John Laurinatis Has NOT Been Fired - KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!

Johnny Scumm

InZayn In The Membrane
Yes, it's official! The board of directors have made their choice and released this statement on (The link is below the quote if you wish to view the page.

Following John Laurinaitis' presentation on Monday, the WWE Board of Directors has decided that the Executive Vice President of Talent Relations will remain as Interim General Manager of Monday Night Raw.
John Laurinaitis stays Raw GM.

To be honest, I had seen it coming, so we can further his strange way of managing things and possibly push the Punk thing along. Who knows, maybe he'll have something to say with HHH/HBK next week? He did book it after all! Either way, I'm glad that Johnny Ace is still with us, because I like his character.

What do you think?
I actually like John Laurinitis's character and I'm interested in seeing what his future plans will hold. Although I kind of wish Triple H ruled Monday Night Raw
I actually like John Laurinitis's character and I'm interested in seeing what his future plans will hold. Although I kind of wish Triple H ruled Monday Night Raw

Me to on both points.

I'm hoping JL will be here until maybe Summer Slam then HHH can take over full time. Also I think John being around still there is still more to come from the Jericho / CM punk angle and I think he is going to be a part of that storyline somewhere.

Also couldn't help notice Jericho mentioning Stephanie McMahon, so I reckon she will be involved aswell.

Not sure where the story will go but looking forward to seeing Mr Laurinaitus on TV for a little while longer.
WWE Creative has gone completely bland.

Interenet announcement for Johnny Ace to be interim GM? No stipulation, nothing special about it.

#1 - Johnny Ace sucks as a character. Outside of a few IWC fanboys, the guy is a damn joke. Sure it was "OK" for a couple of weeks, but this is not the type of crap you want going into your Wrestlemania season and belongs on Smackdown if anything, not on RAW.

#2 - Yeah, we all hear the Triple H vs. Undertaker thing is now OK because he won't be GM. Yeah it also means we get to see taker fight someone again who doesn't compliment him very well. Triple H 10 years ago? Sure, but Hunter has been out of the ring too long and doesn't have an "It" factor anymore. You can argue taker doesn't either, BUT if he has the right guy to sell the moves, etc.. and to handle it, then it works out just like with Michaels and the previous "streak" matches. I Know the IWC thinks the Triple H v. Taker was "EPIC" but it was mediocre at best when looking at streak matches and the FUCKING STORY IS LAME. It's weak. It's not the "story" that Taker deserves and doesn't fit his career at all. He needs to fight someone darker, more meaningful to retire/go out in style.

#3 - IF Johnny Ace is going to be here, there better be some sort of new faction forming and Vince or Stephanie or someone needs to be involved. I know that WWE is being pussy crap righ now because Linda is running for office again, but damnit we as fans deserve better than the crap being thrown our way just because she wants to run for office. I can't wait until November is over and she loses again where we can hopefully move back to a more productive WWE and remind people of how good it once was.

Yes, ranting but sick of the crap we're getting from creative here recently.
I think the reason why it was done this way (on the website) other than to get a few fans to the site, is because otherwise who is going to deliver the news on Raw?

Vince? The man who came out to tell HHH he was being replaced (last time he was on the show). Also, When he got "fired" that was the end of the VKM being the figurehead of the company (to the fans) the tears were real, he only came back for a brief moment to relieve HHH of his duty.

So how else could they have delivered the news? Can't really have Vince do it, I wouldn't want that either we are supposed to moving forward with a new GM and the COO being in charge, slowly moving VKM out of the picture, and HHH couldn't do it either really when you think about it, like he would want to tell everyone that Laurinaitus is staying on as Raw GM.
WWE Creative has gone completely bland.

Interenet announcement for Johnny Ace to be interim GM? No stipulation, nothing special about it.

Why would there be a stipulation attached to it? He's the "Interim GM", not the permanent one. The meeting was about whether or not he should keep his job, what did you expect? It's WWE's way of incorporating social media into their business practices, one they've been doing for awhile now.

It also brings more realism into it, as them holding off until next Monday to make the annoucnement would seem very contrived that the decision came across "as Raw was on the air." Smart move, and again, no stipulation required. It was either here or gone. That's stipulation enough.

#1 - Johnny Ace sucks as a character. Outside of a few IWC fanboys, the guy is a damn joke. Sure it was "OK" for a couple of weeks, but this is not the type of crap you want going into your Wrestlemania season and belongs on Smackdown if anything, not on RAW.

