*MERGED* Anything Smackdown Syfy, Live & Roster Movements General Discussion

I've been thinking and reading lately. There's has been alot of talks about the SD roster this October due to the change to SyFy. There will be a bulk up of the roster and so far it has been "said" that the Miz migt go there. So the question is, who should go to SD and besides who should be going, which superstars really need a push or change in SD?

Any comments dudes? I hope there interesting. And if possible, can u state the reason why s/he should go there. Thanx alot of y'all
The Miz - I think he would make a great tweener and would have a better chance to start off his main event career on the B team. When he goes over to Smackdown he could sneak down to ring after Kane successfully defends against Taker to win the title. Kane and Undertaker is a good enough program that it doesn't need the title involved

Randy Orton - I was hoping for a Cena heel turn so Orton could be the top face on Raw but if I can't get that send him to Smackdown where his only competition for the top spot is the Big Show, and Undertaker and Mysterio and they are both past their prime and always need a break.

Chris Jericho - He's been getting stale on Raw lately imo and Smackdown could really use the star power. He could share the top heel spot with CM Punk. Jericho could have a fresh feud with a tweener Miz for the title, feud with Orton for awhile and hopefullt lead up to a wrestlemania match with the Undertaker. If Christian turns heel we could even see them reunite as a tag team to boost the division.
Edge- He is one of those guys who belong on Smackdown.

Triple H- Another I believe belong on Smackdown, also Smackdown is lacking main event faces I would also like to see him feus with the S.E.S.

Jericho- I watch Smackdown more than I watch Raw so I want Jericho on Smackdown because he's one of my favourite wrestlers and also he is another big draw.
Evan Bourne- This guy should go to SD and contest for the IC title, he is getting lost in the mix on Raw

Edge-Edge has been far too stale on Raw, he needs to become a face on SD! (but not to tag with Christian)

Chris Jericho- See Edge
Randy Orton - He needs to go there so he can be the brand's top face without having to share the spotlight with John Cena. I was surprised that he didn't get drafted back in April.

Chris Jericho - I think he will probably go over instead of Edge as Edge has done pretty done everything he could on SmackDown. Besides, on SmackDown, Jericho was featured better.

John Morrison - If he does go back to SmackDown, it might be what elevates him to the main event picture. The WWE never should've taken him off SmackDown in the first place.
Like many of you I also think that Edge or Orton should make the move to SMACKDOWN! this October, but I don't think both should go. Whoever makes the move would surely be placed right into and would help the main event picture.

Daniel Bryan would be a good pick for SMACKDOWN! I think. I know he has got a feud going with The Miz and the whole Nexus thing going on, but When SD makes the move, I think he should too. SMACKDOWN! dose not focus as much on the storyline side of things, but more of the in ring work. I think it would be a good place for Bryan to showcase his skills and really get over with "The WWE Universe".

Yoshi Tatsu Is not doing anything on RAW so why not move him. I do not see him becoming the next break out star or anything, but the same reason as I listed for Bryan, SMACKDOW! focuses more on the in ring work of the wrestlers and not storylines. Yoshi might be able to get over with the crowd despite his lack of mic skills.

I think we will also see some of the NXT season two rookies come on to SMACKDOWN!, who knows where Nexus will be two months from now, they might be broke up and some of them could appear on the show.
I would love to see Daniel Bryan & The Miz on Smackdown imagine that?
not only would it be AWESOME! wrestling wise but it would be a pretty cool Upper Midcard
fued and would get Smackdown some more star power.
Along with them I would like to see these men on smackdown.

Chris Jericho - He isn't being used that well on RAW in my honest opinion I mean come on isn't he jobbing matches to evan bourne?

Edge - Smackdown seems like the proper place to have edge, I believe the man will retire in about a year or so. So why not put him back on smackdown and have him mix it up with the likes of some other superstars? Edge vs Kofi? Edge vs Ziggler even?

The Miz - He is getting sky rocketed on RAW, but if Vince was smart he would move him to smackdown, because with Miz moving to smackdown they will get better viewing as he is the "Hot New Thing" right now and he could easily hold a nice World Title for a long time and be very entertaining. Hell put Alex Riley with him as well is it just me or do they kinda look a like. At first I thought they were related. Imagine Undertaker vs Miz BEFORE Wrestlemania.. not at Wrestlemania tho.

Daniel Bryan - Daniel Bryan AKA in my opinion the next Chris Benoit. Have Daniel be a nice Mid Carder to start out with, put him in some good fueds hell possibly one with the new Alberto Del Rio? That would be awesome wrestling wise, but not sure about Promo Wise. After that have him and Miz continue their fued once again possibly even if Miz is holding the WHW Championship.

