting Nash. Johnny didn't seem to be in *the moment*. He seemed more about not screwing up.

Booker T. also accidently let slip Johnny Ace's new name: Mr. Future Endeavors. A name witch the WWE recently patented.

Now Nash's intentions was to ultimately give Punk the win. Base on what happened, Nash powerbombed Punk. Then he was going to powerbomb HHH on the table. Then throw HHH into the ring and put Punk over HHH for the win. Of course, Nash's plan was interrupted when he got a sledge hammer to the head!

So clearly, somebody is trying to undermine HHH's authority as COO. Somebody clearly wants HHH to lose his COO. Is it Mr. Future Endeavors? Vince McMahon? Maybe, even Stephanie? Perhaps the return of Shane McMahon? Guess we'll have to tune into RAW to find out!
Now was Nash legitimately knocked out by HHH's sledge-hammer shot?

Based on some accounts, people noticed Cole writing a note to a tech person to go backstage for *help*. After the show went off the air, a medical staff came to examine Nash. The staffer then signed with an "X" gesture to the back for more help.

It either was some real good acting, or Nash was legitimately knocked out!
The main event was more Russo than Russo. Bottom line. I really don't see how you can defend basically having four people interfere and making the match about who's interference proves to be the deciding factor, along with two referees and a ridiculous amount of finishers. I honestly could not believe what I was watching. I've kept giving this storyline a chance even when I didn't like where it was going, but last night might have been the last straw. And if I see another promo full of meaningless and unnecessary internet references, I might throw up all over my living room.

Also, Mark Henry winning the title and Kelly Kelly retaining are both terrible decisions in my opinion. There are plenty of more talented people on SmackDown than Henry who aren't getting their fair shot (Christian and Barrett are two names that instantly spring to mind). And how many times in a row is Kelly going to defend her title before we actually get a divas champ who can wrestle? I mean honestly.

Cena winning is cool because he should have never lost it, but they probably shouldn't have taken it off Del Rio this soon. Still, I'm not going to complain about that because Cena is Cena. All in all though, some pretty terrible booking decisions were made here and I don't have high hopes for either Raw or SmackDown going into the next two pay-per-views.
What the fuck? Christian just got a HUUUUGE shot and was in the main event forever, so yea, good one mark. Barrett isn't main event level over. Henry does all the right things. Or do you mean to say "wah wah I want someone who does more movez"?

"Who can wrestle" well, KK did a lot of cool moves but of course, that doesn't matter, what matters is she's over and it fit the storyline.

My review.
Opener was really good. Liked the conspiracy stuff. Perfect, fast paced match to open the show. You need a bang-bang to jumpstart everything.

Dibaise sucks. really really fucking bad. Sure he can do all the moves, sure he's athletic, but he looks scared. He looks nervous. He's not getting a reaction and it's because he's not a character, he's some guy trying to play a character. Rhodes did his best to try to get people to care but no one cares about Ted because Ted doesn't even believe in Ted.

Fatal Fourway was a lot of fun. Liked the way this was booked too. Good ending by furthering the Ziggler/Swagger/Vickie stuff with some fun action, which is all a fatal fourway really needs.

Divas match was really good. Beth was really over and seemed upset that she had to lose. I'm liking KK more and more even though I still don't think she's attractive unless you like 12 year olds. For a while I thought that Beth needed to win for her charater to have a valid argument and not look like a whiner, but the more I think about it, it's like CM Punk. She can't have the belt because then her motivation would be gone, she wouldn't have anything to say.

Mark Henry vs Randy Orton was beautiful. This is exactly how you do this kind of match. Of course, dumbfucks on here will want a "higher wurkratez" and think it was boring. But they're autistic simpleton's who can't read human emotion or storytelling and want wrestling by the numbers with a bunch of moves.

