WWE Raw LD Is With Dragon on 6/14

Wwe is burrying Jericho and all because of the ABC show...

Oh, he's lost a few matches as of late and you're accusing the WWE of burying him? It's probably because he's such a great heel that people LOVE to see him lose. I'm sure when people get bored of seeing him lose, Jericho will be back and better than ever.

On a side note, love the reaction Cena is getting, this is going to be a great moment tonight.

That's not turrible...:)
The Did You Know segments annoy me to no end. All they are is hype and ads displaying how big a company WWE is. I know they're one of the top rated shows on TV and their website gets a buttload of views. I don't need to be reminded every week. Ugh.
I feel like there are 4 guys sitting together booing. I didn't hear them during his entrance.
Cena's got this though, he can handle anything that the audience throws at them. I love when Cena poses with guys in Cena sucks shirts.
He has jobed 4 straight week and Big Show made him look like a mini me. It safe to say they are burrying him!

No it's not, it's just safe to say that you are a blind ignorant little mark. You don't know what you are talking about, at all. Losing is not jobbing. Jobbers get no entrance, get no chance to look good (which Jericho does in most every match you've cited), and get used once or twice before disappearing to WWE Superstars.

Fuck off.
He has jobed 4 straight week and Big Show made him look like a mini me. It safe to say they are burrying him!

Someone clearly doesn't understand what the term "burying" means. Pretty sure entrusting Jericho to put over and work with every single guy they want to push is the exact opposite of "burying" someone, it actually speaks volumes about the incredible confidence in Jericho's abilities that the WWE has.

There's a thread about this somewhere. Go read it.
The rookies saw how terrible last week's show was and decided to do something about it. That's why they did it, Cena.
What's part of his character? Being boring? That's definitely not something you want for your big tweener-face. And let's be honest, he's a face. He's about as much of a tweener as Stone Cold was in 1998.

Well, im a huge Orton mark, so I don't find him boring. But, with that said, I guess i'm biased on that.

He's a face now, which is exactly why he needs to stop cutting the same promo all the time Profit. This is what I mean about him being incapable of doing anything besides being a heel. He literally does not know how to get the crowd behind him via promo, and that's a skill he's definitely going to need in the future if he wants to be anything other than a career heel.

But he's not a face in the traditional sense, I do agree with you though that he should shake up his promo's and try something different. I can see how people who arn't huge fans of his already would find him stale, or boring.

The difference being that the same promo that Cena cuts every week is actually a good and entertaining one that pumps the fans up and gets them emotionally involved in Cena's matches. Whereas Orton's promo that he cuts every single week has never been good and sends the majority of viewers to sleep.

To some I suppose it's entertaining. I enjoy some of them, but others I find to be lame and over the top.

And your right, I suppose i'm not really arguing with you about your main point. His promo's to the non-marks are probably boring and redundant. I get that, I do. I don't find them to be horrible though, sure some are lacking but not all of them.

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