WWE Raw LD Is With Dragon on 6/14

Wow, fuck whatever projects the WWE films department was planning, they need to make that Big Show trash-guy movie right now.

Also, why doesn't the guy who play's this Mark guys brother get more work? I freaking loved that guy as the stoner-genius in Road Trip.
God, Ted really needs to start doing something meaningful instead of screwing with the Guest Host. If this keeps up, he'll be as bad as the Bellas.
Wow, fuck whatever projects the WWE films department was planning, they need to make that Big Show trash-guy movie right now.

Also, why doesn't the guy who play's this Mark guys brother get more work? I freaking loved that guy as the stoner-genius in Road Trip.

He played Aximili on Animorphs if you ever read the books.
Well, duh.

He's not suppose to be a mega face who says and does the right things, would you like him to make silly jokes? Or perhaps you'd like to have him turn red and yell with "passion" like Cena?

If Orton could cut a single promo even half as good as those that Cena cuts, he would be twice the star he is currently. Unfortunately he remains one of the most boring people on the mic in the entire business.

And last I checked "tweener" is a different role from "heel", right? So he should probably learn how to cut a different promo besides the same slow-talking "intense" shit he pulls every time he's handed a mic.

He's a tweener, he's not supposed to be a happy-go-lucky face.

Who the fuck said he should be? I'm not asking for him to be a "happy-go-lucky face", I'm asking for him to learn how to work a fucking match or interview as anything besides a heel correctly, or maybe cut a promo with even the slightest bit of emotion, passion, or creativity. Is that so much to ask for from one of your top stars?
So if they're all graduates and Tarver left first, does that mean he was the smart one that skipped a bunch of grades?
Oh hey, it's Cena. Looking pretty good too.

Cole: "...the first time we've seen him since the vicious NXT assault."

You mean the one that happened just last week, on the only show he's on?
So, is the consensus now that Danielson was legit fired?

Obviously they will be bringing him back, which is cool, sucks that he got canned though as i'm not sure even his momentum will last the 90 or so days till his return.
I really thing Big Show is terrific no matter what he does. He gets good heat as a heel, and gets laughs and cheers as a face, which, as Dusty Rhodes will tell you, is what being a face is all about. I hope he gets a heavyweight title run before he retires, but I doubt he will.
That was probably one of the better guest host segments I've seen. It was actually amusing and entertaining and not stupid and lame. And it didn't take much away from the show. Now of course we've got a match that'll take up time, but Show has done well in previous matches featuring celebrities so this shouldn't be bad.

And we get to see the in-ring return of Virgil! My inner early '90s child is coming out as we speak!
how do we know the guy will even come back, If the wwe where stupid enough to fire him oer something trivial, who says they will sign him after 90 days no compete clause is up?

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