John Cena vs ADR was REALLY good too. If you didn't pick up on it, here's the story of the match (because most of you obviously didn't see it). Cena has ADR flustered from the beginning. Early on, anytime there is contact ADR bumps for Cena. This shows that Cena is a LOT bigger, faster, and stronger. ADR gets an advantage from Rodriguez, but Rodriguez gets tossed, which flusters ADR even more. ADR works the kidney, but then starts working the leg. At first I was frustrated with this until I realized that they're 2 smart motherfucker's and that it was part of the story of the match. Soon ADR is working the arm. So the story is that because ADR is flustered, he isn't as focused and so that combined with Cena's superior strength mean that the arm submission doesn't work and Cena can get the victory. As far as ADR losing, it could mean several things. For one, if ADR wins it back from Cena, then he'll look even stronger. Second, maybe ADR wasn't as over as champion as they'd hoped, you guys made a ton of threads about it, so why keep him as champ? Either way, it's not bad booking unless you're either a mark for ADR or someone who, for some strange reason, likes to bitch when the most over guy on the planet has the strap.

Punk vs HHH was crazy.

I'll get this out of the way first. IF YOU THINK PUNK WAS BURIED YOU ARE A FUCKING MARK AND NEED TO GET OUT. How the hell Punk beating the shit out of HHH for a large portion of the match, a match that favors HHH, hitting a shane-O elbow, and needing 3 pedigrees to be beaten is beyond me.

Second, yea it was crazy, probably overbooked, but don't you guys always clamour for the attitude era? This is how the attitude era was. Most everything, as much of it as there was, made sense. Russo booking is a bunch of turns and shit that doesn't really make sense. Pretty much everything here made sense. Even though there was a lot of it, everyone was only acting how their character should act. Except for maybe Truth pulling Punk out, but that could be explained later or could be explained that Truth is just crazy.

Third, the match raised a ton of questions for Raw and really stirred the pot on a feud that had been dying down.

Fourth, do I really like the booking? Not really, but it could have been worse and could have been better.

On a side note, kinda weird that even in a fairly smarky environment a "generic" John Cena match got more of a reaction than CM Punk vs HHH.
That main event was like a circus. It just kept getting more and more ridiculous to the point where I was seriously laughing.

I was just waiting for No Chance In Hell to hit on the Titantron to complete the ridiculousness.

Might as well had the lights go out and the gong, just for good measure.

Another issue I have is, IF you were going to involve Miz and Truth in this storyline then why form "AWESOME TRUTH" in the first place. Why not just have Miz (as Vince McMahon's henchman) get inolved in the story line with Punk and Trips? By forming a stupid tag team and putting them in this storyline before having any kind of run in the tag team division, seems very contrived to me.
I liked Night Of Champions last night,very fun PPV overall. Triple H & CM Punk was really good and I had no problem with all the run-ins at the end (far from what Russo does and its not like WWE does it every Main Event like TNA does). John Cena/ADR was a good Match and was surprised Cena won back the WWE Title this quickly. I was surprised Mark Henry won the World Heavyweight Title even though I had feeling he might,still caught me off guard. Really liked the Tag Title & US Title Matches alot,the 4-Way had plenty of action. Awesome Truth losing the way they did keeps the conspiracy thing going more. Also surprised Kelly kept the Divas Title against Beth Phoenix in her Hometown of Buffalo. Rhodes/Dibiase was decent,I hope Ted can get a push again out of it as he isn't that bad.

So not a bad NOC PPV and looking forward to seeing what happens on RAW.
I am truly pissed off with Cena winning the title back!! i am NOT a Cena hater by any means, he has actually impressed me with his matches lately, but now i realise why people start to hate him... and i dont think he is entirely to blame!! Surely you have to blame creative for continuing to give the title back to him, they are the ones making him this stupid supercena character, Okay he doesnt help cos he is a bit of a suck up and plays it up even more with his in ring moves and promos but they are the ones making these decisions at the end of the day!!

I am even more pissed off because it was Del Rio losing! i am not a HUGE Del Rio fan, in fact im still undecided on him BUT GIVE THE GUY A CHANCE!! I know there will be people saying, "HES NOT OVER AS CHAMP" and maybe thats true but they have hardly given the guy a chance to get over as champ! I agree he wasnt getting much heat but they need to stick by people and not panic when they dont get over after 4 weeks! In my opinion, given the right story ADR could of been one of the best heels EVER.... i know that sounds an over reaction but he just screams heel! his greasy hair, his accent, his moveset! he could of been a great heel champion if they just gave him a little bit of time!!!! GRRR! why now give him heelish win at NOC? a low blow, interferance, or foot on the ropes? or something like that? just to try get a bit of heat, and if in another 4 weeks hes still not as "over" as people want then maybe take it off him!

