WWE SmackDown! Live Syfy Premiere LD on 10/1!

So if Kane was waiting on Taker to show mercy to someone, why didn't he start this in 02 when Taker didn't kill Jeff after the ladder match?
Review is up. Worst SD in a LONG time.

yup, you're fucking overreacting.

the whole show was completely enjoyable. the ADR segment? gold. Swagger segment? gold. nexus putting show to sleep? gold. mccool kicking horny square in the face? gold. the only low points were that the ending was a little drawn out and that orton shouldn't have completely squashed rhodes, the tag champ. but that doesn't make it a horrible show or a show worthy of getting a "D." maybe you're having a bad day? and you complain that RAW had too much focus on the show... first off it's the last show before WWE, and smackdown has only one match on HIAC, so what do you want to do, build a 2 hour show around one match? swagger, a SMACKDOWN superstar, got a good amount of time in the ring. ADR and Rey, SMACKDOWN superstars, got a good amount of time in the ring. nexus made like three appearances, but taker and kane also made multiple appearances throughout the show and they even closed the show reminding people that they were watching smackdown the whole time.
Let's see: the longest match was 6 minutes, there were two no contests due to interference, no matches were made for the PPV featuring SD wrestlers, Orton had a totally unneeded appearance, Horny was the only aspect of the Divas' match that was focused on, the Swagger segment wound up focusing on a Raw guy, Del Rio and Rey still have nothing new announced. This was a decent Raw show but as a SD show, not so much.
Let's see: the longest match was 6 minutes, there were two no contests due to interference, no matches were made for the PPV featuring SD wrestlers, Orton had a totally unneeded appearance, Horny was the only aspect of the Divas' match that was focused on, the Swagger segment wound up focusing on a Raw guy, Del Rio and Rey still have nothing new announced. This was a decent Raw show but as a SD show, not so much.

this was smackdowns live debut on syfy, it's a big show, and big shows need some kinds of special treats for the fans. orton is the most over superstar in the WWE and the fans, and yes, even smackdown fans, love him and he got a nice pop when he came out. the divas match did not focus on hornswoggle, he ran around the ring for about 10 seconds before he got kicked in the face. i don't get the point of edge interrupting swagger but it was very entertaining nonetheless.
Your third word shows the problem: this was SMACKDOWN'S debut, not Raw's second show of the week. Bullshit the Divas match didn't focus on Horny. He grabbed Layla as soon as she was on the floor and he was the focus for at least half of the match.

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