For the last time on MyNetworkTV: The SD LD on 9/24!

Wasn't paul backstage at TNA a few weeks back. Doing creative writing or something?

This is fucking sick man. Fued of the year in my opinion
Wasn't paul backstage at TNA a few weeks back. Doing creative writing or something?

This is fucking sick man. Fued of the year in my opinion

Shouldn't a feud of the year involve wrestling matches that don't suck sweaty balls like their Night of Champions match did?

Closer to a candidate for worst feud of the year.
Shouldn't a feud of the year involve wrestling matches that don't suck sweaty balls like their Night of Champions match did?

Closer to a candidate for worst feud of the year.


Ok.....THAT'S IT:

:2up: :2up: :2up: :2up: :2up: :2up: :2up: :2up: :2up:

Lol Jesus Christ you guys are so sensitive, does it really offend you that I think this feud sucks?

Their match at Night of Champions was atrocious, godawful, piece of shit. It was about 27 hours long, or atleast felt that way as they spent 90% of the match brawling unconvincingly into the crowd. Terrible match.
Lol Jesus Christ you guys are so sensitive, does it really offend you that I think this feud sucks?

It doesn't offend me, I just HEAVILY disagree with you. The promos have been aesome, the story has been awesome, and most importantly: the fued actually has and is given reason and explanation to why they've had fueds like in 04 which we're never really explained.

Their match at Night of Champions was atrocious, godawful, piece of shit. It was about 27 hours long, or atleast felt that way as they spent 90% of the match brawling unconvincingly into the crowd. Terrible match.

It was NO HOLDS BARRED! It's suppost to be a huge brawl with nothing but fighting! Sure it was a little dull but DAMN dude: their both in their 40s and have had numerous injuries, GIVE THEM A FUCKING BREAK!
It doesn't offend me, I just HEAVILY disagree with you.

That's fine. Why couldn't you just express why you disagree with me instead of posting an unfunny meme and a bunch of "Fuck You" smileys? I don't recall insulting you at any point.

The promos have been aesome, the story has been awesome, and most importantly: the fued actually has and is given reason and explanation to why they've had fueds like in 04 which we're never really explained.

There have always been reasons for the Kane-Taker feuds, and it was never more well done than the original feud they had culminating in one of their very best matches together at Wrestlemania 14. Maybe I'm biased or just sick of seeing Taker vs. Kane because I've been watching the WWE for nearly 15 years now and I've seen them feud many times and it grew very old around the turn of the decade.

The promos haven't been terrible, I'll give you that. Kane sounded really silly at first but his promos have gotten better and 'Taker is always good on the stick, but aside from the "mystique" of the angle there isn't anything at all for me to get invested into this angle for. For what? Another incredibly tedious, dull match? You know in the end Undertaker is going to eventually pin Kane clean, and we're back to exactly where we started. Yeah Kane's gained more credibility with this title reign, but I just have no interest in a wrestling feud if the wrestling itself isn't going to be good. I watch wrestling first and foremost for just that, the wrestling. I've seen the Taker and Kane lightning and ponys show many, many times and it just doesn't interest me.

It was NO HOLDS BARRED! It's suppost to be a huge brawl with nothing but fighting! Sure it was a little dull but DAMN dude: their both in their 40s and have had numerous injuries, GIVE THEM A FUCKING BREAK!

The fact that they're in their 40s and have had numerous injuries is great example of why exactly they shouldn't be main eventing PPVs, but again my main interest in the product is wrestling so I'm not going to be lenient on them if the wrestling is shit just because they're veterans. 'Taker has looked absolutely lifeless out there with anyone other than HBK or Batista for years now and Kane hasn't been interesting in even longer. I'm a big fan of a well done brawl, I grew up on the Attitude Era where every main event descended into a gigantic brawl through the crowd with guys like Austin and Rock, the difference is they would put on a spirited, entertaining and brutal brawl that made you almost capable of feeling the hatred between them. There was nothing even remotely close to that during their match at Night of Champions.

I have more faith in them putting on a good Hell in a Cell match though, so I'll admit that I'm not opposed to their rematch at the PPV at all, as that really should be the main drawing point and main event of that show and hopefully they can deliver a good match that actually utilizes the cell unlike any of last year's HIAC matches. I won't be shocked if they put on another absolute stinker either though, which they've been prone to doing for the last 5-6 years.
I'd much rather see Alberto in action. or the Dudebusters. I'm tired of Undertaker,I never really dug him anyway.
It doesn't offend me, I just HEAVILY disagree with you. The promos have been aesome, the story has been awesome, and most importantly: the fued actually has and is given reason and explanation to why they've had fueds like in 04 which we're never really explained.

It was NO HOLDS BARRED! It's suppost to be a huge brawl with nothing but fighting! Sure it was a little dull but DAMN dude: their both in their 40s and have had numerous injuries, GIVE THEM A FUCKING BREAK!

So you're saying the promos have been awesome which means that you think Kane can cut a good promo?

Excuse me while I laugh myself into a coma.
That's cool, I just think hailing it as "feud of the year" is more than a bit silly at this point.
The thing that scares me is that I fear Big Show will be involved in this feud somehow. He's currently doing nothing and he has history with both Kane and Undertaker.
If TNA did this exact same thing people would shit all over but that annoying factoid will not cause me to break into biased double talk. This, for me, has been the one watchable thing from WWE this year. The NOC match would have been shit without the mortality of the undertaker making a compelling story though. Which makes me wonder in HIAC is going to suck but maybe the nostalgia boost can carry it a little further. How badly does this show Kane has been misused the past few years though?

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