All in all i feel like they didnt try hard enough to help Del Rio get over as heel! Fair enough you have to get yourself over but Creative have to take alot of responsibility too!

As far as the ME goes, it was a bit of a "clusterfuck" or whatever u kids call it lol! and as alot of ppl have mentioned...... why the F did Truth pull punk off HHH exactly??? Isnt the whole reason they came down was to get HHH to lose??

Oh well, i suppose at least we can say it opens a few doors up for storylines..

besides mark henry winning the title the hole show was so damn predicable..... air boom was gonna win knew that cause wwe booking is full of crack smoking monkeys..
cena winning the title for the 11 time saw that coming right after summerslam, that title has lost all creditability its in the same level as the IC belt.... give it to santino atleast he'll be entertaining with it!!!!!!

Money in the bank set the bar so high for ppv, it looked like wwe was gonna change cena was out and punk was in but woooooooooow the moron booking of wwe fucks up again!!!!!!! cant wait for NFL ratings to CRUSH RAW AGAIN!!!!! and vince and all the ******s in the back are scratching there heads wondering what happen.....

" our cash cow cena is champion again but why are ratings and stock prices down" vince mcmahon
I thought this was a decent show. The tag team match was a solid opener, and I figured it would either come on first or be towards the end to help revive the crowd if they were tired. I was surprised that Miz and Truth did not take home the giant pennies (WWE Tag Team Championship) but Air Boom have shown that they really are the best team in the federation now. The two midcard title matches were good.

Mark Henry is the World Champion. I never, and I mean NEVER thought I would say those 6 words in that order. Whether anyone likes it or not (I don't) he is a world title holder. Let's see where it goes. Maybe it will be better than his ECW Championship run. I expect Orton to be champion again by the time Hell in a Cell has ended though. Christian and Sheamus may get involved too, so the world title scene on Smackdown could still remain quite entertaining despite who is currently the champion.

The divas match was very disappointing because the only way it could have not been was if Beth Phoenix won. Why is Beth STILL not champion? Are they worried that she will not look good holding a girly butterfly belt? That's nowhere near as bad as having women who can't wrestle holding a championship belt meant for female WRESTLERS. Cena winning was a bit of a surprise too, he's now a 12 time world champion and still in the prime of his career. Even Trips only has 13. Flair's record, here comes John Cena!

Then we had the ONLY match that wasn't for a championship main eventing a show with the gimmick being that every CHAMPIONSHIP was on the line. I can see why Trips and Punk closed the show though, that match received more attention and build than the other 6 put together. I did enjoy this show and it had a very tough act to follow in Summerslam. Not bad, WWE. Hope you keep it up and deliver another good show at Hell in a Cell. You've got 2 weeks, don't let us down.

PACING!?!?!?!? Lol THAT'S what you look at in a match? Nevermind the fact that Ted didn't sell his character worth a fuck and that's why no one gave a shit and Del Rio vs Cena told a story from the beginning, FUCKING PACING?!?!? Holy shit man watch some shoot DVDs where guys tell you what gets a crowd into it.

I'll do a full review later.

Back in the mid 80's Hulk Hogan could wave his hand around for half an hour and stick it to his ear and the crowd will keep chanting and won't stop.

Fast forward to 2011. That shit doesn't stick anymore. Kids now a days more often than not have some sort of made up ADD that is coddled by pills and whatnot because the quality of parenting from people 25-40 has diminished a hundred-fold in today's society. These kids are a big target market for the WWE. Pacing IS important in a match. We couldn't have Hulk Hogan and the Ultimate Warrior from Wrestlemania 6 do a 5 minute 'test of strength' in the middle of the ring. They would get booed PROFUSELY now.

