WWE Summerslam 2010: General Discussion


Hogan Matters!

Summerslam is arguably the 2nd biggest WWE PPV besides Wrestlemania. Personally it's my favorite show of the year because it doesn't have the impossible expectations to meet like WM, but it has the high profile matches ala a Wrestlemania event. Summerslam just in the past 10 years has had some of my favorite matches.

2000 - TLC, Rock/Angle/HHH
2002- HHH/HBK
2004 - Orton/Benoit
2005 - Hogan/Michaels, Orton/Taker
2007 - Cena/Orton
2008 - Cena/Batista
2009 - Punk/Hardy

Just to name some of the classics in the past 10 years of Summerslam. For this year, I feel like the card can be really strong with the way current feuds are going and such. Here's what I think may happen....

WWE Title - Sheamus (c) vs HHH - Sheamus retains at MITB and the next night on Raw he says he's taken out all the big stars on Raw and that there's no one else to defend his title against, HHH's music hits and there ya go.

WHC - Rey Mysterio (c) vs Jack Swagger vs CM Punk - I think this can go one of two ways. 1. Mysterio faces Punk one on one in a Mask vs Title match or 2. Punk throws himself in this feud with Swagger and makes it a triple threat, which is probably a better option since we've seen Mysterio/Punk for the majority of 2010.

John Cena vs Wade Barrett - The NXT guys have been a thorn in the side of John Cena since they arrived on Raw. In a sense, they costed him his WWE championship, and I can see them interfering at MITB and costing Cena his rematch. Barrett is the leader in the Nexus, so it makes sense to have a match. Cena isn't in yet another title match, and he's putting over a young guy.

Casket match - Kane vs Undertaker - Now I know we've seen this a million times, but supposedly this is where the whole Undertaker storyline is going, as much as I dislike the idea of this, it's probably going to happen. Taker returns, squashes Kane, end of story.

Randy Orton vs Edge - At Over the Limit, these guys were supposed to have their one on one encounter but it got fucked up due to Orton's shoulder being hurt so they didn't really get to settle their feud. It's been going on since the Draft and it would make sense to culminate their feud at SS. I see them reigniting their feud at MITB with Edge fucking Orton over or something in the Raw MITB match.

Of course there will be some filler, like all PPVs, but I see those being the big sellers of the PPV.

So what do you guys think WWE has in store for Summerslam 2010?

Also the new SS logo sucks, they need to bring back the old one.

If you list a card, GIVE REASONS
I live in LA and will be going to see SummerSlam in person. I think it's going to be a great card as always, but what I would really love to see is an appearance by HBK in someway...maybe a special guest Referee where he can sweet chin music sheamus and help HHH get the title!

I also want to see Miz vs Daniel Bryan for US Championship if they can re-sign him. The WWE universe demands it!
summerslam has always been home to many great matches, but what im really lookin foward to is the return of the undertaker, kane will most likely have match, and the lights go out and undertaker blindsides him, then they run a storyline on smackdown and they fued awhile
HHH vs Sheamus No DQ WWE Title - The match explains its self Sheamus beats Cean at MITB then says he has on one to challenge him then out walks The Game
Orton vs Edge- Hopefully this wont be the final match of their fued I wanna see them have a TLC match at TLC
Taker vs Kane Casket match,HIAC,Burried Alive or Inferno probably Casket as HIAC has its on PPV and the other 2 arent PG- Kane is revealed as the attacker Taker wants revenge
Cena vs Wade Barret Lumber Jackmatch With Nexus as the lumberjacks Match made by the GM - Cena finally gets his hands on barret one on one so he thinks the mystery GM makes this a lumber jack match
Rey vs Punk Mask and Title vs Mask and SES (so if rey wins the ses break up)- This match will finally end their fued
Miz (C) vs JoMo US Title - Finally let them have a proper fued instead of random matches
Kofi (C) vs Ziggler IC Title- This match is made by vickie as dolph threatend to break up with her if she dosent give him a title shot
Christian (SD mitb winner) vs Drew for the mitb breafcase- Drew thinks he should have won the SD mitb Mr Mcmahon writes another of his letters and makes this match
Y2J vs Evan Bourne - Really just a way to get Y2J on the card but theyve had good matches in the past let them have a good match here
Swagger vs Show- Again a way to get them on the show but they have a decent fued going on so let them end it here with Swagger moving on to fued with Taker once he is done with Kane
Well I for one cant wait for "Summerfeast" god i hate Jeremy Piven....