A disingenuous, smarmy corporate suck-up is a bad choice as GM? Why? Because he's bland? He's supposed to be, as it's been played off wonderfully in his feud with Punk. Just because he doesn't ooze charisma, it doesn't mean he's a bad choice. In fact, he's the perfect choice headed into the Road to Wrestlemania, especially if HHH is there every week for him to play off of. As with Punk, they're effective as polar opposites. Ace is the perfect choice here. He would be entirely out of place on Smackdown, as he already has established beefs with members of the Raw roster, such as Punk, Cena, Ryder, and HHH.

But he should just start over on the secondary show this close to Wrestlemania? Makes sense. :rolleyes:

#2 - Yeah, we all hear the Triple H vs. Undertaker thing is now OK because he won't be GM.

Did you watch Raw last night, as HHH gave his reasons for not fighting Taker at WM? It had nothing to do with him donning the suit, and everything to do with him not wanting to completely "kill off' The Undertaker. That was HHH the wrestler speaking, not HHH the COO.

Yeah it also means we get to see taker fight someone again who doesn't compliment him very well. Triple H 10 years ago? Sure, but Hunter has been out of the ring too long and doesn't have an "It" factor anymore. You can argue taker doesn't either, BUT if he has the right guy to sell the moves, etc.. and to handle it, then it works out just like with Michaels and the previous "streak" matches. I Know the IWC thinks the Triple H v. Taker was "EPIC" but it was mediocre at best when looking at streak matches and the FUCKING STORY IS LAME. It's weak. It's not the "story" that Taker deserves and doesn't fit his career at all. He needs to fight someone darker, more meaningful to retire/go out in style.

Someone darker, as in someone who left him unable to leave the ring on his own power? Or someone who has been known over the years to be as mean and ruthless as they come? That sounds like HHH to me. You don't need a darker "character" to face Undertaker, but if you're referring to someone sadistic, they don't come meaner then HHH.

And how many streak matches have you seen? Half of them, being generous, have sucked. Last year was no classic, but it was very good. And they've set up the storyline already. Undertaker doesn't want to go out that way, and HHH thinks he'll kill him this year if he faces him. Sounds good to me!

#3 - IF Johnny Ace is going to be here, there better be some sort of new faction forming and Vince or Stephanie or someone needs to be involved. I know that WWE is being pussy crap righ now because Linda is running for office again, but damnit we as fans deserve better than the crap being thrown our way just because she wants to run for office.

Again, have you truly been watching? Last week was an awesome show with two great matches, and furthering of storylines headed to both EC and WM. As for Ace, he doesn't need a faction. He's already over as is, as evidenced by his crowd reactions. In fact, he may be the most over heel on WWE programming today! This "*expletive*, *expletive*, *expletive*" we've been getting has been very good, especially since the Rumble. Only someone who's jaded and heads into a show expecting the worst can't see that.

I can't wait until November is over and she loses again where we can hopefully move back to a more productive WWE and remind people of how good it once was.

To the person I referenced above, whomever you may be(;)), why are you still watching a show you expect to be crap until November? I don't watch shows I find to be garbage, I'm not sure why anyone would. Unless I was being paid to do so, it would be illogical.
#3 - IF Johnny Ace is going to be here, there better be some sort of new faction forming and Vince or Stephanie or someone needs to be involved. I know that WWE is being pussy crap righ now because Linda is running for office again, but damnit we as fans deserve better than the crap being thrown our way just because she wants to run for office. I can't wait until November is over and she loses again where we can hopefully move back to a more productive WWE and remind people of how good it once was.

Quickie armchair booking: Vince/Steph/HHH get cranky with Ace because he's starting to assert a stranglehold on Raw through his manipulation of the Board. Ever since WWE went public, the McMahon sway has gradually diminished and the Summer of Punk was what allowed Ace to finally assert control and steal the company out from under the McMahons.

While Vince and Steph are board members, they are the only ones who are anti-JL. Everybody else (Linda allusion here, though obvi no screen time) is enraptured with Ace because he's so good at sucking up to them.

