WWE Raw to become 3 hours long every week


Is a thin rope
@JohnCena said:

Yes, I did go to the Nick Paglino school of journalism. But yeah, this is apparently happening.
PLEASE let this be the pre show they've been talking about. Three hours is WAY too much every week.

How long does Raw overrun every week? 20 minutes? Considering that the extra hour is probably to absorb those 20 minutes, I wouldn't say it's too long.
Hey this could help to develop a midcard. Let's stop being smarky for a moment shall we?
Since Smackdown! is about 40 minutes of Raw highlights, really this allows more people from that brand to get air time. With the fading out of brand separation this has become almost necessary. Too many 2 minute squash matches and such. Not to mention the countless "where was Beth Phoenix this week?!!!" posts.

Being live though, it's still going to overrun though :lmao:

I for one see no problem with this.
Pretty much calls time on the brand extension, finally. No point in having separate rosters if one gets 50% more exposure than the other.

Makes you wonder if it'll just be more of the same or they'll give the extra hour a specific theme?
I love it... if it means that the midcard gets more exposure und not 100 additional replays of what happened five minutes earlier in a sitdown.
Smackdown is fine if it's live on Tuesday night. I just said this in the Impact thread, taped shows, where piped in crowd noise is the norm, can fuck right off. I love the Tuesday Smackdowns.

If they go three hours, they really need to kill the brand extension, or make the Brand Extension exclusive again. One or the other, there really is no need to bleed the two brands together.
Why are we comparing to WCW though? It's a differant period and a diferant company.

That's true. The wrestling industry was much hotter back then and people wanted to see it more. So now we're going to add more of it when there's less of a demand for it? That makes little sense.
Fuck pre-shows. I mean WWE doesn't have the first clue how to properly use the TV time they have now, but fuck pre-shows.

This news means nothing to me. Give me a third hour of Impact or a second TNA show and I'll be happy.
LOL @ WWE actually putting some actual time, thought, and effort into the mid-card. If they had a 6 hour show they wouldn't do that.

People just need to accept that WWE's formula will continue to remain the same for quite some time. You'll have the big main event (Cena vs. whoever), the champion vs. somebody, one upper echelon storyline that's there to progress a guy to challenge Cena or the champion (see Big Show vs. Cody Rhodes), and the rest of the show is filler with meaningless tag matches, diva matches, and a random mid-card title match here and there.

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