WWE Releases - Keep It All In Here!

DH Smith - No surprises there, WWE have tried some ways to use him including that ridiculous cowboy hat gimmick but still couldn't get over and is ridiculously bland. Gone for quite sometime which usually means he is going to get released.

Vladimir Kozlov - Pretty surprise at this one, he has been on TV consistently for quite sometime and got some pretty solid reaction during his time with Santino. Although he couldn't get over himself but someone his size is very useful in getting another person over in terms of credibility like they did with Mark Henry.

Chris Masters - No surprises here too. Not sure why WWE brought him back from the beginning, have not done anything with him since they rehired him. Stuck at superstars hell and did not look likely to get back so that's a sign right there.

Melina - Very surprise here and angry at WWE for this. She's easily one of the best diva they have in the roster and one of the very few that could wrestle, tell a story, garner a reaction and play a character unlike those bimbos they have in their roster. WWE already weakened their diva division a lot by firing Mickie James and now Melina. Natalya, Beth and possibly Tamina are the only divas left right now that can go in the ring. Poor poor decision.

Gail Kim - No surprises. Same as Masters, WWE did nothing with her since they brought her back except that stupid Danielson girlfriend storyline. Apparently she asked for her own release which is perfectly understandable.

Overall thoughts: WHY IS TYLER REKS STILL EMPLOYED OVER ALL OF THESE WRESTLERS WHO ARE EASILY FAR BETTER? If more releases are coming, I'm REALLY hoping Hornswoggle would be released next.
I kind of got the feeling Melina would be gone because it seemed she was in the doghouse with creative.Her attitude might have got her released and that's a shame.She wasn't getting much airtime much less individual feuds plus her relationship with Morrison might have been a distraction.
Just watched NXT there and Kozlov gets a clean win over JTG. Where is the logic here? Surely if he's leaving the best idea would have been for him to put over JTG.
And Masters just put on an absolute wrestling clinic with Swagger on Supeerstars. Masters is one of the best in ring guys the WWE have/had. Creative are idiots for ahving nothing for him.
DH Smith just never really peeked anyones interest... looking at the Hart Dynasty, Tyson Kidd was cleary the one securing interest in that team, Smith I am sure put plenty of effort in but he was just to uncharismatic to go any further....had to go

Masters: is a bit boring in the ring but not bad, had a look and was very strong on the mic...But there is no room in current product for him nowadays... his best days were when he was facing off against shawn michaels at PPV.. I don't think they should have dropped him as there was potential for better work but it would have remained bit work....better off going.

Koslov's comedy only worked becuase of Santino... but Santino is too popular and charismatic to remain with him longterm...a Santino/Browski tag run in the offing, they tried to test Koslov as a solo humour act on NXT. it didnt work... had to go

Gail Kim....WWE missed the boat on her this time, the fact we never got a one on ppv of her vs Beth is pretty shocking...Her mic work was never great though wqhen given the shot... appears she is happy to go.

Melina...I have liked Melina from day one....Her wrestling ability is among the best in the women's division and her technique to scale is among the best in wrestling period...They lost Melina turning her face... she is good on mic... but an awesome superbitch type character as a heel.... she drove MNM, had one of Trish Stratuses most memorable ongoing feuds, had a high profile story with Mick Foley... to be honest in the last year I would have moved her away from wrestling back into managerial as it is a forte... managing a Tyson Kidd, a Drew MaC even a Miz.... she is very good at it...her attitude seems to be a problem and thats fair enough.. taking on creative over Trish while I think is fair in one regards... that Trish left the wwe years ago and while loyal should not be showing up just for the marquee events like WM... it was a really silly move politically. I hope she comes back.. once she has had an attitude check maybe she will but we shall see... sad to see her go...

who goes next.... Yoshi Tatsu...has to, cannot get beyond Superstars and NXT, never really has...Rosa Mendez...i cannot uynderstand why she is still there... Tamina...done very little with plenty of airtime....Swagger... has to be careful, i dont think I have seen a de-push from a former heavywight chasmpion as severe as this in a long time...Kelly Kelly... a disgrace to the divas division... looks great but no personality, little skill, she is very bland give people like Bellas, Alicia Fox, Maryse, and Eve... not all great wrestlers but they try very hard to ensure they have an aittude about them,
Well personally Chris Master release is not surprising they would never push this guy at all so why have him. However, Kozlov release is dumb he should have never being made a face to begin with he was fine as a heel they should of made him a WWE champion when the title was on smackdown it would of been huge for them internationally and then if they were smart feuded him with Cena he had everything an international heel needed big in size great in the ring and speak his language on the mic that's all he needed they gave Sheamus such a big early push when they should have just done it for Kozlov dumbass move once again WWE.

