WWE Raw LD Is With Dragon on 6/14

Not sure how I feel about that. Miz as US champ again? For what reason? He doesn't need the title at all, whereas a guy like Truth does. Bit of a silly decision there if you ask me, they should be preparing Miz for the main event, not solidifying his place in the midcard.
God Randy Orton would not know how to be a face if fuckin' Dusty Rhodes himself gave him lessons.
What a shitty promo. Why do people like him? John Cena would have probably said the exact same thing if he was in Randy's position, just with about 500 times more energy.
He just said what he knew people wanted to hear...this is why Randy sucks as a face,he doesn't know how to be one
Oh my motherfucking god. He does the same promos he did as a heel that he does now? Holy fucktards, did you hear the reaction he got? I dont give a fuck if its what they wanted to hear. The guy is so god damn hot right now you could call him the sun.
Really, you think so? That was the same exact promo he's cut for the last 3 years. He cuts the same promos as a face as when he was a heel.

Well, duh.

He's not suppose to be a mega face who says and does the right things, would you like him to make silly jokes? Or perhaps you'd like to have him turn red and yell with "passion" like Cena?

He's a tweener, he's not supposed to be a happy-go-lucky face.
Props to whoever said a while ago that soon enough people would start bitching about Randy being face.

Basically what profit said, it'd be stupid if he jumped up and doing in his promo exuding as much energy as Cena does. That isn't his character.
That must mean Matthews is the leader of NXT...

What's interesting is that it would make some sense. He could still be bitter about losing Tough Enough and could see where the rookies are coming from.

It make a hell of a lot more sense than Cole being the leader...

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