WWE Royal Rumble 2012 - Aftermath & General Discussion

Who do you think will win the rumble?

  • Sheamus

  • Cody Rhodes

  • Randy orton

  • Other, be specific if you post a reply

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it is said that the WWE has already picked the person who will win the rumble. And also that person is on the SMACKDOWN brand. I think it's going to be sheamus. its the only guy on smackdown that makes since, or maybe cody rhodes, or orton(hopefully not orton for the love of god). But the wwe is pushing sheamus to be a topface if the TOP face for smackdown.
Do u see Sheamus winning the rumble this year?
Plus they've already planned henry vs sheamus for WM 28 but i hope henry drops the belt to someone else before mania cuz i would like to see henry and someone like a-ry or a face ziggler or face swagger so someone young who has the talent can put a beast like henry over.
But i still think Sheamus will win the rumble if not him then cody rhodes.

Give me your thought and opinions on Sheamus winning the rumble...

The winner of the RR doesn't really mean anything anymore, it has become as presitegous as the WWE and WHC titles. I'm not trying to be anti-WWE, but Del Rio won and was in the opening match...

Edge won the year before and his matchw as in the middle...

It doesn't really mean anything to win it anymore... as the winner seems to get screwed

I hope its Sheamus he deserves it.. but will he be in the main event or the opening match?
I would mark the fuck out if Sheamus won the Rumble. And it looks like it's about to happen this year with a Smackdown star almost certainly winning it who else would it be?

Cody Rhodes is the only other current Smackdown star that can win it. He's get everything going for him right now. He's on a roll and I wouldn't be surprised if he pulled it off like Del Rio did this year.

Randy Orton winning the Rumble would be a poor decision. He's won it before I think it would be a very bad start to a new year for the WWE if he won it. I mean sure it would make all the little kids and teenage girls happy but it would still be a very, very bad start for a new year in my opinion.
I think that WWE is putting us on a red herring hunt.

They've been desperately trying to stay unpredictable the last year or so, granted they haven't been successful the whole time.

With D-bry having the case and a plan, I don't expect a Smackdown winner, I've said it before though, D-bry could go full out heel if he screws a babyface with a surprise cash in. With that out of the way, I think it's too soon to guess anybody, I never trust insider information, because they told us they were planning to unify the titles last WMania. If I had to put money on it, I would go with a RAW star.

Rhodes is my pick if it ends up being Smackdown though, they keep showing signs of pushing him as a MEr, and dropping the IC title is merely a formality when he's ready.
I could definitely see this happening, he makes the most sense out of anybody. He has been in the main event before but Sheamus's time for more gold is coming once again, his only problem is getting that match with Mark. Not only would a win give him a match at Mania but if he won it would keep them in the big leagues with the big boys. Sheamus works well because he's who put up the biggest fight against Henry but it's hard to get him back into a new feud with the champ since he lost cleanly at Summerslam, Sheamus winning the rumble would solve that problem and give us a hell of a match at mania.
Taking a look at the Smackdown! roster, Sheamus and Cody Rhodes are my favorites to win the 2012 Royal Rumble. Both guys are playing effective personas and have been booked pretty well by the WWE. Rhodes has a program with Orton while Sheamus is involved with Christian at the moment.

I also read in the same article(The rumor that a SD! star is penciled in to win the Rumble) that the Rumble winner will use his title shot at Elimination Chamber with D.Bryan waiting at WM28. So if it's Sheamus, I see it as a sort of justice served because if I remember correctly, Sheamus vs Daniel Bryan was supposed to be a televised match @WM27 but it ended up being a dark match instead so WWE has the opportunity to right that ship by pitting those two again this time for the World Heavyweight Title.

However, at the moment Daniel Bryan isn't exactly looking like World Heavyweight title contender/champion material mainly because he wasn't booked to do anything significant the past few months. Don't get me wrong here, I'm not fully blaming his losing streak because that can easily be turned into a storyline where he finally drops the nice guy act and goes on a tear. The problem is, he's not getting exposure on the mic which IMO is crucial to at least make the other portion of the audience(Not just the older audience who are more familiar with him) invest more with his character.

Wade Barret is a sleeper pick. He has history with the Mr. MitB, so if he does win the RR they'll go with the idea that Barret has always been a thorn in Bryan's side to the point that even at the biggest night of Bryan's career where in he'll compete for a major title at the biggest show of the year, Barret is going to attempt to ruin his dream.

