WWE RAW LD 12/27/2010 - Crying Over Spilt Diet Soda

Oh my God, that last shot with Punk and Nexus all raising their fists in the air. Chills.
This is a great move, if the WWE conveniently ignores the whole reason Nexus was started in the first place.

I'm fine with ignoring some details if it makes for good TV. As the old saying goes, why let facts get in the way of a good story?
If the WWE has forgotten, but when the nexus debut didnt they attack John Cena and CM PUNK?

Maybe Punk set this up in the first place, so hes the higher power of Nexus???!?!?!?
This is a great move, if the WWE conveniently ignores the whole reason Nexus was started in the first place.

They started because Wade Barrett had them bully their way to get contracts so they could help HIM become champion. That became damn obvious as time went on. That plan failed and Barrett did not treat them as the ONE that they were when the came in. Thus, the group has moved on to a leader they feel will treat them better. A leader who hates who they hate, but has more experience and is a better mind manipulator. Seems to make perfect sense to me.
I'd like to congratulate CM Punk for bringing back the weakest parts of the Nexus (you know... those not named Wade Barrett) with the Nation of Domination call-sign. Where was Ron Simmons to say Damn at the end of that?

Seriously, this will be intriguing going forward. Is the Nexus technically the new Straight Edge Society?
This is a great move, if the WWE conveniently ignores the whole reason Nexus was started in the first place.

Or the four or so members who have left who have not said anything about Punks involvement.

Is he leader or just a new member?
Hopefully they don't completely forget the whole reason of Nexus originally starting all the while keeping with its new management and ways.
I know this is falling on deaf ears, but can we please, please put the higher power thing to rest? Wade used to be the leader. Now Punk is the leader. That's how it was explained. That's how it always has been.
Good beginning and good end to RAW, not much going on in between. Not the best RAW in recent weeks, but next week's should be good with the Miz vs. Morrison title match and more insight into this new Nexus angle.

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