Anyway all the matches posted above seem like possiblity and probably will happen..plus a few more or minor card change
but now word on the street...IWC..is that after Kanes match at Summerslam hes hanging it up for good sooooo thats a downer....
I see cnea and Wade going at it..dont think itll be a good match but the build up will be good..i sure they are doing a HHH vs edge storyline if he can make it back in time...his health right now is up in the air...
CM punk vs mysterio i see it happening mask vs title..i love this match and this fued...i persoanlly nominate this as fued of the year
i have this funny feeling orton vs sheamus wwe title..seems right kinda..idk
the Uso vs hart dynasty..this is where they will win the titles
swagger and show...pretty good fued going on

right now I see it like this..

WWE Championship:
Wade Barrett (Champion) vs. John Cena
Yeah, Wade will more than likely be the guy to take R-Truth's spot and cash it in the same night on either Sheamus or Cena.

Not sure about the World Championship.. more than likely whoever wins MITB will cash it in and take it from Misterio.. Got an odd feeling that Smackdown's MITB winner may be the first to lose though. If I had to guess.. McIntyre vs. Misterio or a heel Christian vs. Misterio.

Undertaker vs. Guy who put him in vegetative state.. just really don't want to think it's Kane.

Sheamus vs. HHH .. standard Wrestlemania rematch/HHH revenge match.

Tag Team Championship:
Hart Dynasty vs. the Usos .. maybe 2 out of 3 falls.. channeling the Demolition/Hart Foundation from '90 I believe it was.

Edge vs. Randy Orton vs. the Miz .. maybe a #1 Contenders Match or something.. a triple threat would be a great dynamic for a feud though.. especially if Miz and Edge don't see eye to eye and it's a legit 3-Way feud not 2 on 1 most of the time.

That's all I got right now.. here's hoping it's not Kane vs. Taker and Miz isn't stuck in a revenge match with R-Truth.
The matches I really want to happen are:

Triple H Vs Sheamus (WWE Title Match): Raw Gm says he has the perfect oponent for Sheamus to defend his title against. At the ppv Sheamus in the ring then Triple H's music plays and you see him walking from the back to the ring. Triple H gets disqualified for hitting Sheamus with hammer.

Rey Mysterio Vs Matt Hardy (mitb winner) (World Championship match): Matt says before the match that he's challenging Rey for title (like RVD). I think however this match goes Matt will still get pushed.

Kofi Kingston Vs Cody Rhodes (Intercontinental Championship match): I think this could be a great match, I would have Cody win this match to continue his current push.

The Miz Vs Evan Bourne (United States Championship Match): I would have The Miz to win this one because defending his championship against Evan Bourne (who has recently beat Chris Jericho) would be good for his current push.

Ted Dibiase Vs John Morrison (mitb winner): Dibiase offers to buy Morrison's mitb briefcase but Morrison says no, so Dibiase challenges Morrison for the briefcase in a match, and Morrison wins.

Undertaker Vs Kane (casket match): this match would obviously mean that Kane was the person who attcked Taker, this could be another amazing Kane and Taker feud.
My predicted card:

WWE Title - Sheamus vs John Morrison (who cashes MITB in advance) - this one is difficult to call. All reports suggest that it was meant to be HHH vs Sheamus at this one for the title. I don't see them changing the picture completely (Cena vs Barrett fued will be simmering quite nicely by now - and it will make a change to have him out of the title picture for a while). I think Morrison's chances of winning the MITB contract greatly increased with Hunter's injury.

World Heavyweight Title - Rey Mysterio (C) vs Big Show vs Jack Swagger - I think that match has changed too due to HHH's injury. I think the initial plan was to have the Raw man keep hold of the MITB contract for a bit, but the Smackdown one would cash it in before Summerslam (possibly on the night of MITB). Now I think they are in a bit of a quandary (as I believe the Raw man with cash in his MITB contract before Summerslam). This match is the only one that makes sense to me, Rey to retain, and then to setup a new feud with someone else further down the line.