Kaval - He could do wonders on Smackdown possibly be a tag team wrestler or even a solid Midcarder especially if Layla is his manager.

Michael Miculiaafdsakjhfacutty - Have him on smackdown, I like him. He would be a nice addition to the Midcard as well.

If these people went to smackdown, I think we might have one kick ass show.
orton-im tired of seeing the same old fueds with him on raw. send him to smackdown and let him shine.

edge-said by a few people he is a smackdown star. he can take the top spot on smackdown and fued with alot of people.

my last pick would be mark henry. turn him heel and let him be a monster in the world title picture. i dont want him to win it but it would be cool to have him as a heel again. i actually love the miz on raw and dont think he will shine like he did on raw.
Personally, I would love to see Evan Bourne go over to Smackdown. I believe someone has already said that he is starting to get lost in the fold on Raw and by moving him to Smackdown, we may see a new and improved Evan Bourne. I would also argue that the talent that is on Smackdown is probably more suited to Evan Bourne too. Think of the great matches he could have with people like Kofi Kingston and Rey Mysterio! I mean, he is doing OK on Raw and he might have something in the pipeline there but I just think that with the amount of great talent that is on Raw right now, Evan Bourne could possibly shine on Smackdown.

Edge is a Smackdown talent through and through. I don’t know what it is but I always think of him being a Smackdown guy and by putting him back on Friday nights, I think he could get back some of the form that he seems to have lost on Raw. Maybe it is because he is not as big of a deal on Raw as he would be and has been on Smackdown but I just think more is made of Edge when he is on Smackdown.

The last person I would move over is probably Randy Orton. There is no way that he will ever move off Monday nights now… He is far too big of a star for that. However, I would like to see him bring a bit of star power to the brand. They wont move Cena and after him Orton is the biggest star. I would love to be able to tune into Smackdown and see Orton feuding with the likes of The Undertaker and CM Punk. It may not be a realistic hope but it would certainly be very entertaining if it did happen. It may ever start to sway people’s opinions and perhaps Smackdown could garner some more interest from the casual fans who watch Raw week in and week out.
Most people are saying Edge should go and feud with Christian. I doubt that's gonna happen but I wish it would...

Randy Orton - He's out of the title picture, he should go over to SD! as Cena is the face of RAW and Randy will be the top on SD!

Either Chris Jericho or Edge - One Canadian needs to leave RAW. It doesn't matter who. I think Jericho should go as Edge has feuded with everyone. (Including Christian if you remember)
I agree with those who said the Miz. With Cena/Orton in the way, I think he's as high on the Raw totem pole as he's ever gonna go, so he should move to SD and establish himself as a top guy. And when you include the Nexus, Raw seems to have too many heels.
If I could have any RAW superstar go to Smackdown! here's my list:

Evan Bourne (Matt Sydal)- As someone mentioned before Evan Bourne would have better matches and a better push (put in the IC mix). My choice would be get rid of SES and just have CM Punk heel and feud with Bourne as those two know how to be techincal and be a high flyer.

MVP- He needs to go back to where he started, turn heel and do his gimmick when he started out with "The Playa" Teddy Long.

Edge- I feel he is not getting anywhere as there are so many superstars on RAW. He needs to go back to pure heel instead of a tweener.

John Morrison- Needs to go heel again. Also, Smackdown! just feels right for him and he can reform MNM to make the tag team stronger or be an upper mid-card heel.

Finally, I was devasted when he left TNA

Ron "The Truth" Killings- They need to put him on Smackdown! and turn him heel or redo the way he is a face and stop doing the live rapping (needs a new song besides the rap he made for TNA). Also, he add prestige to the IC if WWE decides to acknowledge his world title reign with NWA Championship which can lead to a World Heavyweight Championship push.
Edge definitely needs to go back to Smackdown. He strikes me more of a blue person than a red person. He'd be able to put over wrestlers, as well as he'd make for one of the better main event wrestlers obviously. Edge being on Smackdown makes much more sense than RAW.

Other than that, I guess I would love to see John Morrison move to Smackdown again. Not that I care for him, but that's practically why I guess. John has no place on RAW, he's lost in the shuffle, and was actually half worth watching back when he was on Smackdown. He's not gonna get a main event push or anything, he most likely never will, but at least he was interesting at times on Smackdown, as opposed to RAW.

