WWE Payback - Last Man Standing: John Cena VS Bray Wyatt


As of this morning, Cena and Wyatt will clash for the third time, this time in a Last Man Standing match. Reports from last week indicated that their feud might even continue past this but even if accurate, the potential impact of Daniel Bryan's neck issues MIGHT result in significant changes.

I wish I could say that I was excited about this match, hopefully I'll be pleasantly surprised, but I'm expecting what amounts to another handicap match. In my opinion, the huge level of interference coupled with Cena essentially overcoming all three Family members at Extreme Rules ruined the match. Aside from that, it also essentially pissed all over one of the primary reasons for the steel cage match itself: to prevent outside interference. With no cage around, you can almost bet that Harper & Rowan will make their presence felt here in a huge way. I get that heels are supposed to cheat to win, but it's counterproductive when the cheating is escalated to such a level that it makes every heel involved look ineffectual, especially if it's a 3 on 1 situation.
I'm not a fan of LMS matches. There's no flow to them once the frequent attempts at counting to ten start to appear.

Wyatt will get the victory. The stipulation puts a signpost that says it'll become 3-on-1 so Cena loses yet saves face.
I disagree with being concerned about this match. At this point, Bray Wyatt has been given enough rub by THE main eventer for the last 10 years to be considered a real competitor. John Cena has done everything possible within reason to put Bray over and it's worked.

The only problem that I see is that Bray Wyatt isn't in nearly good enough condition or nearly skilled enough in the ring for this type of match. Like I've said before, his psychology and storytelling are unrivaled in the current WWE, without a doubt. But his in ring skills are significantly lacking, which is why I think that the outside interference was so important at Extreme Rules. It isn't about protecting Cena, it's about protecting the character Bray Wyatt from being ousted as a terrible in ring wrestler. With all of the schmozing happening between the whole family and John, Bray Wyatt has to do very little technical work.

I'm hoping for some way to keep the outside interference to a minimum, but only in the capacity that doesn't ruin the Bray Wyatt character for good. In the end, I look for some interference, but not to the level that was at Extreme Rules. My prediction is Bray Wyatt getting another win here, and a cleaner win than Extreme Rules.
wow i actually predicted this one! LMS matches are sloppy at best,there really is no flow to them at all once the ref begins his ten count.. Its hard to predict a winner in this one,considering they are tied 1-1.

With Daniel Bryan's neck issues being undetermined at this moment,this bout could very well be turned into a hush hush No1 contenders match. I also suspect major interference from Rowan and Harper.. It kinda spoiled the ER match,i understand Heels cheat to win their supposed to do that.

Early winner prediction though will be Cena. Even with outside interference Cena will find a way to prevail!
So we have the stipulation that's supposed to prevent outside interference (but doesn't), followed by the stipulation that allows/encourages the maximum of interference. Yup, makes perfect sense. And yeah, as Jake says, the flow of these things is usually pretty awful. I hope they manage to make something good out of it - it's been a fine feud so far.

Wyatt shouldn't win clean, and obviously won't. Again there's no obvious winner here - it all depends on future creative plans, and probably what happens with Bryan's neck to some degree.
The only problem that I see is that Bray Wyatt isn't in nearly good enough condition or nearly skilled enough in the ring for this type of match. Like I've said before, his psychology and storytelling are unrivaled in the current WWE, without a doubt. But his in ring skills are significantly lacking, which is why I think that the outside interference was so important at Extreme Rules. It isn't about protecting Cena, it's about protecting the character Bray Wyatt from being ousted as a terrible in ring wrestler. With all of the schmozing happening between the whole family and John, Bray Wyatt has to do very little technical work.