John Cena vs Wade Barrett - Unsure how they will involve the Nexus in this match - can't see it being a lumberjack match. This could also be a massive Tag match (6/8 man) with Cena leading a Raw team against a selection of Nexus stars (Barrett, Gabriel, Sheffield and Tarver).

Edge vs Orton - doesn't need much explaining really. Maybe add a loser leaves Raw stipulation, to give Smackdown a main eventer. Setup Orton against Punk anybody? Puts Edge into a feud with a face Sheamus?

Kane vs The Undertaker - Casket Match - not my own choice, but appears to be doing the rounds. Would love to see Kane win this one - would give Kane a World Title oppertunity + allow them to push the feud long term.

US Title - The Miz vs Ted DiBiase - I think the HHH injury will hit The Miz most. MITB was his - I don't think it will be any more. Makes sense for two mid card guys.

Divas Match - regretably

Unified Tag Team Title Match - The Uso's (C) vs The Hart Dynasty - this feud deserves a Summerslam send off (hopefully before they throw a Nexus shaped spanner into the works.
Fairly obvious they'll be building to an Undetaker-Kane match for the main event of Summerslam this year, which will in all likelihood suck massively and they'll bury Kane for the 12,000th time. And no one will care is my guess. I really hope they go with a different program because unless Kane goes over 'Taker I have zero interest in another feud with those two.

Something tells me we may see another Cena-Orton WWE title match at Summerslam as well. Would probably be their best big-money feud to go with right now since Undertaker is busy.
Something tells me we may see another Cena-Orton WWE title match at Summerslam as well. Would probably be their best big-money feud to go with right now since Undertaker is busy.

The problem with that match is that it main evented Summerslam in 07 AND it was on the Summerslam card last year. Given Summerslams going to be at the same arena this year I'm sure WWE wont put on any repeat matches from last years event (at least I hope not).
The problem with that match is that it main evented Summerslam in 07 AND it was on the Summerslam card last year. Given Summerslams going to be at the same arena this year I'm sure WWE wont put on any repeat matches from last years event (at least I hope not).

If there's one thing the WWE ha shown us it's that they aren't afraid to go back to something that "works" for them, sometimes even feuds that don't really work (like Orton vs. HHH). I mean, outside of Wade Barrett I don't really see who else they could match Cena up with for Summerslam, and the same goes for Randy Orton. I mean, I guess I could see Orton and Edge feuding and they may have been laying the seeds for that with their match on Raw this past Monday, but Orton-Edge is another feud that's been done several times.

I'm just throwing out ideas really, alot of this is all dependent on whether or not 'Taker feels ready to come back for Summerslam and the set of TV tapings after the PPV this Sunday.
Oh I know WWE loves to do matches over and over again. I got crap on here for crapping on the HHH Orton WM25 match before it happened and look at what happened. I dont think they will do repeat matches at the same PPV at the same arena a year later is what I'm trying to say. If they do that just shows how desperate they are right now. I will agree that there isnt a lot of new options unless they decide to push someone, but the problem with that is they will only have a month to push and historically that doesnt usually work out.

I'm still on the verge of thinking the Rock will comeback. He said he's going to do something special this summer with WWE and given we havent seen him do anything thus far it could mean a feud and possible match at Summerslam. I hate Cena as much as the next guy, but that match would draw, however have the Rock come back and feud with Jericho or Punk (if he can compete at SS), and have the Rock face Cena at WM.

Everyone says no way he wont come back at SS he'd only come back for WM. Look at HBK. He was gone for 4.5 years came back at SS and didnt even main event it. Ended up coming back for another 8 years who knows if thats what the Rocks plans are too (not the 8 year part but a comeback).