From the RAW perspective, CM Punk is a pretty decent choice.
If the Royal Rumble were this Sunday, I would pick Sheamus. But really, there is a lot of time for either burying or pushing Sheamus or any other superstar until the Royal Rumble comes. Since Cena will face the Rock, I guess we can safely assume Cena won't win it.
I was thinking that Sheamus might beat Mark Henry for the belt at Survivor Series. If that happens then I think he will keep the title at least until The Royal Rumble which means he will have a title match and probably not even be in the Royal Rumble match. I think the Rumble will be won by either C.M Punk, or by Chris Jerico( if he returns to build a feud with Punk for mania 28.)
again, this is just sp[oiler site speculation. Alot of water needs to pass under the bridge before the Rumble, the Survivor Series will change alot of current booking plans. My bet is CM Punk will win the Royal Rumble. Sheamus is being pushed as a face on Smackdown. Whomever goes into Mania as champion has to be able to have a Wwrestlemania quality match with Daniel Bryan. Bryan vs Sheamus was bumped last year, they wont do it this year. And Bryan isnt a main event heel, so whomever he faces will be a heel at mania. Plus with the amount of star talent on Raw, the percentages are that somebody from Raw will win the Rumble. Rhodes is at mid card level, it wonmt be him. Orton has won it before and only the massive stars win a rumble more than once.
Sheamus does seem like a likely pick for the Royal Rumble, but I think the biggest thing that needs to be considered is if the person that wins the Royal Rumble is going to get their shot at the World Heavyweight Championship early or not as has been discussed as of late since Daniel Bryan is going to be cashing in his MITB briefcase at Wrestlemania. Along with that, it also depends on if Bryan will stay face or turn heel between now and then. I honestly think that if the Rumble winner does in fact challenge the winner early, than it will definitely depend on that. If Bryan were to turn heel, than I could see Sheamus as being the best challenger for him, though if he were to stay face I would say Cody Rhodes would be my pick instead.
I still think CM Punk wins the Rumble. They don't know what gonna happen on Raw 5 minutes before the show airs and you think they know what will happen months from now? People cashing in the Rumble win at EC sucks and they should never do it again.

Punk should win the Rumble and go on to face Del Rio (if he doesn't get Austin). And Daniel Bryan should challenge Mark Henry with his MITB.
I voted for Sheamus.

I don't think Rhodes is ready for a heavyweight title match at Wrestlemania. He'll do it eventually but he's not there yet.

There are a few others POSSIBLE winners like Christian, Barrett, or... that's actually it. Dam Smackdown is lacking star power.
Well they gave the Royal Rumble win to Del Rio. It did nothing for him. I cant see another mid card loser like a Wade Barrett win the rumble. That is a way of getting people caring less and less about the Royal Rumble.

I bet a big name like Orton, Punk or maybe Sheamus wins it. They need to restore the credibility of the Royal Rumble.

The bigger issue is the possiblity that Daniel Bryan might get a title shot at WM. The guy has been doing nothing. I cant seriously buy into him as a WHC. They need to do the honorable thing. And have Cody Rhodes win the briefcase from him.

And if Byran actually get a title shot at WM. I bet it will be a triple threat match.
Sheamus winning the Royal Rumble may seem likely at this point, and he did not exactly lose cleanly to Mark Henry at Summerslam as he was counted out. Now, just because Daniel Bryan made a bold and extremely ignorant statement by implying that he is going to cash in the money at Wrestlemania Twenty-eight does not mean he will actually do it. The creative team might have him cash it sooner, if they feel he is not ready for that type of match at the big program. Again, these things are not what I think will happen, but merely are possible scenarios. I don't even watch current WWE, but "saw" Sheamus lose against Mark Henry at Summerslam of this year.
Whoever wins the Rumble isnt necessaruly going to be in the main event at Mania, it just sets them up in the title picture. Daniel Bryan is fighting the WHC at Wrestlemania, CM Punk vs somebody will be the WWE Title match. Rock vs Cena and Taker vs Henry wont have titles involved. So this leaves Orton, Punk and Sheamus as REALISTIC options. Orton has already won it and is entereing a stellar feud with Rhodes, which hopefully elevates Rhodes. CM Punk winning the Rumblwe and going to Mania would be huige, the fans all want to back him as the number one guy in the company
I like Wade Barret if he doesn't fight the Undertaker at wrestlemania. A Barret/Bryan match would have tremendous heat to it and I would love to see two younger guys given a chance to steal the show. I doubt wwe will ever do it, but this ppv needs new blood in it with all of the old stars performing (rock, hhh, undertaker, and a rumored austin).
Plans always change but it is probably a veteran who has won the title before, so i am not holding my breath on Barret.
I think that Sheamus is the most likely to win the Rumble. He has been on a roll for quite some time. Rhodes may be the wildcard here. But i personally feel that he should hold on to the IC title till 'Mania or later and bring back its prestige.

Also, if the RR winner is supposed to win at Elimination Chamber and face Bryan at 'Mania, what happens to the previous champion? Will the match at 'Mania be triple threat?
Well if this Smackdown Rumble winner talk is true, I'd definitely be thinking Wade Barrett, due to him and Bryan have history and that i feel he's definitely deserving of the title. Also, the whole Sheamus/Bryan match up gives no heel to the battle and i'd look at that as a bit boring. Rhodes i'd rather see fighting Orton in like a no DQ match up. but you know i'm just one fan and that's my opinion.
I hope it's Orton. I'm a huge fan of his, and he could use it heading into Mania.

This WrestleMania could end up being quite crowded - Rock, Cena, Austin, Punk, Undertaker, HHH, Vince, Foley, Jericho, etc. Orton is the face of Smackdown, and needs to have something going on prior to Mania. What better way than him winning the Rumble? The internet will cry about it, but the general audience will not.