My girlfriend's 10 year old son has also moved away from Cena and has started taking more of a liking to guys like Sin Cara, CM Punk, and a lot of the other WWE superstars.

Also 2 *Newsflashes* ... 1. ADR is not getting over with ANYONE. I know you're a Cena fanboy but let's get realistic here... There was no good story told with the ADR-Cena feud, and ADR looked like a man that lost his dog. It was NOT an anti-Cena rating for me. If so I wouldn't have given the MITB match a ***** rating (and a lot of that was on Cena and they TOLD a good story in the ring). ADR is now less believable as a main eventer and that's not what I'd like to see with someone that held the frickin' title. That match overall left a sour taste in my mouth, and that leads to....

2. It's MY review. It's what I thought about the show on MY merits and no one else's. I don't need DVD's to tell me what I should like, I have 30 years of fandom under my belt and I can decide what I like to see on my own, thank you very much. I also know that what I like may not adhere to the target market that the WWE is aiming for, and I'm fine with that. I have seen the WWF back when the Iron Sheik was the champion. I've seen highs and lows with the industry. I have seen the times changing, and the product trying to adhere with the 'here and now'. Over all that time I have changed my outlook on the WWF/E and any thoughts I have reflect my own.
Night Of Champions 2011

Kofi Kingston & Evan Bourne VS The Miz & R-Truth- WWE Tag Team Champions

I thought this was a decent enough opening match. There was some pretty good teamwork from both sides, and this match did feature some nice action every now and then. Truth and Miz weren’t happy about the ref’s miscues (missing tags, and allowing unseen tag), so they physically assaulted the ref. I’m enjoying Truth and Miz as a team, and the conspiracy storyline does have some promise, and really want to see where all of this might be going. Match Rating- 6/10

Cody Rhodes VS Ted DiBiase- Intercontinental Championship

I really enjoyed this, and I thought this was a solid match. There was some nice back and forth action between Rhodes and DiBiase, and this match did have a good flow. DiBiase wanted to clock Rhodes with his own mask, but Cody managed to avoid the contact. Rhodes grabbed some of DiBiase’s tights to pick up the win, and I thought this ending was a nice touch. DiBiase could play the “you couldn’t beat me without cheating” card, and I would want to see another match between these two. Match Rating- 6/10

Sheamus & Christian

Christian took some shots at the Buffalo Bills and their troubles in the Super Bowl, and he continued to whine about another rematch for the World Heavyweight Championship. Sheamus provided some laughs, as he talked about his uncle’s lucky green testicle. Sheamus pretended to be Christian’s friend, but he eventually hit him with the Brogue Kick. This little segment featured some good comedy, and I didn’t have a problem with this at all.

Dolph Ziggler VS John Morrison VS Alex Riley VS Jack Swagger- Fatal Four Way- US Championship

There was a good amount of energy here, this match did feature some nice action, and this one did have fast pace. Vickie Guerrero didn’t bother me too much here, because her outside antics were pretty limited. Ziggler is still holding on to the US Championship , and Vickie can always bring heat, but Dolph will have to break away from Vickie someday, and he will have to try another solo run. Match Rating- 7/10

Randy Orton VS Mark Henry- World Heavyweight Championship

Wow. I never thought I would see the day. Mark Henry is the new World Heavyweight Champion. A year ago, I would’ve laughed my ass off, if someone mentioned Mark Henry and the World Heavyweight Championship in the same sentence. Henry has received the push of his career in 2011, and he has had a very impressive run as the dominant monster heel this year. I seriously thought this would be a one and done scenario for Henry. I didn’t think he had a chance here, but I was dead wrong. I never thought Henry would take the title off of Orton, and this victory is high up on my list of surprises for 2011. The match between these two was pretty solid. This was very physical, and this match did have a nice steady pace. Orton threw everything he had at Henry, but it wasn’t enough. Henry targeted one of the Champ’s knees, and in the end, Orton couldn’t overcome the size and strength of The World’s Strongest man. Henry’s clean win was a surprise for me, because I was expecting Christian to run down to the ring, or I thought some other outside shenanigans would cause a disruption here. Orton has become one of the hottest faces in the WWE, he is the top guy on the blue brand, he is a multiple time world champion, and he was pinned clean by Mark Henry. Also, I enjoyed Mark Henry’s post match victory speech. He didn’t want to accept the crowd’s cheers, and he remained in full heel mode, as he vented his frustrations. Henry as champion does help breathe some new life into the WHC picture, and I am looking forward to the rematch with Orton. Match Rating- 8/10