Jeritroll turns out to be part of Ace's posse (along with Brodus Clay and someone else) They represent a corporate vision of Raw, whereas Vince/Steph want to return to McMahon control. Of course, this books Vince/Steph/HHH as sentimenal, and you'd want to avoid that. This is done by having Ace + the McMahons tango over CM Punk's allegiance and his WWE title. Of course, Punk remembers how awful Vince was, thinks both suck and wants an actual impartial, fan-first GM (Foley? JR?)'d make more sense than most of what we get.
Trying to work out how I feel about this. The fan side of me is screaming No, they should of fired him he sucks. but then the logical side is saying well duh, He's supposed to be hated and make you feel that way.

Obviously this will lead somewhere and I'm interested to see where it goes from now. He can't play the "I have seen the errors of my ways" card for much longer and he will stuff up again.

I'm also glad he didn't get fired just yet as we still haven't worked out who he has been texting so it would be another dead storyline. Hopefully it all begins to tie together before Wrestlemania.
I'm not surprised by this. I don't think anyone could really expect Big Johnny to be "fired" by the WWE Board of Directors in this storyline.

I like the guy quite frankly. The role that he's playing is perfect for him. He's a soulless, backstabbing, corporate kiss ass that loves being in charge and will do whatever is necessary to stay in power. As for him being bland, well isn't that part of the point of his character? He's a corporate drone, it's easy to dislike corporate drones. He draws massive heat from the fans, which helps them get behind the faces that are in his path even more, and that only makes them want to see him get what he deserves all the more.

His character is a great heel. You're not supposed to "like him" because he's not trying to be the highly overused "cool heel" running around.
I'm also glad he didn't get fired just yet as we still haven't worked out who he has been texting so it would be another dead storyline. Hopefully it all begins to tie together before Wrestlemania.

Did I miss something? I might have so please let me know, however, is this an actual story line? I've seen quite a few people asking about this and I don't get it. I mean I've seen him texting plenty, I just always thought it was supposed to make him look busy, and like he has more important things to do than care about whats happening on RAW (like when he sat at ringside for Punk's match, then screwed him). There may have been a segment I missed or something, but I never thought of JL texting as anything more than him breathing.
I am happy they didn't "fire" him as GM! I think he is working out awesome as the squirrely back-stabbing pompous GM! I see him costing Punk the belt at the Elimination Chamber to set up a Jericho/Punk match at WM28.

I can also seeing him force HHH into a match at WM with the Undertaker.

Love him or hate him 15 minutes of Laurinatis is better than the 2 hours of Cole.
It was too obvious it was coming when Trips made a very very clear point that the board was evaluating him.

It's just going to lead to the power struggle at WM. We'll see a representative for both men.... god I hope we don't see Otunga being integral to this.

His voice turns me off the product, I'm ok with the corporate brown nose gimmick, I just can't stand listening to a walking add for lung cancer every week.

I do really wish they didn't put this on for cheap clicks, I hate having to go outside of watching the product to see storylines evolve.

His texting is actually him twittering btw, you know, when you watch RAW "Twitter Twitter, trending Twitter, Facebook, Twitter, oh, and TWEET" is about half the product now.
I am happy they didn't "fire" him as GM! I think he is working out awesome as the squirrely back-stabbing pompous GM! I see him costing Punk the belt at the Elimination Chamber to set up a Jericho/Punk match at WM28.

I can also seeing him force HHH into a match at WM with the Undertaker.

Love him or hate him 15 minutes of Laurinatis is better than the 2 hours of Cole.

This may not be far off from what may happen as JL keeps trying to 'give the WWE Universe what they want to see'. Personally I'm hoping for JL vs. HHH where the winner is the 'permanent' GM of RAW.

With Chris Jericho locked up, Sheamus in the World title picture, Kane possibly against Zack Ryder, where would that leave Undertaker though? Also Miz and R-Truth may have something going there as well so we can't force feed the Miz in him so that would probably only leave Wade Barrett who could really get put over in a loss against the Undertaker (then again, they could have Barrett vs. Orton as well).

It looks like HHH will be forced to face the Undertaker. Maybe we'll have JL vs. HHH at a later PPV.
im not sure what to think yet, i think most of the reason everybody likes the character is because of him and Punk, cuz everybody enjoys watching them 2. but i wanna see what Johnboy does when he's not dealin with Punk. Then ill decide.
I had a feeling something like this would happen. I do wish it had gone differently just because I wanted to see Johnny Ace end up attackin CM Punk in the ring after some amont of time AND I don't want to see Taker vs HHH AGAIN. Seriously wished it would have gone differently but I think as so many people have already said, that Ace is just too good of a heel to get what's coming to him- yet.

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