WWE Raw LD Is With Dragon on 6/14

how do we know the guy will even come back, If the wwe where stupid enough to fire him oer something trivial, who says they will sign him after 90 days no compete clause is up?

Well, word is they didn't want to fire him, but felt they had to fire him.

I'm sure they discussed his return, my guess is that they will wait till this whole thing blows over, then have him return. Though thats just a guess.
Jericho's conflicted. Pretty soon he'll start interfering in random matches, painting himself, and picking up a hot diva.
That's the picture they show of John Cena? Him getting raped and a broken table? Not the John Cena I'm used to seeing.
It's part of his character, though. I admit, it does get a little boring, but it doesn't diminish his skills or the fact that he's one of the best superstars in the WWE right now.

What's part of his character? Being boring? That's definitely not something you want for your big tweener-face. And let's be honest, he's a face. He's about as much of a tweener as Stone Cold was in 1998.

He's a face now, which is exactly why he needs to stop cutting the same promo all the time Profit. This is what I mean about him being incapable of doing anything besides being a heel. He literally does not know how to get the crowd behind him via promo, and that's a skill he's definitely going to need in the future if he wants to be anything other than a career heel.

And I don't find Cena's promo's to be all that good, to be honest with you. And no, i'm not some Cena hating moron, I have a ton of respect for him. But you want to talk about someone having the same promo's, well Cena is a perfect example of that.

The difference being that the same promo that Cena cuts every week is actually a good and entertaining one that pumps the fans up and gets them emotionally involved in Cena's matches. Whereas Orton's promo that he cuts every single week has never been good and sends the majority of viewers to sleep.

I mean seriously, find me a promo where Cena doesn't start off calm and then go into a frenzy about respect and loyalty and all that. It's his character, like Orton's, to do so.

Cena is a face, and has been every time he's cut that same promo. It works every time. Orton is a face now, and is still cutting the same heel promo, and it hasn't worked once.

Are you kidding me? I have seen him have passion plenty of times in his promo's, perhaps not recently, but they have been there.

Show me then. Because I've never seen it out of Orton. The only "passion" he has is yelling when he gets angry. Which, again, is something he needs to change if he wants to be a face. You're kind of agreeing with me here whether you realize it or not about Orton not being able to work as a face...you yourself just said he's doing all of the same things he's been doing his entire career (which he has been a heel for about 99.9% of).
That's a turrible photo

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