I was starting to think the same way too. Why did his match against Cena have so much unnecessary outside interference? It really doesn't help anyone! It hurts Luke Harper and Erick Rowan, making the two goons look incompetent. It hurts John Cena, making the match looks fake as hell. And it hurts Bray Wyatt because it exposes how bad he was actually in the ring. I've also paid more attention to his tag-team matches, he (Bray Wyatt) should really start working hard on his in-ring ability. If he starts declining in popularity, there's no one to blame but himself, he has had all the help, he has had all the push, but ultimately, a gimmick is just a gimmick -- it gets people's attention, can he rely on just that alone?
Biggest problem with the way Wyatt is booked is he looks weak because Harper and Rowan help him out too much.

It's actually hard to see how this match benefits Wyatt in the long run. Only because he is facing Cena and Cena will let Wyatt throw him around like a rag doll for 90% of the match only to turn the match around in 2 minutes to win despite probably countless amounts of interference by Harper and Rowan.

This is Cena, Mr. Never Give Up. He won't lose a Last Man Standing match because not standing up after a 10 count basically means you 'gave up'.

Hopefully something happens in the match fairly early on where Harper and Rowan are taken out or thrown out or something where Wyatt is mostly one on one with Cena. Then it will help make Wyatt look fairly strong even if he does lose.

I'll be glad when this feud is over and Wyatt can hopefully move on to either lead Harper & Rowan to the Tag Team Titles and/or challenge Sheamus for the US Title.
LMS matches are a bit boring have no real flow to them. I always get annoyed when I know I'm just basically sitting there looking at the ref counting till 9 and knowing by that time both will always be up until a point. It also promotes interference which we had way too much of at Extreme Rules anyway.

Unless they get a little creative with it, I can almost picture the entire match just standing here in my booking-chair at home. Cena and Wyatt fight a bit, they maybe hit a few "big" moves on one another then out come Harper and Rowan and they will power bomb cena through tables or announcer's desk and he will always be up at 9. If Wyatt wins, it will probably be because they literally hit him with everything and the kitchen sink.

Now given Bryans' situation, I foresee Bray and Cena going at it a little bit longer. Though even before Bryan's situation, I thought that. Their feud just doesnt feel right ending now after everything that has happened. Although they will at their 3rd match soon, it still feels rushed to end it as the feud seems to have more life to it. It's kinda like the Shield where after a year and a few months, u would think they would split, but they still got shit to do.

I really hope this isnt just a clean cut 3on1 lms match.
I don't think the outside interference makes Wyatt look weak at all. Guys like Flair and HHH made careers out of being saved by their stables and no one ever said they looked weak. With Bryan being hurt I could see Cena getting the win here to position himself to fight for the title, but if everything stays as planned, and the strap stays with Bryan then I expect Wyatt to get the win here with a lot of interference.
The story of the feud is Bray has corrupted the minds of fans, so to win Cena has to turn them back and expose Bray, I'm not sure how that will play out in front of a Chicago crowd.

It's hard to guess where this will go, it could be another beating the odds win or it could be a 3 on 1 match that resembles the crucifixion of the Cena. I just hope it's closer to their Mania match in quality.
Well at the last ppv Cena manhandled all three and only lost because of a little kid. You can't help the Wyatts get over if they aren't a legit threat. Bray actually has to be able to go toe to toe with Cena or the fans will just see right through it. But I think it will be more the same either Cena wins cleanly or he loses in a way that still makes him look superior. Hopefully this feud ends here.
Odds on to see this at a 9 count

This is difficult to predict. Cena is Cena and him winning shouldn't never be thought of as an outside possibility. Bray should go over and be the dominant figure. Defeating Cena in a LMS match will be a big deal and hopefully this can be a good match.

The cage match wasn't great. It did it's job, and the ending was good, but it was nowhere near as good as the WM bout. Hopefully this can deliver but LMS matches are historically hit and miss.