Kelly Kelly/With Eve VS Beth Phoenix/With Natalya- Divas Championship

Kelly’s victory was kind of a shock for me. I thought this was Beth Phoenix’s chance for dominance. She still had a nice amount of momentum, and she had the full support of the hometown crowd, so this would’ve been a great stage for a victory, but Kelly managed to slither away from Beth again. Phoenix was pretty dominant in this match, and the superplex did look very impressive, but Kelly caught The Glamazon in a roll up for the win. This match had its moments, but I couldn’t get into this at times. Kelly had to pull out another close call/escape victory against Beth here, and it did feel kind of redundant. Still, I thought this was a pretty entertaining Divas match, and Kelly’s run with the title hasn’t been bad at all. Match Rating- 5/10

John Cena VS Alberto Del Rio- WWE Championship

This match was pretty damn good. There was some excellent back and forth action throughout this match, and everything flowed so well here. Ricardo’s interference didn’t bother me, but I didn’t think Charles Robinson would give him the boot. I thought the loyal and trustworthy assistant/personal ring announcer would stick around for the duration of the match. He tried to return, but Cena took care of him, when he tried to interfere in the match again. Del Rio’s loss was a real surprise for me, because I thought he would hold on to the gold for a little while longer. WWE spent a lot of time building up Del Rio’s first “destiny” world title victory, and I thought he would sneak away with a win here. This loss just feels so sudden, but Del Rio could win the title back somewhere down the line. As far as Cena being WWE Champion again, I have no problem with this move. Cena usually delivers as world champion during his reigns, and I don’t think anything will be different this time. A lot of people are probably tired of seeing Cena wear the strap, but Cena can always deliver good or great matches, and he can cut entertaining promos. I don’t have a problem with Cena as WWE Champion, because he can deliver the goods, and he has a strong track record of consistency. Match Rating-8/10

Triple H VS CM Punk- No DQ

Fantastic match. You could really feel the hatred here, because Punk and HHH did beat the hell out of each other. This was a very brutal and physical match, and this was one of the more intense brawls I’ve seen in WWE this year. Also, this match did feature a few memorable/goosebump moments. Punk’s sneak attack at the start of the match felt surprising, because HHH usually caps off his entrance, when he enters the ring. The stare down provided some good tension, and HHH standing on top of the announce table was a nice touch, because everything stood still, and the crowd could lose themselves in the moment. And Punk’s diving elbow drop on HHH through the table looked unreal. This was a breathtaking spot, because the elbow drop did look very painful, and Punk did catch a little hang time, as he jumped towards HHH. The build for this feud was excellent, the match delivered, and this contest was definitely worthy of a main event spot. This match did feature a lot of interference. Truth and Miz are against The Game, and they want him out as COO. John Laurinaitis continued his suspicious actions, as he stalled a back up ref, who wanted to make a three count. And Kevin Nash’s return added to the turmoil at the very end. HHH fired his former best buddy a few weeks ago, but Nash won’t go away quietly. Chaos erupted towards the end of this match, and a lot of questions need to be answered. Match Rating- 8/10

Overall Show Rating 8/10- Night Of Champions has always been one of my favorite WWE pay per views, and I just love the theme. Night Of Champions 2011 was a very good show, the big matches really delivered, and the rest of the card was pretty solid. Mark Henry’s World Heavyweight Championship win was a real shock for me, because I thought it would never happen. For me, Henry’s title win was the highlight of this show, and his victory speech was outstanding. There was a lot of turmoil towards the end of Punk VS HHH, but I still enjoyed the match. It was a viscous and physical fight between two men, who couldn’t stand each other, and this was a good way to close out the show.

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