*MERGED* Anything Smackdown Syfy, Live & Roster Movements General Discussion

I think Triple H should go to Smackdown when they move to Smackdown. Triple H is an awesome wrestler and I loved his reign back when he was on Smackdown. I think if he moved there the quality would really increase, and thats saying a lot seeing as right now I believe Smackdown to be WWE's best brand.

With the possibilities of a feud between him and Taker, Kane, CM Punk, and many others it would make for great television, and it would certainly get more people to watch.
Well, we saw that WWE dropped the ball on the 900th episode of RAW but I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt and say its becuase they were preparing for a HUGE show for Smackdown's move. Let's look at some of the possiblities for potential matches, storylines, surprises, appearances, or whatever you think will happen. (remember, both brands will be present)

1) I think that this will be where we see the return of Triple H. Why? Because WWE wants to give people a reason to watch smackdown for future episodes and they want to produce good numbers for their first show on scy-fi.

2) I wouldnt be surprised if Edge doesn't move over to smackdown just yet. Why? Becuase the WWE hates when the internet fans predict their storylines. So who will go to smackdown? I think not only will The Miz go to smackdown, but he will also cash in the money in the bank during the live episode.

3) I think we will see a TEASE at the unification between the IC title and the US title, maybe even with a match between the two current champions. How great of a match would Daniel Bryan vs. Kofi Kingston be? (no they are not the current champions but that match is a possibility).

4) This is the first time Nexus will be on Smackdown. I'm not really sure what to expect from it but I'm sure they are going to do something impactful maybe even bring out some of the rookies from season 2. (i doubt it though)

These are just a couple ideas for things that could happen when smackdown goes live. You can either agree, disagree, are give your thoughts on what you would like to see/expect to see happen.
Cena returns to Smackdown for the first time in 5 years when he got drafted to Monday Night RAW. Personally I thought Cena was best on Smackdown then he on RAW cause he was at his best when hed was on Smackdown then when he was on RAW.
Cena returns to Smackdown for the first time in 5 years when he got drafted to Monday Night RAW. Personally I thought Cena was best on Smackdown then he on RAW cause he was at his best when hed was on Smackdown then when he was on RAW.

Dude What The Fuck Are You Talking About? Cena was on The Decade Of Smackdown episode last October. Do you remember? It was Cena, Dx, and Undertaker vs Punk and Legacy in the main-event. Yeah this was last year.
Cena returns to Smackdown for the first time in 5 years when he got drafted to Monday Night RAW. Personally I thought Cena was best on Smackdown then he on RAW cause he was at his best when hed was on Smackdown then when he was on RAW.

What's your point?

You haven't really put much effort into this thread have you, you haven't asked any questions like: Would you like to see Cena get traded back to SD? Do you think that Cena was better on SD? etc.

So I'm going to make a question that I can answer:

Would you like Cena to get traded back to SD?

I don't really know, I think he's doing good on Raw but he has pretty much feuded with all of the main eventers so I think if he went to SD it would keep him fresh with him feuding with guys like Punk, Kane, Taker, Del Rio, Mysterio etc.

I'm sorry if I seem to be coming across abit harsh but I think you should've atleast added some questions or something because you've just stated that Cena's coming back to SD and that you liked him more on SD.
Next week Fridy Night Smackdown debuts on its new channell the sci-fi network and its gonna be live for the first time ever. Now I do not know why WWE does not just run its live shows on now on. But I feel that it should be live from now on.
Live shows are a lot more expensive to do, and thus WWE uses them only for the A-Show. Having 3 live shows a week would simply be too expensive for Vinny Mac to do, so he doesn't.
2) I wouldnt be surprised if Edge doesn't move over to smackdown just yet. Why? Becuase the WWE hates when the internet fans predict their storylines. So who will go to smackdown? I think not only will The Miz go to smackdown, but he will also cash in the money in the bank during the live episode.

This is funny!! Cash on who exactly?? Kane???? Do you not watch Smackdown??? Kane is feuding with Taker and well the title is kinda in the middle of this!! although its not needed!! but these two have not really feuded over the title since 98!! So why would he cash it in!!
1) I think that this will be where we see the return of Triple H. Why? Because WWE wants to give people a reason to watch smackdown for future episodes and they want to produce good numbers for their first show on scy-fi.

Wouldn't it be better to hype his return to Smackdown to attract viewers? And why would he be drafted to Smackdown anyway. He has unfinished business with Sheamus, the RAW superstar, and apart from a very interesting feud with C.M Punk, there isn't really anything for HHH to do on the blue brand just yet.