If Bray wins, the ending is curious. They could have the entire family beat the crap out of him. They could continue the theme of the Cenation turning their back on Cena with that little kid costing him the match. They could have a draw but that would be tedious and lazy. Bray should win and hopefully it is in a convincing manner. If it wasn't for Bryan's injury then this would have been a good time for Cena to have a short rest but that is near impossible.
I can see where many are coming from with their feelings, but Bray never looked weak in this feud because this is SUPERCENA we are talking about. The cage match at Extreme Rulez was so entertaining because Cena just kept overcoming the odds despite the outside interference, but his kryptonite turned out to be a demonic child that he just couldn't push out of the way to win the match.

This feud is less about Bray winning or losing and more about Bray turning Cena to the darkside. It's a deep storyline with with subtleties and I've been enjoying it. The LMS match doesn't have to be 3-on-1 for two reasons. First, the Usos could show up to even the odds, and secondly the other memebers of the Wyatt family could be barred from ringside at some point.

Drunken Aviator, I will pop and think of this forum thread if Wyatt crabs out at 9 and I'm kinda thinking Cena wins this go around though it could go either way.
I think Raw may have given us a foreshadowing of how this match will play out. I can see Bray making Cena stay down for 10 by having Lawler or Nikki or someone of that nature in peril, requiring Cena to obey Bray or they get hurt. The humiliation aspect will be great heat for Bray.

This should be interesting. If Bray can get the win here without having to rely too much on the Wyatts and if there isn't a stupid ending like their last match, it would be huge for him. The Cena fan in me wants to see Cena defeat Bray once and for all, but the business major in me wants to see a new star be made in Wyatt. He needs the win more. It's a non-title match on one of the less important PPV brands. Cena gains next to nothing from winning here. While I'm a bit torn, I'll go with Bray Wyatt winning here. It's what would be better for business. The loss will not do any significant damage to Cena at all. I'd say it goes on in the second half of the show, but not the main event. The match should be able to top their last encounter, which I fully expect it to.

Bray Wyatt will defeat John Cena.
This is the way I see this match playing out towards the end.

The Wyatt's are going to do something that will destroy Cena, and the commentators are going nuts saying don't do it. This leads to The Usos coming out and helping Cena, taking out Harper and Rowan. Cena now has Bray to himself and has the advantage, playing into John Cena's unleashing of the monster idea Bray challenges Cena to finish him off (whether it be throwing him off a high place or something similar) and Cena doesn't do it until Bray does something to really get in his head. Cena then does whatever dangerous spot it is to Wyatt and wins, whilst the commentators question if Bray Wyatt has finally unleashed Cena's darkside.
I never expected John Cena vs. the Wyatts feud to still be unresolved....and, in fact, it now seems evident they've been keeping Cena off the championship trail in order to build up Bray & his country cousins......so while Cena will ultimately prevail in the feud, the result will provide a launching pad for Bray's career, not an end to his effectiveness.

Really, it shows how untouchable John Cena actually is in his line of work. He's so secure that the company can divert his attentions to a program like this, strictly devoted to furthering the career of someone else.....despite all the complaints we read on this forum about how he never helps push anyone. When he's done with the Wyatts, he'll still be John Cena, ready and able to tackle the next project, whatever it might be.

It's simply impossible to say whether this feud will be seeing it's resolution at the next PPV. If the company plans to continue it, Bray gets the win on Sunday.

Obviously, though, the program has to end some time, and when it does, the last laugh will go to Cena, albeit without destroying the future prospects of Bray & friends.
Tough one to call. John Cena always finds a way to overcome the odds and defeat insurmountable obstacles. Khali, Umaga, Brock Lesnar, Sandow during the MITB match, Triple H at Wrestlemania. The list goes on and on, so I'm sure he'll find a way to fight off or neutralize Rowan and Harper.

Although, I'll go with Bray for the win. He'll find a way to pull out another dirty trick to squeeze out a win, because when you're talking about Bray VS Cena, it's not about who's the strongest, who has more championships, or who's the top dog in WWE. It's an ongoing psychological battle between the two, and right now, Bray has the upper hand.

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