WWE Releases - Keep It All In Here!

I am not suprised about either.

Kozlov was kept as a favor to Santino since they have been buddies for years.

Melina kinda made her own bed. Her attitude towards Trish at wrestlmania. Her constant injuries as well as her unfounded I am so great attitude did not help her cause. I only hope it doesnt hurt Morrison.

DHS...no charisma they tried about everything but he just couldnt get over.
Kozlov great as a straight man to Santino's comic foolery but as soon as he started partaking in the foolery the double act lost its spark for me. The writing has been on the wall lately since Santino has been teaming with others. I much preferred him as a badass when he first started but wish it had been given a slow build as it might have been believable.

DH Smith Once the Hart Dynasty split he really had little going for him. He was the least charismatic of the three Dynasty members and I really don't see him as being a loss

Master This guy I like. I remember when him and Carlito were being pushed as top heels and really enjoyed it. Since he came back his in ring work has come on leaps and bounds but two words killed any credibility - PEC DANCE

Melina No big surprise. She has been walking a tight rope for years with her attitude, long before the Trish/Mania thing. She is renowned for being an upstart in the locker room. Pity as she is/was one of the few that could go in the ring

Gail Kim I liked Gail Kim. She really can go as anyone that seen her in TNA can attest to but I am really disappointed in her attitude on Monday. Most of us hate or have hated our work but to do what she did was really disrespectful not only to WWE but to the fans. She should be lucky she had the chance to quit.

Names I think that might be future endeavoured over the weekend
Tyler Reks
Yoshi Tatsu


Glad Melina's finally gone

This chick had terrible attitude, bi-polar behavior on her vlogs, trashed other divas constantly and to top it all off, she's pretty homely looking tbh.

Good riddance, have fun in the unemployment line Melina
Cannot say that I am surprised Melina got axed figured it was coming after the whole Trish Stratus fiasco. DH Smith IMO not a big loss he's barely been seen on TV let alone done anything significant. It does surprise me about gail kim she got what she wanted though a pay day for the last few years and WWE got what they wanted another talented wrestler out the way to make room for the "DIVAS". Win Win situation. Maybe she will go back to TNA who knows.
The WWE as usual dropped the ball with good talent. Gail Kim, Kozlov and Smith.

Gail Kim especially I am disappointed about. They signed her to a big contract and then just swept her under the rug. She was a great wrestler and had a lot of talent. I mean wasn't that why she was signed? Because the WWE saw how good she was in TNA? The company could have easily built her up to the the next great female wrestler, but of course did nothing. It sounds like she was very unhappy and upset about everything that was happening. Both to the Diva's division and to how they were treating her. She just had enough and said "the hell with this." Or maybe she quit because she wanted to be with her new husband more. Who knows. We'll know soon enough.
If Gail Kim quit during layoffs it probably had to do more with either a severance package, or she could afford to leave and get a job elsewhere and wanted to save someone else getting laid off. That, of course is on top of her frustration with the WWE as a whole. But seriously, in this day and age no one just quits a job, not even a pro-wrestler.

My guess is that Kim probably saved some other diva from getting laid off.
Man we were just talking about how it was odd that no one had been cut for spring cleaning this year really, and then we have all these cuts today. Damn shame, I'm bummed about Masters being cut. Everyone else is meh, but Masters had become pretty damn good on Superstars.

No srsly, Chris Masters had improved like 12,000% since his return to the WWE. If this guy right here had debuted way back in 2005 instead of the green meathead who did, he could have been huge man. He was a fun workhorse for the C-shows for the last 2 years, sad to see him go. He was never gonna be anything big, but he always had entertaining matches these days.

Kozlov...man I went from hating the dude to loving him, but his time had come and gone. He was never going to be back to that monster Russian heel prime he was in a few years back, and having him hang around for comedy was nice but pointless. No big loss.

DH Smith...don't care. Solid worker, not much of a personality, there are about a thousand guys just like him and there's nothing really unique about him at all. No big loss. They best not even think about cutting Tyson Kidd though, that's my negro.

