WWE RAW LD 6/13/2011 -

I own some shares...

Right, well, who here doesn't have WWE shares?

Besides, it would appear that the WWE is being wise and investing this time in promoting The Price is Right with the useless fuck divas.

And here come the actual useless fuck divas being useless fucks with their useless fuck theme music in an unprecedented useless fucks match. I've never seen so many useless fucks in one place and I've been to TNA house shows.
Is this really entirely fucking necessary?

And why the shit the de push of Maryse? One of the very few Female wrestlers to actually get over recently

OMG KAITLYN AND AJ <333333333333333333333333333333333
Screw the Price is Right, Forget the divas: It's L.I., can't I get at least one Ryder segment. Maybe it'll come before the Cena match.

Rosa looks a lot like a girl from school.
Seriously? The face team is SO much more stacked in terms of wrestling ability. In terms of hotness... it's a push, though Tamina might be a negative for the heels.

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