I dont see Summerslam being a huge draw without a huge return. Undertaker has only been gone for 3 months and no one cares to see him and most likely Kane go at it in a casket match or a 1 on 1 match. If HHH returns it'll only be 4 months and he'd probably go against Sheamus. If he were out for a lot longer it'd be a good revenge match but 4 months is to short to come back and have a revenge match IMO.
Sheamus vs. Triple h street fight for wwe champ: hope the heel/face roles are reversed from the last feud

Cena vs. Barret lumberjack match: lumberjaks nexus and raw locker room leader of nexus reavealed

Rey vs. punk vs. swagger for whc: good match then MITB winner mcintyre cashing in on punk then punk mcintyre feud.

taker vs. kane casket match: would love to see kane win but VERY unlikley

HD vs. hawkins and archer tag titles: more push for both teams.

Orton vs. edge vs. miz(MITB winner) vs. bourne: would be a great match
I'm probably in the minority here when I say that this years SummerSlam is looking average at best, and because of this, I agree with weird86 and some of you who are in support of a big return for this once-a-year event. Let's take a look at what we have so far:

WWE Championship
Randy Orton v. Sheamus (c) - If their match at Royal Rumble is any indication, this could be very good if given more time. Orton's RKO is the hottet thing going in the WWE right now, so I won't be surprised if he leaves the match with the title. I must admit though, I would have preferred Edge to be champion and face Orton because he draws more heat than Sheamus and the Orton/Edge feud has more history.

World Heavyweight Championship
Kane (c) v. Rey Mysterio - Kane winning the MITB match and then cashing in the same night and winning the title was grand, but to face Mysterio again one on one seems boring. I would like to see Swagger or Punk (is he still injured?) added to this bout to make it a triple threat match. Punk has a history with Mysterio and is a prime suspect in the case involving the Undertaker being in a "vegetative state". Swagger is big and can hang with Kane and would add an interesting little mix to Smackdown!'s main event.

Team Cena v. Team Nexus
I take it this is the money match given you have Cena, Jericho, Edge and Bret Hart all involved here. I'm guessing the Great Khali is in this in order to appease part of WWE's international fanbase, but whatever. I would like to see HBK as a special guest referee who makes the heel turn and superkicks Bret Hart as he is applying the sharpshooter to Barret, allowing Team Nexus to pick up the victory.

Other possible matches include a fatal four way for the Intercontinental title with Kofi defending against McIntyre, Christian and Hardy and Unified Tag Team Titles defended in some fashion. i really don't know what to make of the Miz but i would love to see Orton win the title off Sheamus and then have the Miz cash in and win it all. He deserves it. Other than that, i really don't know how the rest of the card will shape up or if i would even care.

What do you all think?
I may be in a minority here, but I would love to see The Miz and Evan Bourne have a match at "The Biggest Party of The Summer" for the US title. The Miz is on his way up the ranks. Slowly but surely he will eventually float out of the upper midcard and into the main event scene even if it takes him until January or so of next year. The fact remains though that he needs to lose the US strap. The reason I want this to happen is so that the midcard can compete for it as wildly as we seen last year when Kofi was champion, and so that WWE can actually do something with Evan Bourne's recent push. I also truly believe in my mind that Bourne is our next United States Champion, so WWE please book Miz vs. Bourne at SummerSlam for the US title.
I Agree i would love to see The Miz take on Evan Bourne for the US title at SummerSlam. Miz is the MITB winner so i can't see him holding the US title for much longer and since a big push for Bourne he is the candiate i wan't to see win the US title. Miz will eventually rise to the main event picture we just need to give him time. But for me i really want to see Bourne take on Miz for the United States Championship. Bourne's push as of late really works in his favor to become the next US champ so lets see if it will happen at the biggest party of the summer
Im actually looking forward to Summerslam this year unlike last year......I believe there will be some good matches....these are my predictions for matches and since no one has done them yet I will give it a try.....