Melina release sucks too and its because the current Diva champs sucks as a wrestler and as a good looking chick. Melina looks better and is an overall better wrestler Kelly sucks she is the worse diva champion I have ever seen. They need to give the belt back to Eve at least she looks better and is better in the ring Kelly just plain old sucks their is not much you can say about her but that she sucks. Last but not least the WWE once again missed out on a big opportunity with D.H. Smith he should have been another british bulldog or just called Bulldog DH Smith it made perfect sense since he is more canadian than british just plain old Bulldog would have been fine he could have been big as well. Sometimes you have to go to basics with certain guys the British Bulldog was a popular wrestler now I know Randy Orton has his own gimmick and legacy but he sat under HHH and Flair that's how became big. D.H. Smith could have done the same thing. Hopefully his time in Japan he will make a bigger name for himself and the WWE will feel salty in letting him go. Now here is a list of guys who should of been released because they suck and their gimmick sucks top of my list is Dolph Ziegler sucks in the ring and on the mic his finishers are even lousier that his wrestling ability, Ted Dibasie jr has been given too many chances and still can't make a name for himself its time for him to go,

Evan Bourne is another wrestler who doesn't belong anymore he has no fans and can't get over for a win time to go, Mason Ryan he is so big and so sloppy he needs to be dropped plus to the side effect as a finisher for such a big guy makes him look ******ed get rid of him. JTG another waste of time and energy paying his crime tyme gimmick is now officially washed up and not usable anymore he should be R-Truth's lacky right now if they wanna do anything with since they won't he has to go.

Last and certainly not least Alex Riley needs a pink slip he sucks in the ring and sucks on the mic he is not a maineventer nor is he good enough to be on the mid card this NXT has been needs to go just because he helped Miz doesn't mean anything get rid of this piece of trash. In closing the release of Melina, Kozlov, and Smith don't make sense when you have people on the roster who suck and need to be cut already!!!!
I wonder how Zack Ryder will go about his dads' relationship with Melina now on his YouTube show.

Also, the only person they underutilized IMO was Masters. I remember NYR06 he was in the main event, WWE should've done something with him then instead of firing then rehiring him, now firing him again. That was over 5 years ago, he could've been something by now.

Oh well, obviously not.
Good riddance to Vladimir Kozlov. I think WWE realized how bad this guy was when his match with HHH at Survivor Series a couple years back was receiving boring chants. His comedy role with Santino was as far as he ever should've gotten.

Not sure why they even brought Masters back in the first place if they weren't gunna do anything with him. I always thought the guy had potential but he never seemed to utilize it properly. He has a good in ring presence, his mic work was decent and while his in ring ability wasn't great it wasn't unbearable either. Not a big loss to the WWE at all, but I felt like they could've done more with him.
I wonder how Zack Ryder will go about his dads' relationship with Melina now on his YouTube show.
LOL. I've been wondering the same thing. But this kinda reflects what a sorry state the Divas' division is in. I care more about that than any other in-ring Diva storyline.

Melina was a bit of a surprise. I guess her attitude problems that supposedly have been an ongoing problem have finally caught up with her. Or who knows why. She'll probably be a queen in TNA (if that's what she chooses).

Chris Masters. Frankly I never saw it. His matches bore me, his finisher annoys me. Some claim his mic work is great - maybe I haven't paid enough attention, but I can't remember a single memorable promo. When they fired him the first time I was actually glad to have this guy stop wasting air time. Now, during his second run, he got considerably less attention and was only a jobber, so he wasn't as annoying. Nonetheless this is one guy I personally won't miss. In real life interviews he comes across as a genuinely nice guy, so I feel bad a good man lost his job, but I won't lie and say that made me a fan of his work.

