WWE Creative has gone completely bland.
Interenet announcement for Johnny Ace to be interim GM? No stipulation, nothing special about it.
Why would there be a stipulation attached to it? He's the "Interim GM", not the permanent one. The meeting was about whether or not he should keep his job, what did you expect? It's WWE's way of incorporating social media into their business practices, one they've been doing for awhile now.
It also brings more realism into it, as them holding off until next Monday to make the annoucnement would seem very contrived that the decision came across "as Raw was on the air." Smart move, and again, no stipulation required. It was either here or gone. That's stipulation enough.
#1 - Johnny Ace sucks as a character. Outside of a few IWC fanboys, the guy is a damn joke. Sure it was "OK" for a couple of weeks, but this is not the type of crap you want going into your Wrestlemania season and belongs on Smackdown if anything, not on RAW.
A disingenuous, smarmy corporate suck-up is a bad choice as GM? Why? Because he's bland? He's
supposed to be, as it's been played off wonderfully in his feud with Punk. Just because he doesn't ooze charisma, it doesn't mean he's a bad choice. In fact, he's the perfect choice headed into the Road to Wrestlemania, especially if HHH is there every week for him to play off of. As with Punk, they're effective as polar opposites. Ace is the perfect choice here. He would be entirely out of place on Smackdown, as he already has established beefs with members of the Raw roster, such as Punk, Cena, Ryder, and HHH.
But he should just start over on the secondary show this close to Wrestlemania? Makes sense.
#2 - Yeah, we all hear the Triple H vs. Undertaker thing is now OK because he won't be GM.
Did you watch Raw last night, as HHH gave his reasons for not fighting Taker at WM? It had nothing to do with him donning the suit, and everything to do with him not wanting to completely "kill off' The Undertaker. That was HHH the wrestler speaking, not HHH the COO.
Yeah it also means we get to see taker fight someone again who doesn't compliment him very well. Triple H 10 years ago? Sure, but Hunter has been out of the ring too long and doesn't have an "It" factor anymore. You can argue taker doesn't either, BUT if he has the right guy to sell the moves, etc.. and to handle it, then it works out just like with Michaels and the previous "streak" matches. I Know the IWC thinks the Triple H v. Taker was "EPIC" but it was mediocre at best when looking at streak matches and the FUCKING STORY IS LAME. It's weak. It's not the "story" that Taker deserves and doesn't fit his career at all. He needs to fight someone darker, more meaningful to retire/go out in style.
Someone darker, as in someone who left him unable to leave the ring on his own power? Or someone who has been known over the years to be as mean and ruthless as they come? That sounds like HHH to me. You don't need a darker "character" to face Undertaker, but if you're referring to someone sadistic, they don't come meaner then HHH.
And how many streak matches have you seen? Half of them, being generous, have
sucked. Last year was no classic, but it was very good. And they've set up the storyline already. Undertaker doesn't want to go out that way, and HHH thinks he'll kill him this year if he faces him. Sounds good to me!
#3 - IF Johnny Ace is going to be here, there better be some sort of new faction forming and Vince or Stephanie or someone needs to be involved. I know that WWE is being pussy crap righ now because Linda is running for office again, but damnit we as fans deserve better than the crap being thrown our way just because she wants to run for office.
Again, have you truly been watching? Last week was an awesome show with two great matches, and furthering of storylines headed to both EC and WM. As for Ace, he doesn't need a faction. He's already over as is, as evidenced by his crowd reactions. In fact, he may be the most over heel on WWE programming today! This "*expletive*, *expletive*, *expletive*" we've been getting has been very good, especially since the Rumble. Only someone who's jaded and heads into a show expecting the worst can't see that.
I can't wait until November is over and she loses again where we can hopefully move back to a more productive WWE and remind people of how good it once was.
To the person I referenced above, whomever you may be(

), why are you still watching a show you expect to be crap until November? I don't watch shows I find to be garbage, I'm not sure why anyone would. Unless I was being paid to do so, it would be illogical.