Melina...I always liked Melina. Bit of a cunt obviously, but she was always a decent worker and I thought she actually had a pretty good feud with Mickie James a few years back, atleast in Divas Division standards. Sad to see dat ass go, otherwise, no big loss. She'll probably make her way make at some point down the line if she stays with JoMo.

Gail Kim...again, she could be a pretty solid worker (she had a bitchin' match with DBD against Kidd and Melina a few months back on Superstars, look that shit up), but she was never going to be used. I'm sad as fuck she never got to wrestle Kharma in the WWE though, they had some great matches back in TNA and would have loved to have seen that feud re-kindled for the WWE audience.

Good move to clear some dead weight. I have no fucking clue how JTG wasn't cut here though, no idea how he's keeping a job. If I were Yoshi Tatsu I would be keeping a low profile man, he might be next.
Thank fuck Melina got released, now maybe Morrison can finally reach his full potential.

The rest are meh, effect my life in no way. Except for Chris Masters, which improves my life, because now I dont have to see his stupid face sucking charisma out of my television anymore.
Koslov:dead weight. Melina:don't dis the woman that made it possible for you to be where you were. (disagree if you like but Trish made it marketable for the first time ever.) My fingers are crossed for Morrison, hope he focuses now or we might see the biggest what if of this era. DHS: Milk toast. No charisma and no mic skills with a limited work set and you are doomed. Masters: Part of me thinks that HHH never liked him in the first place (when Masters came in he had the best build. Better than the game and I don't think that set well. But enough of my speculation. It still surprises me that they would let him go when he could have languished in the midcard forever. Gail Kim: Finally you can go back to the only place you have gotten over. She is one of the best technical females ever and deserves to be recognized for it. But divas are for looks and not for work. Not demeaning them I really think its a shame they are viewed that way because of how hard they have worked to change the perception. Best wishes on all your future endeavors.
Melina released? I wonder what John Morrison thinks about this? Who cares. Anyway, is there any surprise with any of these releases. I'm just surprised WWE hasn't released Tyson Kidd with DH Smith. I knew as soon as Bret Hart left WWE they would try to get rid of the Hart Dynasty. Masters has the Test complex where he is always brought back for a few months and does nothing before he is released again. Koslov was always boring until he teamed up with Santino. Melina was an overrated drama queen that was more trouble then she was worth. It's a good thing she was let go because maybe John Morrison will have his head on straight.

I'm surprised it took Gail Kim this long to quit WWE. Has she even had more then 5 minutes of television time in the past year? No real loss for WWE. I'm just shocked JTG still has a job.
Yea as everyone has said before me - Melina made her own bed now she has to sleep in it. I do see it as a loss to the divas division with two gone now - both Gail Kim and Melina were decent in the ring.

I'm not shocked to see masters go but more disappointed. He was easily one of my faviorites when he debuted. I loved the masterpiece gimmick and he pulled it off well - he even had a great ppv match with hbk at one point. I guess this burys the rumours of his push after mania27? lol.

I honestly thought d.h smith had already gone. No loss here IMO

Was kinda shocked to see koslov gone as he was starting to come into his own and the crowd was steadily getting behind him (thank you santino). Thought him and that russian guy from fcw,I think his name is Peter orlav ? Would have been a good tag tream
I think the WWE is stupid for releasing DH Smith. They were stupid for breaking up the Hart Dynasty prematurely before they even got the chance to really do anything and develop themselves as a team and as superstars. Yes, they were tag team champions.. but they did nothing with them during their title reign. They didn't give them time to develop in feuds, on the mic, or as characters, before they took the titles off them and then broke them up.

DH Smith is only 25 years old! He's only just beginning his wrestling career and he has a TON of potential, untapped because the WWE won't spend any time or put any effort into developing that potential. This is just another example of what's wrong with the WWE and just the system itself nowadays.. everyone's rushed into the spotlight, not given the proper development and time, and then when they're not at the place it took others two or three times as long to reach back in previous eras (like Smith's father's time) they're pushed aside, nothings done with them, and they're released.

WWE really dropped the ball here.

