WWE Raw LD Can't Wait For The Inevitable Santino Punk'd Skit on 5/31

At Samoan wrestling school the first thing they teach you is how to do the Samoan drop, the second thing they teach you is to how to braid your hair.
I'm loving the Usos. I've been around Samoans all my life where I'm from and these guys are the Samoans of today. They talk like black people. They love to fight and they're people that you just don't fuck with.
Way to go Tag Champs. Just get owned by the new kids, when you're the ones that did the surprise run in.
Also, these guys rule, because they can look intimidating in sweater vests like these guys:

Yeah, that shoulder hug he did at the beginning of the show had to just be a sell for that door hit.

Is Orton the best seller of all time? I think so.
How many of you guys have actually met a Samoan? I know that most of you guys are from the South, England or the Midwest so I'm just wondering.

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