2) I wouldnt be surprised if Edge doesn't move over to smackdown just yet. Why? Becuase the WWE hates when the internet fans predict their storylines. So who will go to smackdown? I think not only will The Miz go to smackdown, but he will also cash in the money in the bank during the live episode.

The whole Miz thing is wrong on so many levels. Firstly, Kane/Taker is already booked for HIAC and a major part of the angle is the world title. Taker needs to win it back from Kane to prove he has recovered from his injuries. Secondly, Miz's MITB case can only be cashed in on the RAW champion which at this moment in time is Randy Orton so he can't cash in on Kane. Thirdly, if he somehow did manage to cash-in on Kane, who will he feud with? Kane/Taker are feuding and Smackdown is lacking in a top face.

I don't think that the first Smackdown on Syfy is going to be spectacular. Sure, it will probably be better than an average Smackdown but with HIAC 2 days after, i don't see many shocking events happening; rather, i would imagine some entertaining matches we don't normally get to see between RAW and Smackdown superstars and perhaps a tag title defense, possibly Truth/Morrison vs McIntyre/Rhodes.

As for roster changes and drafts, i'm not too sure. Smackdown are in dire need for a top face, especially with Christian injured so they could cherrypick a strong midcarder from RAW and build him up in time for the Rumble. With the pops that he's been getting and the quality of the matches he has been putting on, i would argue that John Morrison would be the best fit. We saw glimpses of how good he and Punk work together during '09 and i think it would be an interesting feud. You could also bring over a heel Edge and let the two of the feud for a couple of months whilst at the same time keeping Edge out of the title picture and allowing maybe Punk or Swagger to regain some of the steam they've lost over the past couple of weeks.
Ok, so Smackdown aired their last show, before they move to syfy, this past friday. But throughout the show they had the Dudebusters and swoggle in a few backstage segments dressed up as movers. no explanation was given but it was WWE's way of subliminally saying 'hey, we moving'. i actually found that to be quite funny seeing as though no-one mentioned the move.
What are your thoughts on these segments? did you get the message and find it funny or did you think it was a waste of air time?
You obviously didn't watch closely enough. One of the very first things that The Dudebusters said, when explaining themselves to Teddy Long was that they were preparing for Smackdown moving to Syfy. Besides, I felt the segments were, you know rather mediocre. Pretty much the average Hornswoggle shit. And it had me pretty convinced that The Dudebusters are the future comedy tag team that Kozlov and Santino Marella seems to be stepping slightly away from.
With smack down live this Friday, does it make you more likely to watch? I think it does for me. Normally I don't watch because I read the spoilers and I usually go out Friday night. Smack down to me was more of a afterthought. This Friday at least I expect surprises and at the very least a rly good show. MY question to you is , because its live do you have more interest to watch smackdown?
i say no i watch wrestling for entertainment not because its live or not. i usually record it tho cuz it comes on at 8 here and dont wanna stay at home til 10. but usually i like smackdown better than raw. it has better matches and has laycool and cmpunk.
I am expecting big things from the Live smackdown for one there is only four matches announced for hell in a cell, Surely we will see a few more matches created on smackdown for the card. Bragging Rights is also only a few weeks away. so with it being a multi brand show, it gives a good chance to get things in motion for that ppv.
On tewrms of guys moving to smackdown, didnt the wwe have plans for Randy Orton and Evan Bourne to move to smackdown at the last draft? I know Randy as champion has no chance of going to smackdown, but Just a few weeks ago Bourne got attacked by Del Rio. So if Bourne seeks revenge a feud between the two could be started.
I also think Raw is over packed with too many mid carders, so hopefully a few will be moved to smackdown, This will benefit the superstars and Smackdown as a show.
No matter what i watch smackdown. Since i discovered wrestlezone and the spoilers in the summer, i really try not to look at spoilers unless i am 100 percent sure i am going to miss it. having it live is even better.
Personally I thought Cena was best on Smackdown then he on RAW cause he was at his best when hed was on Smackdown then when he was on RAW.

Dude, you just repeated the same sentence twice for no apparent reason.

