WWE Roadblock Live Discussion

I got a little worried after Kofi landed on his head. I wouldn't have been shocked to see WWE give Barret some BS title reign to try to keep him around.
The beauty of having the WWE Network on a tablet: I can watch wrestling on the crapper. Mind you, said tablet is balanced rather delicately on my girlfriend's bidet.
They're the IWC's wet dream (I.E. tweeners) at this point.

I tend to think casuals have wet dreams about them too. New Day seems to be a rarity in this day and age as they clearly cater to old and young fans without anyone being weird about it.
That looks like it was a better promo than when Dustin Rhodes burned his Goldust stuff and as he was doing his promo you could loudly hear someone from the audience yell "You're a ****** Rhodes!"
People give Big Show shit for turning all the time; Chris Jericho changed alignment three times walking down the ramp.
I tend to think casuals have wet dreams about them too. New Day seems to be a rarity in this day and age as they clearly cater to old and young fans without anyone being weird about it.

Oh I get that even the casuals are into them, they're crazy over. I was more referring to tweeners in general being the IWC wet dream.

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