WWE SD! LD 7/22: Revenge Is a Dish Best Served Hot

It's clear that everything else I said was right.. you know.. about you wrongfully attacking me and making this thread about me rather than Smackdown.. and telling me that my opinion was wrong..

so I demand an apology!

Wrongfully attacking you? You came in here, trying to start up some argument with people. When you do that, people are going to respond with hostility. It just so happened you made it very easy for us to pick on you by not being able to string together a coherent post.

Your "opinion" is wrong, or atleast as wrong as something that cannot be definitively proved one way or the other can be. Orton should not be a jobber, Kane is not more popular than Orton, and that match was quite solid. Now please, scurry off before you starting throwing out more gay slurs and get more infractions.
It's clear you have learned nothing from this experience about being a better moderator.

Feel free to give me an infraction to make yourself feel like a better moderator...

an infraction for what?


My opinion which is now a fact seeing as you claim your bi-sexual in another thread... that opinion which is truly a fact.. is that... you... ARE A RAGING HOMO!

It's clear you have learned nothing from this experience about being a better moderator.

Feel free to give me an infraction to make yourself feel like a better moderator...

an infraction for what?


My opinion which is now a fact seeing as you claim your bi-sexual in another thread... that opinion which is truly a fact.. is that... you... ARE A RAGING HOMO!

X kicked your ass here. Now shut up.
It's clear you have learned nothing from this experience about being a better moderator.

Feel free to give me an infraction to make yourself feel like a better moderator...

an infraction for what?


My opinion which is now a fact seeing as you claim your bi-sexual in another thread... that opinion which is truly a fact.. is that... you... ARE A RAGING HOMO!


Stupid, immature, homophobic, and you can't read? Good god kid, you're doomed.

Read the infraction PM you just got again pal. I didn't give you that infraction, at all. Big Nick Dudley did. But of course, you'd have to READ the damn PM and who sent it to you to know that.

And no actually, being a bisexual by definition would not make me a "raging homo". Bisexual is different from homosexual, which is different from heterosexual. Yes, shocking I know that different words have different meanings, but this is something you'll eventually learn when you start that reading class I advised you to take.
X kicked your ass here. Now shut up.

I like how because you guys are moderators and long time members of this forum that you think your always right about everything? It's clear this is your guys territory and you obviously won't accept being told off by someone who is better than you.

So either your a bunch of stuck up pricks who can't accept someone elses opinion's.. or your WWE marks.. what is it?

Because it's clear that the fans are resenting Orton, I'm simply giving the reasons why I dislike Orton. And I really don't believe your WWE marks, so it's obvious your a bunch of stuck up pricks who back each other because you've been posting together for years. Yup, you guys are never wrong.. your wrong in attacking me. Your opinions on Orton are your opinions and I will not insult them.. but your wrong on attacking me like this.
Stupid, immature, homophobic, and you can't read? Good god kid, you're doomed.

Read the infraction PM you just got again pal. I didn't give you that infraction, at all. Big Nick Dudley did. But of course, you'd have to READ the damn PM and who sent it to you to know that.

And no actually, being a bisexual by definition would not make me a "raging homo". Bisexual is different from homosexual, which is different from heterosexual. Yes, shocking I know that different words have different meanings, but this is something you'll eventually learn when you start that reading class I advised you to take.

I know he sent me one before.

But now I'm giving you the opportunity to send me one.
I like how because you guys are moderators and long time members of this forum that you think your always right about everything? It's clear this is your guys territory and you obviously won't accept being told off by someone who is better than you.

So either your a bunch of stuck up pricks who can't accept someone elses opinion's.. or your WWE marks.. what is it?

Because it's clear that the fans are resenting Orton, I'm simply giving the reasons why I dislike Orton. And I really don't believe your WWE marks, so it's obvious your a bunch of stuck up pricks who back each other because you've been posting together for years. Yup, you guys are never wrong.. your wrong in attacking me. Your opinions on Orton are your opinions and I will not insult them.. but your wrong on attacking me like this.
No. I told you that because you're clearly ignorant, and anyone with an iota of intelligence can see it. Therefore, you should probably just stop posting.
Xfear should take no pride in this victory. He had more of a challenge that time I handed him a shotgun, pointed him towards a barrel full of haddock and told him to shoot.

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