I cant see Cena being drafted permenantly to SD anytime soon, RAW is the flagship show for the WWE, and Cena is the face of the company so its only natural that he will remain on their premier brand.
I want the SD of old to comeback like the Brock Lesnar Era Smackdown from 2002-2004, when they had great matches, great feuds and champions aswell. SD needs to be live everyweek and move back to thursday nights too, they get better ratings cause people be out friday nights. And SD been around for 10 plus years and should be live by now. Just want Smackdown to go back to the Ruthless Aggression Era.
So last night during the Live Premiere of Smackdown, Edge came out to interrupt Swagger's "Homecoming." Two things I noticed:

1. Edge was the only RAW Superstar to have a Smackdown Graphic in his entrance. At around 6:28:


2. Edge somewhat seemed like a face again, he taunted Swagger and then speared his mascot.

Could this mean Edge is coming home to Friday Nights with a Face Turn? Or was this just to promote SD?
So last night during the Live Premiere of Smackdown, Edge came out to interrupt Swagger's "Homecoming." Two things I noticed:

1. Edge was the only RAW Superstar to have a Smackdown Graphic in his entrance. At around 6:28:


I didn't notice that. That's actually really cool. I looked back at when Nexus was coming in, and they had a RAW graphic. Edge actually was the only RAW superstar to have a Smackdown! graphic.


Nexus has a RAW graphic. Around 7:44.

Although, this just might be coincidence. But, it seems very likely that Edge will move to SD! You never know, anything can happen.
This past Friday night, Smackdown debuted on Syfy in a historic move. At the time I thought it was the perfect move. Increased viewership, more households, Bigger ratings and so on. But looking at it now, as a true Smackdown fan, I am starting to think its a change for the worse. For a long time now, if you wanted to watch some good wrestling, you would watch Smackdown, and regulary enjoy it. Many view it as the "real A show". Smackdown has been contstantly good and watchable since last summer, with some slight lulls here and there. There may not be many big main eventers, but Smackdown has coped really well in building new stars, look at what Smackdown has produced recently, Dashing Cody Rhodes, a Dolph Ziggler push, Alberto Del Rio and much more.
Now as the move to Syfy has been made, is it the end of Smackdown as we know it? It is a big possibility that it is. Now Im not saying an increse in ratings is bad, its not about that, its about the wrestling. Rumour has it that now that Smackdown is on a big cable network, is that there will be a greater focus on entertainment than wrestling, like its sister-ship, RAW. I really will be hugely dissapointed if that happens and may een stop watching the product. A greater focus on entertainment means goodbye to long matches, good quality matches at that. As someone said in the Smackdown LD, that when Vince actually focuses on Samckdown, it becomes pretty bad to watch. Michael Hayes is a perfectly capable TV writer. He fits everthing into his shows, and still makes it good to watch, from a wrestling standpoint. And I for one find wrestling entertaining, so why should Vince try to add in entertainment, Raw style. Which means, awful comedy skits, ridiculous Diva stipulations, Hornswoggle becoming World Champion:rolleyes: and so on. Its like a big red button that says "Do not push", and you know what Vince pushed it anyway, for a laugh. Now I may be overacting as it is just a rumour, but come on, does anyone actually think Smackdown wont change. It is on a bigger network, and for some reason Vince thinks people like his idea of entertainment, I for one hate it, its been said before, on a wrestling show, I expect wrestling, not dance offs or the stuff of simialar nature.

So in conclusion, does anyone else agree that moving Smackdown could be for the worse, as it could end the Smackdown as we know it? Thoughts?

Oh and dont go on and on about ratings, im talking about the product!
I've mentioned this in another thread so I won't go into too much detail here, but I could easily see nexus being moved to smackdown. It would create new feuds and breathe new life into this stale group, and it would be a way around them being forced to disband on raw.
My Thoughts on Smackdown.

As reported on WZ, moral in the WWE lock room is low, especially on Smackdown. I think the hope was when they did the live show on SYFY, they would get big ratings, and that would hopefully raise the moral a little.

Well that didn't work, once again Smackdown got crapy ratings, and now that it's being taped again the ratings will only go down.

Now I'm not going to try and save the moral of the WWE, I wouldn't even know were to begin, I am going to try and save Smackdown and the stars the Wrestle on it, because if ratings continue to drop who knows what the WWE will do with Smackdown.

So here is my brilliant plant to save Smackdown. GET IT OFF FRIDAY NIGHTS! The last thing I want to do on a Friday night is sit in front of the TV and watch wrestling, I just have better thing to do. When Smackdown originally arid it was on Thursday, why not move it back. Now I know the TNA is on Thursday, but I don't think Vince cares, in fact he may even like it better being able to take viewers away from TNA.

Now it doesn’t have to be Thursday, Smackdown just needs to move to another weekday that isn't Friday. This change I feel will increase the number of Smackdown views greatly. I don't think Smackdown will ever be the top show in the company, but I think they can save there ratings.

Smackdown, I feel, actually has better talent than Raw. The only reason that I don't watch, isn't because of the spoilers, it’s because it's on Friday

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