I wouldn't mind Sheamus winning if Orton does not. I'm enjoying his face run, and he's going to win a Rumble, at some point, anyhow. Why not get it over with...
I hope it's Orton. I'm a huge fan of his, and he could use it heading into Mania.

This WrestleMania could end up being quite crowded - Rock, Cena, Austin, Punk, Undertaker, HHH, Vince, Foley, Jericho, etc. Orton is the face of Smackdown, and needs to have something going on prior to Mania. What better way than him winning the Rumble? The internet will cry about it, but the general audience will not.

I wouldn't mind Sheamus winning if Orton does not. I'm enjoying his face run, and he's going to win a Rumble, at some point, anyhow. Why not get it over with...

Umm...Orton has already won a rumble. You know before WM 25 when he faced HHH in the main event. So considering this, I really hope he doesnt win as i want to see a first timer win the rumble. Even tho i wouldnt be disappointed if it ended up being Orton facing a heel daniel bryan. If Sheamus does win, Mark Henry will be waiting for him with the world title.

Another scenario I would like to see is Cody Rhodes win the rumble, and face Orton for the title after Orton wins it at elimination chamber. But i think WWE wont let Rhodes win it, a little early for him. A returning Jericho would be cool, so he could face Punk. But a rumble win for Jericho at this point is such a throwaway as the guy doesnt need it.
I agree with most others; I think Punk or Sheamus will win. Who do you think the surprise entrants will be? I expect Foley and Jericho, and I would love to see Scott Hall make a one-shot appearance as Razor Ramone, just like Nash did as Diesel last year.
I hope and wish for Daniel Bryan himself to win the Royal Rumble in 2012. It’s true that he hasn’t been doing much of anything lately and for him to enter the Rumble at number 30 (or 40, or 50, depending on what Vince decides this year), would be a huge shocker to say the least. I picture him cashing in his Royal Rumble win against the WWE Champion at WrestleMania as a Face like Rob Van Dam, followed up by cashing in his Money In The Bank Briefcase against the World Champion as well at WM as a Heel like everyone else before him. Think about the reaction if he wins both matches. I’d have him announce that he’s challenging for the WWE Title using his RR win. Then after a long, hard fought match for the World Title, I’d have the New WWE Champion come out and cash in his Blue Case on the winner, thus unifying the WWE / World Championships. He could come to the following Raw and re-introduce himself as the "real" Best In The World, The Undisputed WWE World Heavyweight Champion, The American Dragon, Bryan Danielson.
Right...and we've all TOTALLY forgotten Wrestlemania psychology. Fantastic.

We already have a face vs face showdown. We will NOT have another. Rock/Cena will be enough. Bryan will have his match at Mania. He will have it against a HEEL. Why? Because of the moment it represents. IE, if he faces a face, he won't get over. Now imagine if Bryan submits the biggest heel on Smackdown? Holy shit. He'll be so over from that alone...

And turning someone like Bryan AT mania? Never gunna happen.

Sheamo winning? I don't see it.
Orton winning? I don't see it.
It'll be a heel on Smackdown. Wade Barrett seems like the best choice for me.
The plan is actually for the Rumble winner to cash in his shot at Elimination Chamber and win it then go onto face Daniel Bryan at Wrestlemania since he's cashing in there. Personally I think it should be a Raw guy who wins cause I think this idea is lame but if I was gonna pick anyone, I'd say it should be Mark Henry who wins the Royal Rumble match. With the winner cashing in at EC, it makes the Rumble pointless as the winner is usually supposed to go onto Wrestlemania, so they may aswell have someone who's already been a World Champion before win it just like they did with Cena in 08 when he won the Rumble and cashed in at NWO. Henry should lose his title to Sheamus just before 2011 ends then win the Rumble and win it back at EC then face D. Bryan at Mania. Henry vs. Bryan kinda reminds of the Yokozuna - Bret Hart WM match and how over would Daniel Bryan be if he made someone who a lot of people would consider no match for him & ten times his size, tap out on the biggest stage to win the World Title? I don't think a face vs. face (Sheamus vs. Bryan) would be as interesting as Henry vs. Bryan especially since we already have another face vs. face (Cena vs. Rock) on the card already. Also you have to remember, they planned to have Sheamus vs. Bryan on the card last year but they ended up in the dark card, I believe because management didn't believe they could draw, so why would they have Sheamus vs. Bryan on the card now since they are both faces & still don't have enough charisma as The Rock & Cena to draw?

So Mark Henry to win the Rumble & Henry vs. Bryan for Mania!
I think Sheamus winning the Rumble could be a pretty awesome move. He could cash it in for a win at Elimination Chamber then have Bryan use his blue briefcase to get the world title match at Wrestlemania. The ironic thing is they were meant to have a match last year that got kicked off the card. Now they would get their chance in a higher profile match. Sheamus is on a roll with his face turn and adding Royal Rumble winner to his resume would be helpful because he already has King of the Ring, 2 WWE Championships, and a United States Championship run to brag about. This would earn him a world title run too. It should happen. Rhodes might not be ready yet by then and guys like Orton have already won it. Sheamus is the best option at the moment.

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