WWE Over the Limit 2011 LD – With Some Added Pomp and Circumstance

Did Booker T just say Cena has limited skill/ability?

Also, let's go Cena/Cena Sucks chants. I'll take back those 5 points crowd.
I'd love to see the reaction if they asked Cena and he said "Kind of yeah." And yes I know this will never happen. Just an amusing image.
Did Booker just say Cena had "Limited skills and ability"? Because I really wish I could have heard Vince's reaction to that.

Given half the things Booker T as said over the last few months as commentator, I doubt vince screams in his ear lol
lulz this is just a typical "whip Cena forever and he refuses to quit" match.

Remember the one against Orton, with the handcuffs? Passion Of The Cena? as it were
Being asked to do something which is clearly beneath them and would therefore never happen? Pretty similar.

If she wasn't in the public eye so much, she'd probably do it. As for Obama, nothing wrong with making an appearance at a wrestling event. Unlikely though as isn't he a Democrat and Linda a Republican?
The Miz: Alex Riley is going to slam these steel steps into your ribs.
Alex Riley (thinking): God dammit, these steps are heavy!

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