WWE RAW LD 6/13/2011 -

Punk vs. Rey #9000 at Capitol Punishment? Fuck year, I'm down. Give 'em 20 minutes this time though instead of 10.

thats exactly why im looking forward to it even though its #4564364

to my knowledge, they've never really had a lengthy match

their longest was probably around 15 min

give them 20-25 and you got a MOTY candidate, no doubt
Wonder if we're gonna see any Evan Bourne or Jack Swagger to further their brillliant feud.
I really hope they do some sort of segment with Stone Cold and Punk. I think a feud between those two would be incredible. The Straight Edge superstar against The Rattlesnake, the guy who comes out to the ring smashing beers and kicking ass. They are complete opposites. It's a shame they were in different generations.

In other news. If Rey beats Punk at CP, I will be more then pissed. I'm glad that Batista is kicking his ass right now.
This referee is a cuntbag and I hope he gets fed into a woodchipper slowly.

Good thing Punk didn't make it to the ring. Him and Christian in the same ring would have caused the universe to implode.
Christian's heel persona is tangible in the ring. I want to lick his forearms. Is that odd?

It would be odd if you didn't.

Oh and FUCK THAT DQ. I understand the booking, but I are still disappoint.
Rey Mysterio takes on CM Punk, Nexus, and Christian. Eat your heart out Hernandez, we all know who the REAL Super Mex is.

Cool after-match throw down. I'm still kind of annoyed that they cut the match off short though.
That guy's CM Punk: Role Model sign is really great. Sign-makers of the world, take note.

Orton's beard, you may be a powerful entity from the outer reaches of our solar system but even you are not powerful enough to stop Captain Charisma.

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