I am sure we will see Eve get her rematch against, so....
Divas title- Alicia Fox vs Eve....Eve wins it back and continues the feud going into NOC

The Nexus vs Team Cena- Nexus vs John Cena, Bret Hart, Chris Jericho, Edge, R-Truth & The Hart Dynasty......they should take out Khali and Morrison for storyline purposes.....Morrison has a feud with DiBiase.....if Cena turns heel this should be the main event...if not Miz cashing in should be the main event

WWE title-
Randy Orton vs Sheamus- Orton wins the title, but Miz cashes in the contract and closes out Summerslam

World title-
Kane vs Rey vs Swagger- I have no idea how this will turn out lol....maybe Undertaker makes an appearance and costs Kane the title, so maybe Swagger wins it back

Big Show vs CM Punk- The SES should decimate him basically because Big Show aint goin nowhere

Matt Hardy vs Christian- hopefully Christian is now a heel and he steps up as the number 2 heel behind Swagger

Kofi Kingston vs Dolph Ziggler- hopefully Dolph finally wins, resulting in Kofi stepping up into the main event

United States
The Miz vs Evan Bourne- Bourne wins the title, resulting in the Miz going to the main event, and cashing in on Orton the same night

John Morrison & Melina vs Ted DiBiase and Maryse- Ted takes Morrison out of the match by hurting him somehow, and then Morrison and Melina return together at Summerslam
Team Cena vs. Team Nexus probably Nexus will prevail and have their big push...Wade and Cena will have their one on one rivalry in some future after this 7 on 7 Tag Match.

Rey Mysterio vs. Kane (World Championship Undertaker will return in this match and attack Kane and it will be revealed that Kane was the suspect in Undertaker's case...it has really been obvious this past few weeks that Kane is showing signs of being a Heel...

Randy Orton vs. Sheamus (WWE Championship) Sheamus will win this match and i think that he will have a 6 or 7 month reign...this rivalry is just beggining and think this will be something same with Cena and Orton's rivalry last year..and Miz cashing in his Money in the Bank will happen a long time from now.

Big Show vs. Cm Punk this rivalry is what i'm really looking forward to...Cm Punk and his company is being humiliated by Show this past few weeks and believe me, Punk has something in his mind for his revenge. they might be rivals at Hell in a Cell..but in this Summerslam..i think Punk will prevail

Drew Mcintyre vs. Kofi Kingston (Intercontinental Championship) Kofi should prevail..and after this..please give Drew a World Title push..he deserves one shot
Honestly, this looks like the card to Bragging Rights or some other B-PPV, only 3 matches have been announced and I've already decided not to buy this, let's run down the card:

-Randy Orton vs. Sheamus (WWE Championship): If this is anything like their RR'10 match, then it could be a Candidate for (Worst) Match of the Year, my problem with this match is Sheamus defending the belt on the 2nd biggest PPV of the year, I've got nothing against the guy but honestly, do you really think this is the time to put a New-Comer in the Championship Picture? I would've much preferred Edge to take his place.

- Rey Mysterio vs. Kane (World Championship): Okay, I'm completely fine with Mysterio getting a rematch......................on an episode of Smackdown!, We've seen this already and it wasn't that good, only reason Mysterio is in this match is because it's near his Hometown, hopefully we'll hear a lot of cheers for Kane and no reaction for Mysterio.

Verdict: Honestly, neither of these matches can even come close to comparing themsleves with last year's matches, Cena vs Orton, while it was done to death, was still more SS-Worthy than Orton-Sheamus, and Kane vs Mysterio can't hold a candle to Punk vs Hardy TLC, I'm hoping we'll see a swerve with Cena turning heel or Miz cashing in, otherwise, like I said before, this looks like the card to Bragging Rights.
You know, Last summerslam was a complete and utter fail. (CM punk vs JBL really?) but this one shouldn't be as bad, see we all know shit goes down at summerslam, so im predicting that Sheamus will retain(unfortunatley), Kane will retain in order to feud with taker, Nexus will win and one of team Raw (I assume Cena) will begin to lead nexus and assume a MUCH NEEDED heel turn (word life anyone?). The only reasons I will be getting Summerslam are as follows... It was my first ppv and I have ordered it every year since 1998, and Raw vs Nexus, the other matches/angles are in my mind atrocious.
I fully agree with The D... I have already decided not to purchase this year's SummerSlam. Aside from the Team Cena vs. Team Nexus match (which the only reason I care about this match is due to the build-up), I really could give a rat's ass about anything else going on. This is just poor booking by the E. Really, to be honest, if I were to only order one PPV per month, TNA has just been blowing out the E every single month. MITB was halfway decent, but aside from the 2 MITB matches, the ppv was a total bust.
There are 3 matches set up for SS, and everyone knows what they are and I agree with most what everyone is saying about them so I'm not even going to reiterate what everyone else is saying, but when you look at the filler matches they are going to be total busts.
There will be 2 divas matches, with most likely Layla and Michelle McCool battling it out for the SD! title and Melina destorying Alicia Fox in the Raw women's match, and to those I say... who gives a shit...
Kofi and McIntyre will go at it for the IC belt I'm sure, and there will be decent... Miz will probably defend against someone in whats most likely to be a squash match.

