WWE Ranks Their Top 25 Talkers of All-Time - Full Listing


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WWE Ranks Their Top 25 Talkers of All-Time - Full Listing
By Marc Middleton
May 26, 2012 - 7:46:21 AM

- WWE has ranked the top 25 all-time "Masters of the Mic" on their website. Here's the full listing:

25. Captain Lou Albano
24. Rick Rude
23. Santino Marella
22. Ted DiBiase Sr.
21. The Miz
20. Jesse Ventura
19. Triple H
18. Paul Heyman
17. Edge
16. Vince McMahon
15. Billy Graham
14. Mick Foley
13. Hulk Hogan
12. CM Punk
11. Randy Savage
10. JBL
9. Bobby Heenan
8. Dusty Rhodes
7. John Cena
6. Jake Roberts
5. Chris Jericho
4. Ric Flair
3. The Rock
2. Roddy Piper
1. Steve Austin

Wait no HBK?? but there is HHH on this???

Not sure about this list.

John Cena over Macho Man, Punk, Bobby Heenan, & Dusty???

Cena #7? Really? Really? Really??? REALLY! I am sorry but when you have Dusty Rhodes, CM Punk and Bobby Heenan behind Cena the list has no validity!

Also Kurt Angle, Undertaker, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, HBK, Mr. Perfect, are missing from this list. Yet Miz and Santino are on it? and where the FUCK is Jim Cornette!! I can accept Bobby The Brain Heenan.. but if on the WWE Greatest Managers DVD had Bobby the Brain at #1 and Jim Cornette at #2.. then why isn't Jim Cornette on here yet Captain Lou is????? (don't get me wrong I loved Captain Lou as a kid) but this list seems all over the place.
No way is Austin number 1. Possibly top ten, not top five and nowhere near 1.

And HHH is a better talker than HBK hands down.

I think my top five would probably be, in no particular order:

Piper, Flair, Rock, Heenan aaaaand Savage?
Dusty, Flair, Rock, Piper, and possibly Austin...they round out the top 5. Chances are, you could make points for anyone of them being the #1 spot and be justified in doing so.
No one works the mic like Austin. In fact, I don't think anyone is even close.

The rest of it works, I guess. I'd take Santino and Miz (excuse the echo), drop both of them, and add Scott Hall and William Regal.
HBK was incredibly average on the mic. No reason for him to be on this list. This list isn't that bad. Give me Cornette and it's solid.
My list of the Greatest mic-talkers would be this :

25. Captain Lou Albano
24. Rick Rude
23. Billy Graham
22. Dusty Rhodes
21. John Cena
20. CM Punk
19. Kevin Nash
18. Scott Hall
17. Randy Savage
16. Mick Foley
15. Vince McMahon
14. Bobby Heenan
13. Shawn Michaels
12. Ted Dibiase Sr.
11. Jake Roberts
10. Paul Heyman
9. Edge
8. Jesse Ventura
7. Hulk Hogan
6. Steve Austin
5. Roddy Piper
4. Chris Jericho
3. HHH
2. Ric FLair
1. The Rock
Another HBK mark trying to make him better than he was. Okay, when it comes to mic skills, HBK had little. His greatness comes from telling the stories through post match attacks, matches themselves, and everything else besides talking. Sure, he does okay... but he's not the best.

This list is great. If you compare them to the reactions of the crowds, it's not that far off. Plus, it's not like there's any real criteria to judge these things off of.
Who gives a fuck? It's like the list of the 50 Greatest WCW Superstars of All-Time, one guy was told "Make a list", and he did it. It's one guys sordid opinion.

Piper is first, anyone that thinks different can fuck themselves.
I'd have to say the top 5 would be Piper, Flair, DiBiase, Heenan, and I might get blasted for this, Slick.
- CM Punk and Roddy Piper both commented on WWE's top 25 talkers list:

Piper: "I don't know if this is true. Told the WWE put out a book of greatest mic men. Told I was not no.1. Lost the last piece of respect & cred. LOL..Before this petty who is best goes to far, cause I love them all. Imagine if the WWE would let Rock, Austin,Piper, Cena do a Pit! Magic. Simple. All there interviews were scripted! There lay the difference! "#2. The book is full of Sh*t. And everyone, including all the boys know it!"

Punk: "that list is a joke because Piper isn't number one. Typical WWE revisionist history/political favoritism."
1. Flair
2. Piper
3. Heenan
4. Heyman
5. Cornette
6. Arn
7. Jericho
8. Jake
9. Austin
10. Rock
11. Cena
12. Punk
13. Edge
14. Hogan
15. HHH
16. HBK
17. Savage
18. Nash
19. Vince
20. Dusty
21. Hall
22. DiBiase
23. Jesse
24. Christian
25. Raven

Honorable mention: Austin Idol didn't have any huge runs with WWF, but the guy was promo gold.
Who gives a fuck? It's like the list of the 50 Greatest WCW Superstars of All-Time, one guy was told "Make a list", and he did it. It's one guys sordid opinion.

Piper is first, anyone that thinks different can fuck themselves.

Piper may have been the original but the rock perfected the mic. No one in history can contol a crowd like dewayne can so you sir can go fuck yourself.
Where in the blue hell is Jim Cornette.

There is no Cornett = this list sucks

And I am surprised Edge is there? He was good, but not that good. Certainly not better than Heyman
I would say the list is actually pretty good. I'm perfectly fine with the top 5 although there are some I would put ahead of Jericho.

The list could use some cleaning up but that's my personal opinion.

Austin as #1 is the perfect choice and Piper at #2 is well deserved.

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