I think Chris Masters had potential, too.. but his release isn't so shocking to me. Kozlov even had potential, so i'm surprised they got rid of him after making him a comedy character (instead of really developing him as a force), he's certainly more credible and has much more potential then the Great Khali (among others). I'm also surprised by Melina's release, although I guarantee it probably had a lot to do with people she rubbed the wrong way and her attitude backstage.. which is probably, exactly, why she's not been used well and been demoted from the Diva she once was in the division. Its her own fault, based on her own actions, I feel, so I don't mind so much there.
I think it's no shock of anyone of those names being released except Melina

How do you release the best Diva you have. I know those who dont appreciate the Divas or dont really get their talent because they themselves only see them as eye candy, dont care, but for those reasons their opinions arent really relevant anymore than a woman who's happy Masters is out because he was nothing more than a guy with nice muscles to look at, so that automatically just absolutely makes anyone look stupid to say anything to the degree of her being useless etc.

Melina was the best. Looks like we'll be getting her and Gail in TNA. This is the release that officially will now get me to go to a TNA event if she does sign. I cant believe WWE, it's like they really dont want the tag or Divas division to improve. They didnt even bring Naomi Knight up yet, the most talented Diva in FCW they have and more than every other Diva in the ring on TV.

This release is hugely devastating to the Division, Melina just was something special and no other Diva can take her place and that's why it's a major blow to them. Yeah you have Beth in the title picture, and you have Natalya there, but it's just ridiculous looking at the major talent they've released like Melina and Mickie, and girls who had so much potential. I was shocked as hell to see how much more I liked Winter in TNA as opposed to what she was allowed to do as Katie Lea, which was nothing

Trish vs Lita- greatest Diva rivalry of all time

Trish vs Mickie James- greatest Diva storyline of all time between them

even Dawn Marie and Torrie Wilson was a nice story involving her dad, it shows that Divas can be put into stories where the fans react, care etc. People were loving every minute of these three.

Why not try some storylines with these Divas, the best matches we've had were Melina vs Beth in an I Quit Match, the first ever Divas Tables Match and things of that nature. I'm gonna miss Melina, will suck not seeing her live for some time as I dont know when TNA is coming near me, IF she even goes there.

TNA Knockouts. Seems to be where it is right now, Why do I feel a massive jump to TNA by more Divas a coming. Then WWE will have to bring in more and have no names then. You cant oppress people for too long before they rise up and march (onto someone else's television show and keep on doing this BROTHER!!)
Melina- Can't say I'm too surprised by this one. Melina didn't bother me too much, and I always thought she was solid enough in the ring. Her personality did have a spark, and she was pushed pretty hard over the years, and she did win her fair share of titles. But her nasty and disruptive backstage attitude probably became a problem, so WWE decided to let her go. I don't think her loss will hurt the women's division, because Kelly Kelly has improved, and she is pretty over with the fans. Beth Phoenix is still around, A.J. could should have a chance at more spotlight in the future, Kharma will return, and I hope Natalya can find her way into the Divas title picture again.

Vladimir Kozlov- Meh. I was never a big fan of this guy. He received a pretty big push when he was on Smackdown, as he feuded with Undertaker and Triple H, he enjoyed an undefeated streak, and he was teased as Taker's opponent for Wrestlemania 25, when he faced HBK on Raw a few years back, but I never saw anything special in him. He was the bad ass Anti-American during his heel days, but this character felt so generic and plain. Kozlov should thank Santino for saving his job, because the partnership with Santino was entertaining for a little while, but these two did become stale as time went on. Kozlov wasn't horrible. He was decent enough, but his absence will go unnoticed after a while.

Chris Masters- I was kind of disappointed by this release. Masters had improved a lot, and he was a solid worker. He had the perfect look, and I wish he could've had a shot at the US Championship. Although, Masters is on the list of guys, who wouldn't hurt the WWE if he left.

