WWE RAW LD 12/27/2010 - Crying Over Spilt Diet Soda

I do all ze time! I just stopped using the Mr. Eko trip because many other people use it and I don't feel like getting into a Lost argument every time I post. My new trip is "paul denton !!pip1WMpU3R3", been using it for about a month or two now on there. Do you trip?

Ha, I was reading that thread earlier today, descended into an argument about whether or not Drew Bledsoe will ever make the Hall of Fame. As he was my childhood hero, I can only pray he does. People forget how good of a career he had and how high he ranks on alot of record lists. Shit he had more yards in his career than Joe Montana.

Or how Jim Plunkett doesn't deserve to be in the Hall of Fame or how Ken Anderson would have been in the Hall of Fame if he hadn't played for the Bengals.
I do all ze time! I just stopped using the Mr. Eko trip because many other people use it and I don't feel like getting into a Lost argument every time I post. My new trip is "paul denton !!pip1WMpU3R3", been using it for about a month or two now on there. Do you trip?

I trip during troll threads. I started an epic thread on /r9k/ that archived, pretending to be a previous contestant on Hell's Kitchen. It was an "Ask Me Anything" thread that people really got into. Then there was a thread that almost archived, from /adv/.

It's generally a different trip each time.

I create troll threads because they're interesting, and people really get into them.
is is THAT RARE for a chick to be in an LD or at a video game conference?

There's a few, but it's rare for a lot of the dudes that attend said conferences to have any freakin clue what to do with a woman. I'd guess the same about some of the guys here, though some I'm sure do just fine. It's a better crowd than the nerdery that is video games.
I rarely go on 4chan, except when I'm linked to specific threads. 420chan is my hangout, mostly on /wooo/ and once in a while /vg/.

420chan is my late-night hangout, occasionally I visit /wooo/ but most of the time I stick to the drug boards.

There's a few, but it's rare for a lot of the dudes that attend said conferences to have any freakin clue what to do with a woman. I'd guess the same about some of the guys here, though some I'm sure do just fine. It's a better crowd than the nerdery that is video games.

To be fair, seeing guys who, upon finding out their 10-man ICC raid has a woman in it, say "OMG, a girl! HIGH TECHNICAAALLLL!" is a lot rarer than it used to be.

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