SummerSlam is just looking like a total pud-ass PPV and its disappointing to me
Now everyone on here has been talking for the past few weeks, that something major is going to happen at summerslam...

- Cena turn on team WWE and join Nexus?
- Hart turn on team WWE/Cena and join Nexus?
- Undertaker will return in some way?
- Raw's GM will finally come forth?
- Miz Cashes in the MITB?
- Other?

Now I personally think something will happen as well, but to be honest i have no clue which one, if any will happen. If nothing happens at all, if kane beats Rey and there are no undertaker sightings, or if team WWE wins cleanly w/ cena making a huge comeback to win (which would piss me off more), I will not be happy. although these are amazing story lines, i'm ready for the twists and turns. something has got to give, if just one of these storys progress i'd be happy. The Kane/undertaker thing is starting to get very stail, so something needs to happen there. But I'm just so excited/nervous to see what will actually happen...

What do you guys think will happen??
well i was reading that its being reported taker is going to make an appearance at summerslam, honestrly this whole cena turning heel thing, i think its to early, i think if thats gunna happen it will be at survivor series, maybe by then the taker kane thing will slow down, taker wil be added on to a team against Nexus, cuz clearly thats where its going, then cena will turn on taker, making him heel they will beat the hell out of taker, then taker will return at the rumble destroy all of nexus in the ring after they dominate the majority of the match, then will eliminate cena and himself setting up a mania match :D lol longshot :p :)
I fully agree with The D... I have already decided not to purchase this year's SummerSlam. Aside from the Team Cena vs. Team Nexus match (which the only reason I care about this match is due to the build-up), I really could give a rat's ass about anything else going on. This is just poor booking by the E. Really, to be honest, if I were to only order one PPV per month, TNA has just been blowing out the E every single month. MITB was halfway decent, but aside from the 2 MITB matches, the ppv was a total bust.
There are 3 matches set up for SS, and everyone knows what they are and I agree with most what everyone is saying about them so I'm not even going to reiterate what everyone else is saying, but when you look at the filler matches they are going to be total busts.
There will be 2 divas matches, with most likely Layla and Michelle McCool battling it out for the SD! title and Melina destorying Alicia Fox in the Raw women's match, and to those I say... who gives a shit...
Kofi and McIntyre will go at it for the IC belt I'm sure, and there will be decent... Miz will probably defend against someone in whats most likely to be a squash match.

SummerSlam is just looking like a total pud-ass PPV and its disappointing to me

Does anyone here besides me find it annoying when someone calls WWE the E? :disappointed: How exactly has TNA been blowing out WWE? There last 2 PPVs sucked I thought and I zero interest in their "ECW" PPV.

Anyway Im looking forward to Summerslam because well its Summerslam and im sure the Rest of the Card will be good enough to be SS worthy. By the way Pud-ass? Who says that?
Is it just me or is this Summerslam card looking a bit lackluster considering it is the 2nd biggest PPV of the year.

We are one week out and we only have 4 matches announced and there isnt really anything to announce left bar Ziggler vs Kofi and some Divas matches. The Miz dosent seem to have a US title defence and if he does there will be no fued behind it and the same goes for the Hart Dynasty.

Of the matches announced Show vs The SES is a filler match. The WHC match is between two jobbers to the stars. The WWE title match has been done (badly) before at the Royal Rumble. While the Raw vs Nexus is a great angle I dont exactly have high hopes for the actual match.

Im hoping I am wrong but in terms of match quality I don't think that this will be a very good PPV.

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