DH Smith- Smith hasn't done anything special since The Hart Dynasty fell apart. He was pretty bland and boring, when it came to personality, and I can't remember one memorable singles match from him. Yes, he was the son of the Bulldog, but he is very replaceable, and his lost won't hurt WWE at all.
Not a huge surprised with any of the aformentioned Superstars. None of them made a big enough impact. Kozlov would probably be the only one that I would question, but the rest of them seemed legit. Melina was a real pain in the A backstage and hindering her real life boyfriend from getting to the top. I with them all the best in their future endeavours.
Not a big loss. Kozlov just didn't really bring anything to the table. His partnership with Santino was actually kind of entertaining for a while but even that got old.

Kozlov sucked, end of. He was ok teaming with Santino, but we all know who was the more popular one of the team, and it certainly was not the Moscow Mauler. I am surprised he lasted this long, as he is dire in the ring and has 0 promo skills. He should licking Santino's boots as without him Kozlov would have been gone a long time ago. He was awful

As for Melina, I'm not surprised. I figured it was coming because she's been absolutely buried since losing the Divas Championship. There are lots of reports of her having a huge attitude problem backstage and maybe just got tired of her.

I am actually quite surprised by this. I always thought Melina was one of the most talented divas in the ring, but if she was causing problems backstage, which I had read she had done in the past, then get rid of her. She is well known for sleeping with half the roster anywat and if her antics were causing issues then its probably best to get rid of her. Although she was one of the top divas, she wont be much of a loss

DH Smith? Decent enough but he never really impressed me. If you were going to keep him around it would have been in a tag team. If they werent going to team him up again with Tyson Kidd I can't see a role for him. He may have looked alright, but the guy had no charisma whatsoever, and you need some of that to get ahead, being Davey Boy's son can only get you so far.

And as for Chris Masters...he has improved recently, but the guy has been around the WWE for years and done fuck all, except for failing drug tests. He looks awesome, but he is painfully average in the ring, and his physique is really all he has going for him. Getting rid of him is no big loss. I expect him to be the new enforcer in Immortal in TNA as soon as he is available.
There seems to be increasingly common dissent coming from within the WWE and I'm looking at these releases and wondering whether this is the WWE cracking down on it.

Kim eliminates herself from the Battle Royale and blames the writers Gone

Melina backs up Kim Gone

Masters involved with Ryder and criticises the WWE Gone

Now you've got Morrison complaining. We've had Punk being extremely vocal about being unhappy, even Danielson has been critical and these are just off the top of my head. There seem's to be growing unhappiness within the ranks.
Melina was the most shocking to me. she was IMO one of the better divas in the ring. she was creative in all angles, in the ring, headed to the ring, and entering the ring. the mannerisms at the top of the ramp to the famous splits before getting in the ring. which i guess there really was no place for now in the PG era. although i agree she has started to become a little weird looking in the face recently and i'M not sure exactly why? She was still hot and i would still rub one put to her if she decided to go the porn route........all the rest were dull, stale, dead weight. who cares?
I thought this was supposed to be a new regime. CM Punk better be the voice of the voiceless. I mean David Hart Smith I can see how he was released he was never used after Hart Dynasty split... Koslov...a bit surprising... Masters...also suprising. Melina and Gail gone now? You know what fuck the Divas division...excuse the language but it's true...While we are at it let's get rid of Natalya and Beth the only wrestlers left...this is stupid...
David Hart Smith - he wasn't good on the mike, ok in the ring and hardly on tv.

Chris Masters - Had a look ok on the mike, surprised that they didn't use him more or put him to more work than they did when he returned to WWE.

Kozlov - good in the ring but the character he was given is rather limiting and he didn't get much except for the tag team with Santino

Melina - surprising, she could easily be a major contribution in a female division that is filled with more models turned wrestlers as opposed to solid female wrestlers. Then again she has been unused or used less for quite some time.

Gail Kim - She has been back in the company for 2 years but she's gotten nothing to really do and it's been a total waste of her talent. No one can tell me that either Kim or Melina aren't better than Kelly Kelly. No one can tell me that either of these women couldn't help the inexperienced divas develop or they couldn't give decent to good matches with Phoenix or Natalya. WWE clearly has shown that their interest is in having a roster of female models who are either shit to ok performers in the ring.
all were given a shot and all missed. None of them took it up another level.