Other than that, there's really no others that needs, or would make sense to move to Smackdown, it'd really be easier to make a thread discussing who should move to RAW at one point or another. Because there's a lot of talent on Smackdown that could probably do nice, or better on RAW.
Mark Henry- to join the SES. Shave off the cornrows & become Punks biggest recruit yet. The guy is a f'n monster & deserves to be treated like one. He wouldnt be able to be pushed beyond CM Punk. But doing this would turn him into a much hated man- in return...bringin Punk more heat also.

I want this to happen SOO bad!! SES needs more members- & I think Henry is the perfect addition to start the expansion.
I definitely think Edge should come back to Smackdown. In my opinion, he is a much better fit on the Blue Brand. With Christian on there, it may seem like a better way to have a feud. I think this Nexus would wear out faster now that they are down to 5 (Sheffield being injured.) I also think that Jericho would benefit from a move as well, and by having him turn face. I think Smackdown was honestly at its best having those two on its roster when they were on there. Hopefully if they move those guys, (fingers crossed) they do it by the time the show comes my way for the 10-5-10 taping. :rolleyes:
Yep, Im sure that everybody knows that smackdown is moving to syfy network in october.:) Which to me is great, because I never get to see smackdown on directtv since they dont carry mynetwork tv. This is a victory for all wrestling fans. The ratings should go out of the roof on cable. I really feel that the WWE had knowledge that many of us fans were left out in the dark when it came to smackdown because of network tv. especially for directtv users like myself.
Bill Lesnar thinks edge and jomo are movng to SD. Edge to get over the young guys, as his career is on the downfall and he can use his reputation to get over Kofi as a mega face. Morrison to get his career ack on track as he has lost all momentum since moving to raw. Bill Lesnar wishes Morrison fued with ziggler and other highflyer so he put on good matches, and cut promos against people who are on the same mic level as him, so ihe is not outshined
Chris Jericho
John Morrison
Season Two of NXT
(Kaval, Michael McGillicutty, Alex Riley, Husky Harris, and Percy Watson)

All of these men have not had much success on RAW since they were drafted a few months ago, but they had major success on SmackDown! The roster needs Main Eventers and that is where Chris Jericho and Edge come in! John Morrison and R-Truth will have the opportunity to display their talent and gain a piece of success. Season Two of NXT simply because RAW got Season One of NXT. They will have more talent to work with and more entertaining matches for people to watch! It should make Friday Night on SmackDown on Syfy really interesting!
NEXUS! I don't know if anybody has already said this on this thread, or agrees with me, but i hear there r plans for the nexus to end in october. Move them to smackdown, becasue they attcked kingston at summerslam, and either keep it going or break it up and divide between raw and smackdown. Miz, obviously, have go. cash in the brief case at hell in a cell.
Edge. I think he never should have moved. All he did was feud with orton and fail at winning the title twice, and be a part in summerslam's tag match.

Zack Ryder. He needs to build hus character and reputation, win a title. Like I said in the Who needs a partner thread, pair ryder with the dashing one cody rhodes or drew mcintyre, give him and a partner the tag titles.

Kaval and Alex Riley. Shoot some non nexus nxt into smackdown.
Several members of NXT Season II will probably find a place on the roster and I think Smackdown could use them. Raw is getting pretty crowded at this point and I think Smackdown needs to pad its roster with some fresh faces.

Also, I think Evan Bourne should probably head to Smackdown because he's gotten swallowed up by the bigger stories on Raw right now. He was pretty hot there for a little while but he's disappeared from WWE tv.
These are my choices and explanations,

Evan Bourne - Bourne's push has pretty much died at this point and he's been lost in the shuffle lately. He needs to move to Smackdown and win The IC Title. He could have some pretty good matches with Christian, Hardy, Ziggler, and McIntyre.

Zack Ryder - The former #1 Contender to The WWE Championship(I had to say it) is a jobber and needs a fresh start. Move him to Smackdown, put him back together with Hawkins to reform a real tag team(Archer could be a decent midcard heel on his own), and give them The Tag Titles for a short time.

The Great Khali - Yes, the man who has defeated The Undertaker clean and has won The World Title is now a comedy character and semi-jobber. I beg of you WWE, put him on Smackdown and please TURN HIM HEEL!!!!! Have him doiminate, maybe give him one more Title run. He's not the best wrestler, but he's certainly not the worst.

Chris Jericho - Mainly to lighten up the main event scene on Raw. His fued with Rey last year brought The IC Title back to life, and he could still have some great matches with Ziggler or Kofi or really anyone in the midcard. He could reunite with Show to give us another tag team in the division. He could also be a World Title contender or have a proper fued with Taker.

