WWE Raw LD Is With Dragon on 6/14

Seeing Zack Ryder get hurt never gets old for me. There's just something about seeing a guido get his ass kicked.
Ryder's half tights.....they make me feel unbalanced......I WANT TO WEAR A TIE NOW!!!! FIRE HIM BEFORE MY MIND IS WARPED BY THEM!
Yeah, I'm motherfucking angered. Danielson reference and him being shown kicking cena's head in...yet i have to wait 87 days?? that's a lotta days, right there.
It's a 90 day no-compete clause. Just means he can't show up in TNA until after 90 days.
I hate how the Raw commentators never refer to Morrison's spring-board kick as The Flying Chuck. That's the greatest name for a move ever.
Except Meltzer really has no idea what's going on, and was so confused at one point that he mistakenly gave out his sources, realized his mistake, and edited them out 5 minutes later.

You do realize that what you're accusing Meltzer of (having no idea what's going on or what he's talking about) is quite literally exactly what you're doing right now, right?
Fuck yeah son! First mark out I've had in a while for someone winning a scripted match. Hopefully the build up for the Miz to be a main eventer now begins soon.
Demonstrating the 25% chance for the main event on Sunday.

Nice to see title changes outside of PPV's - think we should see them slightly more frequently.
He missed it AGAIN! I can't remember the last time I've seen Morrison hit that move cleanly.

Also, Miz wins it again? Dammit that's angering! Good move by the WWE, but not what I was hoping for. Miz gets the best heat without the belt, but still manages to get even more with it.

Good match though.

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