Times like this make me miss the old school managers. Just think what Bobby The Brain could do with Chris Masters. He might have ended up in a main event or two. But those days are over. Just like the days of putting over the whole roster in an interview.
Actually I had a brain fart about Melina and Gail Kim. Didn't Golddust take over the divas division? I would think that Gail would have been great for the new attitude they seem to wanna roll out for the heels. However I can see Melina having a fit if Dustin didn't wanna play her games. But wonder if JoMo had a heads up this was coming down the pike i dont see them lasting long.
Gail Kim - Seems WWE dont know how to use her. Shes a proper 'wrestler' and better than the Barbie Dolls but seems she isnt marketable.

Melina - Decent in the ring but has an attitude. Wonder how this will effect John Morrison

Hart-Smith - Training for MMA. Hasn't been on TV for months. No surprise.

Kozlov - I didnt mind him but he was going nowhere. No surprise either.

Masters - Think WWE have dropped the ball with him. He was a great heel years ago, but suppose because he was on 2 strikes they could never invest in him. Could easily go to TNA and follow the same route of Matt Morgan.

No huge shocks though and nobody WWE will miss too much. I would also get rid of the following:

Alicia Fox
Rosa Mendes
Yoshi Tatsu
DH Smith: I think the writing was on the wall for Smith when he and Tyson Kidd split up, and a feud between the two never materialized. They had a match or two on Superstars, but couldnt even get a match on Raw after their break-up occurred on Raw. Smith was very good within the confines of the tag team with Tyson, but he was below average everywhere else. His mic skills were very bland and generic, his mannerisms and facial expressions were virtually non-existant, and his ring-work was sloppy at times and average at best. He bore no resemblance whatsoever to his late father other then his look, and this isn't a big loss. He wasn't even making it on the Internet Superstars show, so where's the loss here?

Chris Masters: Has the man even been in a storyline since he's returned? Other then facing Tyler Rekks every week for 3 months straight on Superstars, anyway. He seemed to have improved in the ring and as always has a great look, but he seemed to be floating around directionless for a long time, so another performer thats not really a big loss. He could catch on elsewhere.

Vladimir Kozlov: Much like the Great Khali, I honestly never saw the appeal to him. He's strong, but lacks charisma, mic skills, and in-ring talent. He looked very uncoordinated and lost within the ring at many times, and has one of the most basic, limited movesets Ive ever seen. Kozlov has improved marginally in the ring where he could work a decent 5-6 minute match, but he likely would have been gone last year had it not been for Santino. I was surprised when he was given the long winning streak and large push, including a clean win over Undertaker on Smackdown a few months before WM 25. I'll remember Kozlov most for having one of the worst matches Ive ever seen at Survivor Series 2008 with HHH. I figured he had been FE'd weeks earlier after I saw Santino team with Evan Bourne Monday, and didnt realize he was still around until he was squashed by Mark Henry on Smackdown tonight.

Melina: Morrison got a good laugh out of me when he tweeted that "Melina is the most talented Diva of all time in WWE history". I do think that Melina is very talented, but her talent has often-times been overshadowed by her poor attitude backstage. Maria Kannelis gave a candid interview in 2009 where she discussed the fights she had with Melina backstage over ways in which Melina acted superior to Kannelis. It's obviously a case of "she said, she said" here, but other Divas such as Michelle McCool and Maryse have said similar things as well. Melina really hadn't been used in almost a year other then to do the occasional job in 2 minutes or less. While talented, she was so low on the pecking order of a division that gets 5-6 minutes a show, tops, that she's not a big loss. She'll have no problems finding work elsewhere, whether it be TNA, ROH, or Shimmer.

Gail Kim: The last I read, WWE has yet to even announce Kim's departure, and she is stating that she quit. Kim has been noted to be very vocal of the lack of time and character development within the Diva's division, although it wasn't in much better shape when she arrived. TNA's Tara has been noted to be publicly and very vocally urging Gail to return to TNA, so I wouldnt be surprised if she wound up there when her 90 day no-compete clause expires.

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