John Cena - I know this has like 1/1,000,000,000% chance of happening, but if Nexus really does end in October, what's left for Cena to do? Win the WWE Title AGAIN??? He could go to Smackdown, have plenty of fueds that we've never seen with the younger guys, and put them over as the future. He could even fued with Taker and lead up to a WM match. Then send him back to Raw in the Draft or something. Also, with Randy Orton's INSANE popularity, maybe he could be the face of Raw for at least a few months.
Faces. Faces faces. Agile ones, hopefully. SD is overflowing with young, vibrant heel talent, but only have 3 or 4 at most legit faces that have any sort of relevance.

The main fish should be Orton. He should be the centerpeice, the guy who carries the show. He is the most over guy in the company, just ahead of Cena, and they aren't going to be moving Cena, so its a waste to have them on the same show. I would say Triple H when he returns, as I loved his last SD run, but the guy is too old and beaten down to be the main guy on a program.

in the mid card, I would love to see Daniel Bryan, John Morrison, and Evan Bourne, although in all likelyhood, you will only get to have two out of the three. I would much, MUCH prefer to see Bryan go though, as on SD the focus is more on the matches than everything else, and the guy is an absolute pleasure to watch. He also has a TON of guys who he could put on fantastic matches with, like Christian, Ziggler, Mcyntire, Punk, Cody Rhodes, Rey Mysterio and Jack Swagger (my goodness, can you IMAGINE the possible matches with Swagger...)

I also truly belive that on SD, at some point, you could see Daniel Bryan possibly have an underdog WHC run, or at least a program towards it. The WWE seems much more apt to experiement with things involving the main title on SD, and apt to allow guys to flourish.

So mainly I would love to see Orton, Bryan, Bourne, and possibly Kaval from NXT go to SD. Between those guys, I truly think you have a TON of match and rivalry posibilities. Yea, they are all faces, but as I said, SD is already LOADED down with heels. If were to HAVE to select two heels to join in, I would go with Jericho and Husky Harris from NXT. I love Alex Riley, but feel his gimmick is far too simular to Swagger's gimmick to have them on the same show.
Randy Orton, RAW isn't big enough for both Orton and Cena, but even if Orton is as popular as Cena is, the flagship show will always be Cena's kingdom. Plus with 'Taker almost gone, Orton can serve as the new dominant tweener force to reckon with, I mean come on lets face it, Orton is a legitimate bad ass s.o.b now, I can really picture him getting squeaky clean wins over the likes of Cena, HHH, and Undertaker now.

Edge, quite simply because he was the true face of Smackdown since 2007-2009/2010 ish. Edge has always shined brighter on Smackdown, he always cut better promos, pretty much main evented everyweek, was ALWAYS in the world title picture, and really made himself into a future hall of famer.

Wade Barrett, I think on Smackdown he would seem more legitimate, getting wins over Y2J, Mysterio, Kane and such rather than on RAW where Cena and HHH dwell. Besides Barrett would look fucking awesome with the world title rather than the goofy WWE title.

I've got more picks I'm just too lazy to type 'em. But those would be my most important ones.
Daniel Bryan: I salivate over the potential for Bryan VS Punk. Those two on the same roster = greatness

Edge: It is likely to happen eventually

Chris Jericho: An obvious Smackdown essential. He bleeds blue.

Zack Ryder: Turn him face, give him ann IC title feud. Nuff said.

Evan Bourne: Bourne would flourish on the SD roster

Kaval: A heel Kaval VS Rey Mysterio or Daniel Bryan? Gimme a hell yah.

Alex Riley: RAW has Miz, let SD have Miz 2.0
I understand why you made this thread, SD is at its worse right now ...
It was a terrible decision making Jericho and Edge go to RAW, but I think we all know (or should know) it was because of TNA's Monday Night's , that the two came to raw. But now TNA is back at Thursday, no need for Jericho and Edge to be there, we know that they are NOT going to win the Six Pack, it has to either be Barret, Orton or Sheamus.

Randy Orton - Perfect choice, he took John Cena's place at the top, and is most likely going to win the title at NoC, he should go to Smackdown and he will bring in tons of ratings.

Chris Jericho - Another good choice, he is the best at what he does, he has tons of fans, even though he's heel, or a kinda tweena right now...
He can pull of feuds and even can push stars to the top without caring of him "jobbing"

Edge - Rated R Superstar, another good choice, he can do it all, pull off great story lines, he can even feud with CM Punk or the Undertaker again.

John Cena - The king of PG, and also the King of ratings, he can really help Smackdown, John Cena first became "John Cena" at Smackdown, he should return to his home. He hasn't been there since '05.

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