Vladimir Kozlv. About time. Seriously. They tried giving him a monster push early on. It worked for about 2 weeks. After that the benefit of a doubt had run out. His promos were atrocious, his charismatic appeal pretty much nonexistent. His athletic ability was at times impressive, alas that alone doesn't spell success. Just ask Shelton Benjamin. He just lives in the wrong time period. Imagine this guy had entered the scene in the 80s! He would have been Hulk Hogan's evil communist arch nemesis! Back then he would have been a huge hit. These days no one gives a hoot that he's Russian. "He's from Russia? Whatever, good for him. What, he hates America? Well, who doesn't? BOOOORING!"

DH Smith, or as Miz once aptly called him: The Baby Bulldog. He didn't get a lot of mic time, so I can't really say anything about that. His wrestling was mediocre, his charisma nowhere to be seen. I think they made a big mistake by stressing the Bret Hart-side of his family. Some guys can't pull off wearing pink. Big muscle-bulging guys with faces of infants can't do it. If they had to associate him with his family tree, why not pay hommage to his old man instead. (Granted, the "British-Canadian Bulldog" is a terrible stage name.) At either rate, this is another guy I won't miss.
The only one I was surprised by was Chris Masters...I realize he hadnt been doing anything, but they couldve given him something to work with....I guess the bad thing was that he hadnt really connected with the audience on an entertainment level yet...something he mightve lost while working in Japan. DH Im not surprised by bexause I hadnt seen him since last year, plus he would do better in Japan anyways...Melina and Gail were pretty outspoken on how bad they were being used, plus they werent being used....Kozlov Im surprised because he was just on NXT and SD last week..I wont miss any of them besides Melina
LOL. I've been wondering the same thing. But this kinda reflects what a sorry state the Divas' division is in. I care more about that than any other in-ring Diva storyline.

I agree with the Divas' situation... But it won't be helped when you release talents of this level, & have Kelly defending the belt.

The only male release I am truly surprised by is Smith. I've long believed 2 members of "the Hart Dynasty" had talent, & they got rid of 1 of the 2.
The following have been removed from the FCW roster page:
Bobby Dutch,Colin Cassady,DeSean Bishop,Jason Mullen,Leroy Parks,Cameron Lynn, Sonia(Girlfriend of Jerry Lawler), and the most surprising is definitely Lucky Cannon. I don't believe that they got rid of this guy. What are your thoughts?
I liked Kozlov because I found him entertaining, and am sorry to see him go. Melina was entertaining, as well, but I'm not terribly upset to see her go. I haven't seen much out of Gail lately, but that's probably why she left, so I can understand her desire to leave.
who goes next.... Yoshi Tatsu...has to, cannot get beyond Superstars and NXT, never really has...Rosa Mendez...i cannot uynderstand why she is still there... Tamina...done very little with plenty of airtime....Swagger... has to be careful, i dont think I have seen a de-push from a former heavywight chasmpion as severe as this in a long time...Kelly Kelly... a disgrace to the divas division... looks great but no personality, little skill, she is very bland give people like Bellas, Alicia Fox, Maryse, and Eve... not all great wrestlers but they try very hard to ensure they have an aittude about them,

Yoshi deserves a push really. He's a good in ring talent and he can represent Japan for the WWE.

If Swagger got released I'll be pissed off he's one of my favorite guys and I liked seeing him on RAW again on Monday although he lost to Cena.

Kelly Kelly bland with no personality but apparently Eve has personality? Atleast Kelly is over so is Maryse but Eve and the rest well what can I say the crowd can't give a shit about them and neither do I because the WWE don't treat them seriously though I think the personality part is on Eve she's just so boring to watch everytime I don't know why her presence is just boring I'm definitely not a fan of her I mean it's sad the only time the crowd gave her a reaction was when she was being attacked by Kharma and they were cheering for her to get destroyed. Plus I don't like her look that wonder woman thing is just bland you want a disgrace to the Divas division look no further than Eve.

But I really hope Swagger doesn't get released he's a great talent.

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